Chapter 32

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"Babe, don't you... think we should...think about this?" James said in between groans. He was trying to have a serious conversation with Ali but she had other ideas.

"Mmm...about what?" Ali mumbled as she was kissing all over James' neck. They were in the kitchen and Ali was sitting on the counter, her legs wrapped around James' waist; she had him trapped in her grip.

"Ali, you seriously have to ask?" James pulled away almost too roughly and sighed. "You just told me minutes ago in the bedroom that you want to go to San Francisco and tell your family everything. Are you crazy?" James spit out.

Ali glared at James for his choice of words and tone. "I'm not crazy James. Like I told you, we have to tell them sometime! It's better to just get it over with!"

"Do you have any idea how your parents will react? They'll want to put me in jail and they'll tear us apart!" James raised his tone of voice even higher.

"No they won't. Even if they did want to put you in jail, they can't because I'm not a minor anymore. You're overreacting James, seriously."

"No I'm not. It's not everyday that two parents have their daughter come up to them and tell them that she's dating someone who use to be her teacher. It's not that simple Ali, you said it yourself. If we and confess everything, it'll be too much. Too many emotions running high and it's's not a good idea." James shook his head and sighed. He knew where Ali was coming from but it was too much to handle. Pretty ironic considering he was the older and wiser one in the relationship. He couldn't handle all the slander and negative reaction he knew Ali's parents would have towards them, and especially him. Sure, it would be less complicated now that Ali is in college and James is no longer a teacher; for now. Then, there was Ali's sister Veronica. She was young and had a delicate heart by the looks of it.

By no stretch of the imagination did James ever see himself in this situation. Dating one of his former students and her younger sister being in love with him as well. Then the thought of telling her parents was overwhelming in its self. James had no idea why Ali was taking it so lightly and wasn't thinking of the consequences. Consequences that could very well ruin what they have. They've gone through numerous obstacles already but James wasn't so sure they would get past her parents. That was a totally different ball game; that he didn't want to play.

"Baby please, don't you just want to take the weight off our shoulders. I'm tired of hiding the fact that I'm with you. I hate lying to my parents and I've already told enough lies to last a lifetime. Veronica needs to know too so she can get over you. How many times do I have to say it? Please just go with me. It's going to be a heavy conversation but we have to do it. Just be there for me, please." Ali gave James the one thing she knew he always gave in to; the puppy dog eyes.

"That's not going to work Ali so stop it right now." James looked away from her and settled his hands on the counter; on either said of Ali's thighs. "I'm not sure you understand what could happen. Believe it or not, your parents could keep you away from me. How? I don't know but parents have their ways. Do you really want your parents to get in our way? Too many people and things have tried. I'm not sure your parents will be any different."

"Of course I don't want that babe but..ugh, I just...we have to do this. I'm getting sick of having this on conscious. Would you rather me go by myself and tell them alone?" Ali grabbed James' chin and made him look at her.

"Of course I don't want you to go alone." James studied Ali's eyes and pulled one of her hair strands behind her ear then cupped her cheek. Come to think of it, maybe Ali was right. He even told himself that they had been through enough; her parents were just another obstacle. If they got through Tommy, Francesca, hiding their relationship for over a year while Ali was still his student; they could surely get through her parents, brother and her sister. James knew he could trust Ali with all his heart. In the end, this was her family and the decision belonged to her. "Fine..whenever you wish, we'll go to San Francisco and tell your family everything. I just hope things don't go as bad as I'm expecting." James looked at Ali's lips then planted a soft kiss on them.

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