Chapter 20

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Oh my gosh!" Ali hopped off the desk and fixed her clothes. James did the same as well. "Kate, you scared the hell out of us!"

Kate shook her head. "I'm sorry but you guys are complete idiots! Ali , do you not remember what the fuck you promised me? You promised that you guys were going to be careful."

"I know but-"

"Making out on the desk with the door UNLOCKED is not being careful." Kate interrupted and glared at James. "You guys are so damn lucky it was me and not someone else. You guy would have been screwed!" Kate was whispering but still made her tone of voice go noticed as disappointment.

"We're really sorry Kate. It won't happen again. We really appreciate you keeping this a secret and we wouldn't want to get you into trouble either." James said appreciatively.

"Do you guy swear to be more careful?" Kate tilted her head. Both Ali and James nodded.

"Ok then. I forgive you guys but you better keep your promise. I really don't want you guys to get caught. To be honest, I care more about you guys than I do about myself and what could happen to me. You guys belong together and I would hate for anything or anyone to get in the way."

"Aww thanks Kate. Seriously, you're the bestest friend I've ever had. I don't think my friends back at home would wanna deal with this. Thanks for sticking by me. By us." Ali hugged her tightly then held onto James' hand. James gave Kate a big smile and hugged her as well.

"Anytime you guys. So anyways, what happened with Ms. Tomasi? I saw what happened at the dance." Kate asked curiously.

"Well at first Mr. Ulrich didn't believe Ali but then Mrs. Hammet confessed that she saw the same thing and that Francesca convinced her to pair me up with her so he fired Francesca."

"Good." Kate sighed in satisfaction.

"Yeah, and thank goodness because otherwise I would have gotten in trouble again." Ali chimed in.

"Oh, and another thing Mr. Ulrich suggested to me was that I get a restraining order against Francesca. That way she will leave me alone for good."

"That's a good idea. Are you gonna do it?" Kate asked and Ali looked up at him wondering the same thing.

"Yeah I am. It will help us be at ease. Just like Tommy, Francesca Tomasi is now an afterthought." James kissed Ali's forehead. All three of them smiled.

(5 months later)

"These college applications are such a drag!" Ali whined. She was currently at Kate's house and they were filling out their college application online.

"Yeah they are but we're almost finished." Kate encouraged. Kate had applied to the University of Chicago, and to other Universities in California, New York, and Florida. She had her heart set on UC and she wants her major to be business. "So, are you going to apply to UC?"

"I don't know Kate. That's the college I've always wanted to go to. You know, since I lived in Chicago, it wasn't that far away but now that I live in San Francisco, what if I get in? What happens with James and I? We won't see each other anymore. It's not like it's at the other end of the country but it's still not close enough for us to see each other everyday." Ali sighed and buried her face in her hands.

"Have you told James that you're even considering UC?" Kate looked away from her laptop to look at Ali in the eye.

"No I haven't. I've only told him about The San Francisco University. I'm afraid of his reaction. What if he gets mad?"

"He probably will at first but then he will realize that you have to follow what you want to do. At least, he better realize it."

"Yeah but he has his heart set on that I will go to SFU here and that we'll have more freedom. God knows we need more freedom. Ever since we got together, we haven't even gone out anywhere. Not that we could. And we both knew this when we started 'dating' but it sucks you know? That's why he has high hopes that I'll get into UC and we'll be able to go out. How am I gonna break it to him that I wanna go to UC?" Ali felt the tears forming already.

Kate got up and rubbed Ali's back for support. "I know it's hard Ali. You're basically torn between two. College or the guy you love. But if you honestly wanna go to UC, James is gonna have to accept it. You're love for each other is strong and it has overcome many obstacles already. I'm sure this time, it will be no different. You're relationship is anything but normal because he's your teacher and everything but again, you guys have overcome a lot."

"What if he gets angry that I'm even considering choosing a college over him? You have to admit that it sounds selfish." Ali was sobbing now. For weeks she had bottled up all her emotions about this and now they were finally coming out.

"It does but it doesn't. Both your personal AND professional lives are important Ali. Unfortunately SF doesn't offer the band courses that Chicago does. If you really wanna follow your dream, apply. If you get in..well...we will deal with everything else once it comes. First things first though, you have to tell James. Unless, you are gonna forget about UCand go to SFU." Kate explained to Ali as best as she could.

"I can't forget about my profession Kate. I'm gonna have to tell him." Ali wiped the tears from her face and tried to calm down. It was gonna be hard to tell James that she was considering UC and that if she would get accepted, that she would most likely go. But like Kate mentioned, they have gone through a lot and their love for each other has gotten them through it all. Ali was sure it would be no different this time. At least, she hoped. She grabbed her laptop and went to the UC application page and began the application process.

(1 hour later)

"Ok. I finished the application." Ali sighed.

"Good. So I know that for a band major you have to audition right? How is that gonna work if you're here?"

"UC have the people who are in charge of that to go to all major cities in the U.S so people from other states can audition. Thank goodness that they will have one here." Ali responded.

"Oh I see. When is it?"

"It's in about 5 in a half weeks." Ali said biting her nails nervously. She was nervous about a lot of things. James' reaction, her audition, her family, everything was taking a toll on her and the pressure was getting the best of her.

"Don't worry Ali. Everything is gonna work out. You'll see." Kate gave her a re-assuring smile. "And plus, if you do great in your audition and I get in as well, you will at least have me there with you." She tried to lighten the mood.

"You're right." Ali got up and hugged her best friend. "Well, I should get going. I'm gonna go tell my parents and then text James to tell him I wanna talk to him."

"Alright. Call me if you need anything ok?" Ali nodded and left.

Ali drove to her house and was thinking about everything all at once again. Before the tears could even fall, she rubbed her eyes. She managed to get home in one piece.

"Hey, I'm home!" she announced.

"In the kitchen sweetheart!" she heard her mom yell. She walked in and saw her family eating lunch.

"I didn't think you would be back for lunch. Do you want me to make you something?" Brianna asked.

"Please, mom."

"So, how did the college applications go?" Her dad asked.

"Good. I actually umm decided to apply to UC afterall." Ali bit her lip and looked down.

"Well sweetie, that's understandable considering that's your dream school. We'll be sadden of course to see you go but you'll be following your dream of being a professional guitarist and that's what's important." her mom smiled. Ali looked at her dad, brother, and sister who also smiled and showed their support. She hoped that James would do the same. Before eating lunch she sent him a quick text, letting him know that she was going over to his house later that night to talk to him about something.

(With James)

James grabbed his cellphone after hearing it vibrate. He saw that it was a text from Ali and opened it immediately.

AJ: Hey, coming over tonight. I gotta talk to you about something. Love you.

James: Ok. Love you too.

James put the phone down after texting back and furrowed his eyebrows. He hoped that it wasn't anything bad. He shrugged then went back to his laptop. He was looking at the page for the University of San Francisco. He was printing out some encouraging info for Ali about the school. If she was gonna go there, she had to learn everything about it.

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