Chapter 25

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"Kristen, what are you doing here?" James was shocked at who was in front of him. It was his ex-girlfriend whom he had not seen in a couple of years when she broke up with him.

"It's been too long James. I wanted to see you and catch up." Kristen smiled. He still looked as attractive as he did years ago. Maybe even more in Kristen's mind. She was there to see if he would give her another chance. She doubted that he was seeing anybody. "Can I please come in?" she asked with a slight pout.

James was absolutely clueless as to why she was there but he didn't want to be rude. When they ended their relationship years ago, they actually ended it on a good note. "Umm, sure. Come in." he stepped aside and opened the door wider.

"I haven't been here in years. It still looks the same." Kristen laughed.

"Yeah, you know me. I hardly change anything." James scratched the back of his neck. He felt a little awkward having Kristen in his house again. "Umm, do you want a drink or something?" he offered again, not wanting to be rude.

"Water is fine; thanks." she responded. James nodded and headed into the kitchen. As he poured the water into a cup, he was trying to figure out why Kristen was there. She said it was to catch up but he felt it wasn't just for that. If it was what he thought it was, he would tell her the truth immediately. He grabbed the glass of water and turned around to walk out but was startled by Kristen who was standing there with her shirt off.

"Kristen put your shirt back on." James shook his head and looked down. He knew this was the real reason she came back.

"You sure you want me to?" Kristen asked seductively. "Before you would practically tear my shirt off." she laughed.

"Yeah because I was with you. Now I'm not. Kristen, I'm with someone ok. Put your shirt back on."

"Really? Where is she then?" Kristen walked closer to him.

"She's just right now." James answered. He wasn't going to tell her that Ali was in Chicago. That would just give Kristen the green light.

"There you go...she's not here right now. So why does it matter?" she approached him and placed her hands on his chest; which he immediately brushed off.

"Kristen seriously, if you came just for that, I suggest you leave and not waste your time. I'm not interested."

Kristen started to laugh hysterically. "Since when did you become Mr. Faithful? You always cheat on your girlfriends. You cheated on me, on Teresa, on Allison and-"

"Yeah, yeah but I'm not like that anymore and this girl is the one I actually want to marry one day so fuck off." James snapped.

"Whatever James. Just know that this won't be the last time you see me. You're bound to fall eventually." She leaned in and kissed the side of his mouth. James jerked his head away and rubbed the corner of his mouth in disgust. "Oh and, you might as well warn that little girlfriend of yours. She has no chance against me James; and even you know that. I want you back and you know I always get what I want." With that, she winked at him and walked out.

James pounded his fists onto the kitchen counter. He had no idea what he was going to do about Kristen. He knew he would not be able to get her off his back. James had to return to work in a couple of weeks and he had no time for games. What scared him the most was what Kristen said. You're bound to fall eventually. James didn't want to admit it but in the past he was a cheater and it was always easy for him to cheat. But then again, none of his past girlfriends could even compete with Ali. As long as he remembered that, he would have no problem turning Kristen down every time she came onto him, right? He would admit that it would be a challenge because Ali wasn't there. He shook his head in disappointment and frustration at himself for even considering it a challenge.

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