Chapter 13

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"This is not something I expected from the two of you." Mr. Ulrich shaked his head. "You two have good grades and haven't had any behavior issues."

"We are really sorry Mr. Ul-"

"That's Mr. Ulrich to you!"

"Sorry, Mr. Ulrich, but she forced herself on me and-" He got caught off by Ali slapping his arm.

"Really Tommy?!" Ali started crying and Tommy rolled his eyes. It was true she started it but he didn't have to tell the principal to get her in more trouble.

"Alright, alright. Doesn't matter who came on to who. You're both getting punished the same. I'm gonna talk to your parents in the other room."

"You're such a jerk Tommy. Why did you have to blame it on me?!"

"Whatever Ali. Technically, it was you who started it. I just wish we didn't get caught.." He winked at her and laughed.

"I'm so done with you. We're over asshole!" She stood up and walked out. She could hear him laughing as she walked out. She couldn't believe what a jerk he was being. He was only being nice to get in her pants. She felt so stupid felt so stupid for falling for it. She actually cared for him as a friend. She knew she was sounding hypocritical because she used him but he was a jerk hiding behind the mask to get some. Ali was so over it. She heard a door flying open. It was her dad getting out of the room, with Mr. Ulrich trailing behind him.

As Mr. Ulrich approached Ali, all he said was "Suspended for 3 weeks." And walked away.


"YOU'RE GROUNDED! NO PHONE, NO COMPUTER, NO TV! GET UP STAIRS NOW. I DON'T WANNA SEE YOU FOR THE REST OF THE DAY!" John was livid once he entered the house with Ali. Brianna, Jonathan and Veronica who was left shocked.

Ali sobbed as she ran to her bedroom and slammed the door and locked it. She collapsed on her bed and let out all of her frustrations and hurt feelings into that pillow of hers. She couldn't believe that this was happening. Her dad nor the principal would believe that nothing happened. And Tommy's douchebag ways weren't helping. She got suspended for 3 weeks and everybody at school was saying she had sex with Tommy and that was a complete lie. She had intended to do so but she backed out at the last minute. She was hoping Tommy would be a man and tell everyone the truth but she doubted that now.

When the principal caught them, she admits, it looked bad. They were on the floor, half-naked making out but they never went all the way. The farthest they got was making out. She didn't touch him in that way and she didn't allow him to touch her that way either. She could never do that to James. Even if he did tell her he was going to sleep with Francesca, she could never do the same with James.

"Sweetie, can I come in?" Ali heard her mom's voice from the other side of the door. Ali got up and unlocked it then layed back down on the bed. Her mom came inside and sat on the bed. "I believe you Ali. You're my daughter and I would never doubt you. I know you would never lie to me. But, I am still disappointed at how far little you guys did go. You disrespected the school and broke the rules. What made you do this Ali?"

"I-I don't know mom. I guess it was one of those in moment things." Ali lied. She obviously wasn't going to tell her mom that it was to get revenge on her teacher, whom she had feelings for.

"I can understand that. I mean, you're still a teenager but you still have to responsible for your own actions."

Ali nodded. "How long am I grounded?"

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