Chapter 27

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Phillip was shocked when he heard Ali's voice on the other end of the phone. "Ali? Umm, not trying to sound rude but how did you get my number?" Phillip asked confused.

"Oh umm, Seth gave Kate both your numbers. I'm sorry I called, I shouldn't have. I'll just go." Ali felt stupid calling him. He had no idea that Seth gave Kate his number and she was embarrassed.

"No wait, it's ok. Did you need something?"

"Umm well...Kate and I are planning to go out in a while and I just wanted to see if you guys would like to join us. We could really need some friends right now and we would like to get to know you guys a little bit better. If you guys are up to it of course."

Phillip's cheekbones flared at the word 'friends.' He knew that Kate and Seth liked each other and that it would turn into something more. As far as Ali though, it was clear she only saw him as a friend and Phillip didn't want that. He obviously wanted more and he didn't want to risk doing anything about it. Ali obviously had a boyfriend and for once, he didn't want to get in between it. Before, he couldn't careless about a girls relationship status but Ali was different. He felt the need to not approach her in that way. He actually liked her so much that he would respect her. He wasn't so sure that he wanted to go. It would be torture knowing he couldn't do anything.

"Phillip? Are you still there?" Ali asked.

"Umm, yeah sorry about that. Umm, I'm sure Seth would like to go but I don't think I can."

"Oh..why not?" Ali asked. Phillip could hear the disappointment in her voice and it made him feel bad instantly.

"You know what...on second thought, I think I'll go." Phillip gave in.

"Great! I'll text to you to tell you where we are going."

"Alright, see you later." Phillip smiled.

Ali grinned as she hung up the phone. She was excited to get to know Phillip. She really wanted to be his friend and hoped that he did too. Of course, she knew he probably wanted something more but with the ring on her finger, she hoped that he wouldn't try something...and vise versa. She shook her head and started to look for what to wear. Ali wasn't picky so she always got dressed quickly. Once she finished, she went out of her bedroom and saw Kate applying her make-up in the bathroom.

"Hey I'm ready." Ali said leaning against the opened door.

"Already? You're not even going to put make-up on?"

"Nope. I don't like wearing shit." Ali crossed her arms. "By the way, I invited Seth and Phillip." Ali said quickly and ran to the living room to sit down.

"You what?!" Kate shrieked and ran after her.

"Yeah, I invited them. You should be happy; you're going to see Seth again." Ali winked at her. "Let's go so we can find a place that they can meet us at."

Kate shook her head and grabbed her purse. "Let's go." she didn't know what would happen with Ali and Phillip but she hoped everything went smoothly.

Once they were walking around the city, they were admiring all the bright city lights.

"Crap, I should have worn a sweater. It's freezing." Ali said rubbing her arms.

"Look, this looks like a nice place. What do you say?" Kate asked looking through the window of a small restaurant.

"Yeah it's fine. Hurry let's go in before I freeze to death." Ali hissed. They went inside and order a table for four. Once they got seated Ali took her phone out and texted Phillip the name of the restaurant and what street it was on."

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