Chapter 5

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Ali walked out with Tommy from their fifth period. Ali sighed. This was the time that she was dreading and she knew she would be dreading this time everyday.

Sixth period.

"Would you mind if I umm, walk you to your last period?" Tommy asked rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.


"It's okay if you don't want to. I was just offering and-" Ali placed her hand on his shoulder gently.

"I don't mind. Let's go." Ali accepted for two reasons. One, if she was planning on getting closer to Tommy to forget about Mr. Hetfield, she had to learn more about him. He was actually a nice guy and she wanted to be his friend even though she wanted more. It made her feel even more guilty for using him. Second, she wanted to show Mr. Hetfield that he had no affect on her. She wasn't sure what was going through his mind, but based on what happened during fifth period, when she place her hand on Tommy's arm, that look on his face, it made her realize that he was jealous. Making him more jealous wouldn't hurt. Would it? Ali wanted to confirm her suspicions.

They finally made it to the classroom and they stopped right infront of the open door. From the corner of her eye, she could see Mr. Hetfield sitting on his chair. "Thanks for walking me Tommy. I appreciate it." Ali smiled. She knew he was watching.

"No problem. I can walk you again tomorrow if you like." Tommy smiled.

"I would like that actually." Ali leaned and hugged him. The hug probably lasted longer than it should have. They finally pulled away and smiled at each other before waving goodbye.

Ali walked in, making no eye contact with him and sat in the same seat from yeasterday, directly infront of Mr. Hetfield's desk.

"Girl, who was that guy you were talking to? He's fine." Kate said turning her body to face Ali.

"Oh him? He's in my fifthperiod class. We just started talking today. He's so sweet. His name is Tommy." Ali said raising her voice just enough for Mr. Hetfield to hear. She heard a low crack and glanced over the teacher. He broke his pencil in half.

"Aww! You like him don't you? That hug wasn't just a regular hug." Kate scooted over and nudged Ali on the arm. Before Ali could say anything, the bell rang and as soon as it did Mr. Hetfield stood up.

"Ok class! We're actually gonna do some work today. Grab your books and turn to page 30. We are gonna start with the basic definition for Economics vocabulary. Search the definitions for every word that is on that page. I won't collect it but you do have to show it to me before class ends. You don't finish, you don't leave. Get started. Oh...and no talking." Mr. Hetfield glaced at Ali as he said that last sentence. AJ looked down before grabbing her book from under her chair. She knew he was pissed.

Why is he so mad? He's my teacher. I guess my suspicions are true. He likes me. Just like I like him.

Trying to do the work was agony. Finding definitions was probably the easiest thing they were gonna do in that class all year but Ali couldn't concentrate. Not with him staring at her every minute without making it obvious to the others.

Is he doing that on purpose just to get me to stay after class? No, he couldn't be.

The class was in dead silence until a voice was suddenly heard over the P.A. system. The main secretary let everybody know that the comic book club's first meeting that day was delayed until further notice. Ali looked up at Mr. Hetfield who just smiled at her.

Dammit James, you vowed to stay away from her and you're doing the opposite? Before class started, he called the front office and asked them to make that announcement.

It was as if both Ali and Mr. Hetfield's actions weren't matching up with their plans, or thought so to speak. They promised themselves that they would avoid each other but their actions were doing the opposite. It was as if they had no control of what they did. They were in trouble and they knew it. This plan of using Ms. Tomasi and Tommy probably wouldn't work for too long.

They both got snapped out of their thoughts when the bell rang. Everybody walked over to the teacher's desk and showed him their work. Ali looked down at her paper. She had one definition written down. FUCK! She looked around and noticed it was only her. Mr. Hetfield walked over to her desk a little too closely and glanced at her paper.

"One definition? Thinking about Tommy aren't we?"

Ali glared at him then continued to search for the definitions. She wanted to get out of there. This wasn't good. Mr. Hetfield suddenly snatched her pencil away from her hand.

"W-what are you doing Mr. Hetfield? I have to finish this otherwise I-I can't leave. Like you instructed." Ali looked up at him nervously. His precense made her nervous.

Mr. Hetfield had no control of his actions or words. They came out like, "Maybe I don't want you to leave." he said. Did I just say that? What the fuck James?! Shit! You stupid fuck!

Ali turned red. She stood up and took a step forward. She was standing right infront of him. "And why not Mr. Hetfield?" The way she said Mr. Hetfield turned him on. Her voice was so sexy to him. He shifted his weight on the opposite leg, trying to quickly die down the erection he already felt coming in his pants.

Ali giggled and leaned forward. "Can I have my pencil back?" she whispered in his ear which made him shiver. They were so close that he could smell her scent so perfectly. It was like heaven to his nostrils. Ali could smell his aftershave, which she immediately enjoyed. She pulled away and he gave her pencil back. She sat down and finished her work.

She finished rather quickly. She got her bag and stood up. She showed him that paper that proved she finished it.

"Umm, ok, you can go."

Ali nodded and walked slowly to the door. She suddenly stopped when she heard his voice.

"We are playing a dangerous game Ms. Cade. You know that right?"

Ali turned around and looked at him.

"Not unless you stay away from me and I stay away from you." Like that's possible Ali. Damn, you're stupid.

Mr. Hetfield chuckled. "Says the one that whispered in my ear. By the way, how much do you like that Tommy guy anyway?"

"How much do you like Ms. Tomasi as well?" Before he could say anything, she left the classroom and ran out of the building. Oh yeah, he likes me and is jealous of Tommy. I'm slowly falling for this guy. My fucking teacher!

Mr. Hetfield dropped his head down his desk. She's jealous of Ms. Tomasi. She likes me. I'm falling for this girl. My student.

✓ | Mr. Hetfield, My Teacher. [Metallica: James Hetfield]Where stories live. Discover now