Chapter 11

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"What?" Ali asked confused.

"I-I saw you with...Mr. Hetfield."

Ali eyes widened and she could feel her heart beating fast. It felt like it was going to jump out of her chest. Her breathing got heavy and she was shocked. "Kate, I-I...where?" She managed to choke out.

"When he drove you off last night. I saw you kiss him Ali. I was on the opposite side of the street walking my dog. You didn't notice me because it was too dark, and you were distracted, obviously."

"Kate, I-I don't know what to tell you..." Ali knew James drove her home was a bad idea. Now, they're in trouble. She couldn't ask Kate to keep it a secret. If anyone else found out, it would affect her too. She actually trusted Kate. She was the first friend she made and she remembers clearly what she told her when they met. 'I don't judge'.

"I wanna ask you something before I give my opinion on this. Remember, I don't judge." Ali sighed and nodded. "Is it serious or are you guys just in for know.. the sex?"

"What? No Kate! I swear to you that what we have is real and it's not just physical attraction. We have true feelings for each other. I promise to you that this is real. He's just not trying to get in my pants. He admitted to me that he has feelings for me. Like I do for him. I've never felt this way before. It's serious."

Kate nodded. "I won't tell anybody."

"What?" Ali was surprised.

"If you're telling me that this is real, I'll take your word for it. I trust you and you can trust me on this. You can't help who you fall for. I won't tell anybody. I just advice you guys to be more careful. Just like I saw, someone else can see and they won't take it like I am. Promise me you guys to be more careful."

"I promise Kate. You seriously have no idea how much I appreciate it. And I know James will appreciate it as well. I promise we'll be careful. That's why I asked Tommy to make it official and he did the same with Ms. Tomasi; so no one will suspect." Kate gave her that look. "I know it's wrong playing with them like that but we have no choice. If the time ever presented itself, we could let them down easily. Thanks so much, I love you a lot." Ali leaned it and hugged her tightly.

"I love you too Ali. That's what friends are for." They smiled at each other.

"You're the best."

"I know" Kate said confidently.


Kate was feeling a little awkward knowing what was going on but she would get used to it. She just hoped that Ali wouldn't get hurt. The last thing she wanted was for her parents to find out, and then rip her away from him, or worse, someone from the school finds out and Mr. Hetfield gets in deep trouble. Kate could tell he truly cared for Ali. Otherwise, he wouldn't be risking his job for her. And she could see the way he looked at her with eyes full of caring and truthfulness.

"Kate, do you know the answer?" Mr. Hetfield said. Kate didn't answer.

"Kate?" He said. Again she didn't answer. Ali looked over at her and shook out of her thoughts.

"I'm sorry Mr. Hetfield, The answer is Marshellian microeconomics."

"Correct." As Mr. Hetfield turned around to the board, he knew something was up with her. He made sure to ask Ali when he had the chance.

The bell rang and everybody cleared out of the classroom. The only ones left are Kate and Ali.

"I'll see you later Ali." Kate smiled at her and then to Mr. Hetfield, then walked out. When she left, James went to lock the door.

"What's up with her?" he asked walking over to Ali and kissed her on the lips.

"She knows about us. She saw us kiss when you dropped me off around the corner of my house last night." Ali answered sighing.

"What?!" James shrieked. "And you say it so calmly as if it's not a big deal?!" He snapped.

"Shh! Don't worry about it. She promised me she wouldn't say anything." She tried to kiss him but he pulled away.

James laughed sarcastically. "And you honestly believe that?! We're fucked Ali!"

"James stop. Yes, I believe her. She's my friend and I trust her. She knows what we have is real and she wouldn't do anything to mess it up."

"You haven't even know her to long enough to have her trust! I'm gonna lose my job!" He began to freak out and pace back and forth.

"James, you're being a little paranoid."

"That's easy for you to say. If we get exposed all you get is a punishment from your parents. Me, on the other hand, I could lose my fucking job!"

"You're being so fucking selfish." Ali was getting annoyed. She stood up and grabbed her bag. "If we get exposed, it's gonna be bad for me too. They will tear us apart and then I will have to move to another school. Plus, we're talking about 1 year here. Next year, I'm going to college and things will be easier on us. If Kate was to tell anybody, she would have by now. Please calm down. For me." She walked up to him and gave him the puppy dog eyes.

"Dammit, I can't even be mad at you..." James grabbed her and kissed her softly, while his fingers tangled her long silky black hair. He broke the kiss but kept his lips on her soft skin and went down at her jaw line, then to her neck, placing kisses everywhere. "If you say I can trust her, then I will. Like you said, if she were to say something, she would have by now" he whispered while kissing the back of her ear.

The pleasure going through both their bodies got interrupted by both of their cellphones going off. They both reached their pockets.

"It's Tommy."

"It's Francesca."

"I should go, he's waiting for me."

"Yeah, Francesca wants me to go to her class." He wrapped his arm around her and looked down into her eyes. "I'll text you later ok?"

She nodded. She leaned in and gave him a slow, long, sweet kiss. "Remember, no making out." She poked his abdomen.

"Same goes for you babe, I'll break him in half!" Ali rolled her eyes laughing.

"Talk to you later." Before she could walk out, she blew him a kiss, and he pretended to catch it. She laughed as she walked out and closed the door. She exited the school in search for Tommy. She then felt a pair of arms wrap around her shoulders. She turned around and it was Tommy.

"Hey beautiful." He kissed her cheek.


"Where were you?"

"I was asking Mr. Hetfield about an assignment I didn't understand." She lied.

"Oh ok." He smiled and leaned in to kiss her on the lips for the first time. Ali wanted to pull away but decided against. She shivered a little. She felt him poke his tongue out, asking permission to enter. Ali had no idea why, but she granted him access. He entered his tongue in her mouth and Ali raised an eyebrow. She wasn't necessarily kissing him full on hard but she kissed back for his satisfaction.

"Get a room!" They heard and broke the kiss and turned to see some freshman guys running away laughing.

"That wouldn't be a bad idea." They heared another voice and turned around to see Mr. Hetfield and Ms. Tomasi standing there. James with an unpleasant look on his face.

Oh shit! Come on. She yelled inside her head.

✓ | Mr. Hetfield, My Teacher. [Metallica: James Hetfield]Where stories live. Discover now