Chapter 16

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"What do you want me to do Mr. Hetfield? I can't do anything to Mr. Johnson. He wasn't technically on campus when he did what he did. I can't punish him. It wouldn't be fair. Then would be his parents bidding."

"And you think it's okay to let him get away with thrashing this girls reputation?" He stood up.

"Why do you care so much Mr. Hetfield" Mr. Ulrich asked.

"He's bashing one of my students and I don't like seeing that going on." James simply said.

"Well, I can't control what comes out his mouth or his actions. Once he comes back from suspension and continues with it, then I'll put a stop to it. Right now, I can't do anything. Plus, I suspended Cade too so she has no idea what's going on. By the time she comes back, nobody will remember it."

James was about to say something but didn't. That would sort of spill the beans. He was so furious that there was nothing to be done, from Mr.Ulrich's side. Hopefully Kate's visit to him would help.


Kate walked up the steps to Tommy's house and knocked on the door. She thought this was a complete waste of time but she promised Mr. Hetfield she would help in anyway. After a few minutes, Kate opened the door.

"What do you want Kate?"

"I want you to stop harassing Ali."

"Harassing? What are you talking about?" Tommy said sarcastically.

"Stop playing dumb Tommy. Why are you lying saying you had sex with Ali when you know it didn't happen? What is possessing you to do this? What's the purpose? To boost your ego? I don't get it." He said nothing. "I'm talking to you!"

"Just leave. You won't have to worry about me any longer anyways." He said rolling his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm leaving San Francisco and that's all you need to know." He went back into his house and shut the door. Kate sighed and left.


Francesca was absolutely furious. Between trying to find out who James was fucking, and her job, she was so stressed and she couldn't figure out who the girl was. She got up from her desk and decided to go to James' classroom. It was after school and no students were there anymore. She walked until she finally reached it. She tried to turn the knob but it was locked. She knew he was there because he never left until an hour after school ended.

"James, are you in there?" She knocked and pressed her ear to the door. She couldn't hear anything. "James?" She knocked again. Finally after three knocks, he opened up.

"Oh um hey Francesca." James said trying to act normal as possible. Francesca freaked him out and he noticed her following him every time he drove somewhere. He had to cut back on visiting Ali while she was grounded and suspended from school. Good thing she was back now and it was easier to see each other. They haven't heard from Tommy anymore and they hoped it would stay that way. People surprisingly forgot about the rumor with time and Ali was finally able to enjoy senior year.

"What are you doing?" Francesca asked letting herself in the classroom. James glanced over to the coat closet nervously.

"Umm, nothing. I just had to get some work done and I locked the door so no one would disturb me." He scratched the back of his head.

"Oh I see. So-"

"Wait Francesca, I wanna ask you something." he said interrupting her.

"Shoot" She said as she sat on his desk and crossed her legs.

✓ | Mr. Hetfield, My Teacher. [Metallica: James Hetfield]Where stories live. Discover now