Chapter 33

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Ali and James linked their finger in between each others as they waited for Brianna's reaction. An awkward silence passed until Brianna finally spoke up.

"So, this was still going on while you were still her teacher?" Brianna looked at James dead in the eye.

James cleared his throat before he spoke. "Yes ma'am. I can understand how mad and shocked you must be. For what it's worth I am so-"

"Stop." Brianna cut him off before he could apologize.

"Mom please I-"

"Stop." Brianna shook her head and cut Ali off as well.

Ali and James looked at each other feeling defeated already. They were expecting this reaction but they were hoping that they could explain the whole situation. Now, Ali was beginning to understand what James was talking about. She began to worry when her mom wouldn't let them speak. Ali's mom wouldn't say anything and Ali began to think that she was just going to blow up at any second now.

Brianna sighed before she spoke. "I'm not mad. Shocked, yes but I'm not mad. I'm also not going to keep you guys a part if that's what you're thinking."

"You're, you're not?" Ali said shocked. She was waiting for her to yell at her but she got the opposite of that. James let out a breath of relief even though he was wondering why Brianna was being understanding of the whole thing.

"No I'm not. I would be a hypocrite if I did any of that." Brianna began to play with her hands nervously.

Ali furrowed her eyebrows and looked over at James who had the same facial expression. "What do you mean mom?"

"Do you remember what your father and I responded to you that one day that you asked us how we met and fell in love?" Brianna looked up at her daughter and bit her lip.

Ali looked away as she thought and looked back at her mom when she remembered. "Yeah, you just told me that you guys met in an awkward environment and that you fell in love unexpected. That's all you said right?"

"Yeah, that's all I said but there's more to it."

"There is? Like what?" Ali asked. James looked at Brianna carefully and paid attention to every word she said. He brushed his thumb on Ali's hand as Brianna began to elaborate on her statement.

"Your father and I...we met under the same circumstances that you did." Brianna choked out. "He was my teacher Ali. Your father used to be my teacher when I was a senior in high school." Brianna confessed and got extremely nervous about what her daughter's reaction would be.

Ali and James' jaws dropped at Brianna's confession. Ali couldn't believe it. She knew that when it came to their age, that her dad was slightly older than her mom but she never thought about it too much. Now, it made sense why the age gap was there. Ali didn't know what to say and neither did James.

"I attended high school in Los Angeles where we met and then after I graduated, I left with your father to Chicago; where you and your siblings were eventually born. We moved there so nobody would find out. He wasn't my teacher anymore but we still moved, not wanting to risk it. That's the reason why I am in no right to snap at the two of you or tell you to stay away from each other. I can't do it. I'm not saying I agree with it 100% but I will accept it as long as you promise me James, that you are serious about my daughter and you aren't just toying with her emotions. I need to know that what you two have is serious and it isn't just a fling...or whatever you call it."

"No ma'am. I have deep feelings for your daughter and we are very serious. I would never hurt her and I care for her a lot. Believe me when I say that we have been through a lot. Especially during her senior year but we managed to get through it together. Our love is strong and it's anything but a fling." James explained as much as he could to Ali's mom. He was on relief overload and was glad that she was taking it so well. Of course, he never thought her and her husband met the same way but he glad it happened that way. If it hadn't, he wasn't sure she would have accepted the relationship so quickly and easily. Needless to say, James felt like a big weight had been lifted off his shoulder. Ali was right. His Ali was right.

"Mom, how come you never told us?" Ali finally spoke up since her mom's confession. "Jonathan, Roni and me. Why didn't you guys tell us?"

"I don't really know how to answer that sweetie. We always thought we would feel awkward telling you and we agreed to only bring it up when we absolutely had to."

" I never imagined that. How..ironic that James and I met the same way. So, you're really not going to split us apart? You'll let us be together?"

"Yes I will. Do you love him Ali?" Brianna asked and pointed to James.

Ali looked at him and smiled. "Yes I do. With all my heart, mom. He's my everything. I've never felt this way about any guy before." James smiled and kissed Ali's forehead.

Brianna smiled at the interaction. She was glad that Ali had found someone who finally made her happy. They lasted a year and she was sure they would be together in the long hall. She was happy for her daughter. Even though she doesn't think teacher/students relationships are ever some cases you just can't help who you fall in love with. The same case with her and her husband John. "Then I'm not getting in the way. Just like you guys, your father and I dreaded the day someone found out and told on us. We got lucky and by the looks of it, so did you guys." Brianna smiled. "I can already so how in love you guys are. Plus to make things easier, James isn't your teacher anymore; and you're paractically an adult, and in college so nothing bad can happen."

"Thanks for the support mom and don't think I'm mad at you for hiding this from us. I know how scary it can be. I'm just glad that we understand each other. You have no idea how freaked out we were. Especially James." Ali laughed and James shook his head. "You don't know how much your support means to us. It's huge weight lifted off of our shoulders. It's what we needed."

"Yeah that's to be expected but sweetie, there's still your father, Jon...and Roni." Brianna alerted them. "Your father might be mad at first but he will come around soon enough after he realizes the similarities with us. Veronica on the other hand...I'm not so sure how she is going to take it."

James and Ali looked at each other knowing she was right. Ali's dad and Veronica were a different story. Veronica was obviously the one that they were worried about the most. Ali was afraid that Veronica wouldn't speak to her anymore and wouldn't want to be her sister anymore either. All three of them got startled when they heard the front door open. They all stood up as they saw Jonathan, Veronica, John enter the living room.

"Mr. Hetfield?!" Veronica shrieked and smiled.

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