Chapter 22

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Ali walked out of the building and ran to her car. She buried her face in her hands and started crying. After a couple of minutes of letting all her emotions out, she took a deep breath and started the car. Instead of calling James to tell him how her audition went, she decided to go to his house instead. She wiped away all the tears to clear her vision and started the car.

She sped off to James' house and got there quickly. She went up the small steps and knocked on the door.

James heard the knock on the door and closed his laptop to see who it was. He opened it and saw Ali with a frown on her face. "Baby come in. Did you do your audition? How did you do? Why do you have that look on her face?"

Ali sat down on the couch and placed her hands on her lap. "Usually, they tell you that they're gonna call you to let you know if they made it but with me, they told me right on the spot." Ali explained slowly.

"Okay? Did you get in or not?" James asked.

"Yes I did. My first two years will be general education and then I'll start my rocking."

"Ali that's great! Know you get to go to UC. The school you have always wanted to go to." James sat down next to her and put his arm around her.

"You know, it almost seems as if you want me to leave. I tell you I got in, which means I'm leaving and you're all happy about it?! You're probably happy to finally be able to get rid of me." Ali snapped and stood up looking down at James.

James sighed and stood up. "Babe, you know that's not it. I'm just trying to be supportive here." He placed his hands on her hips. "You know I'm going to miss you a lot and it's going to kill me to not be able to see you everyday. It's gonna be torture but I'm trying to support you. This is your dream and again, I'm not gonna get in the way of it. I love you...why would you say that I want to get rid of you? That accusation hurts Ali. You really think that low of me?" James sat down and massaged his temples.

Ali let herself fall back on the couch. "I'm sorry ok. It's just...I don't think I'll be strong enough to be away from you. I'm so use to seeing you everyday. I'm gonna go insane without. I love you." Ali straddled his lap and hugged him tightly.

James wrapped his arms around Ali's petite body. "So am I. Trust me baby girl. It's gonna be hard being away from each other but if there's any couple out there that can get through this, it's us. In the mean time, we are gonna spend every moment that we can together. It's hard considering we can't go out but we have everything we need right here. I love you." James whispered in her ear and then kissed it silently. They pulled back from the hug and looked at each other in the eye. They just sat there looking at each other with nothing but love and sadness in their eyes, caressing each other's faces with their hands. James cupped her face and leaned in to kiss her passionately. Their tongues began to feel each other and the kiss intensified. James heard Ali whimper and he pulled away only to see that Ali was crying.

"I'm gonna miss you kissing me everyday." Ali choked out and hugged him again.

"Me too." was all that James could say. They sat there and just held each other. James glanced over to his laptop and was hoping that the little something he had for her, would make things a little better when she left.

(3 months later)

"Sweetie you look absolutely gorgeous!" Brianna squealed and clapped her hands.

"Thanks mom." Ali answered as she looked down at her prom dress.

"You sure it's only going to be you and Kate?" John asked with a suspicious look in his eyes.

"Yes dad. We don't have dates. It's just us two." Ali was partially lying because James was going to be a chaperone there and they were going to sneak off. Kate actually did have a date but she was going to meet him at the hall for the purposes of Ali's cover up.

They heard the doorbell ring and Brianna opened up to reveal Kate.

"Kate, that dress is amazing! You look gorgeous"

"Thanks Mrs. Cade." Kate smiled. "Ready to go Ali? You look pretty by the way."

"So do you. Let's go." They said their goodbyes and left in Ali's car.

It didn't take long for them to get there. They went through valet and went inside the hotel that contained the hall where their prom was being held at. When they entered Ali immediately tried to spot James while Kate looked for her date.

"Oh I see him." Ali smiled.

"And I see my date. Ok, I'll see you 30 minutes before it's over?" Kate asked and Ali nodded. Kate left and Ali waited for James to see her. When he finally did, he gave her the signal that they agreed on and Ali left the hall. She took an elevator up to the fifth floor. She took out the room key and looked for the room number. She found it and then entered the hotel room. James got them that hotel room a few days ago so that they wouldn't have to do it that same night. She sat on the bed and wait for James to get there.

After a few minutes, she heard the doorknob turn and in came James. She stood up and James practically ran to her and hugged her close.

"I can't even begin to explain how gorgeous you look right now." James smiled and kissed Ali's neck.

Ali giggled. "You don't look so bad yourself. You should wear suits more often." she said seductively. They planned on staying at the hotel the room the entire time of the prom. James made an excuse to leave and Ali, well no one was going to notice she was gone. They would just think that she didn't go at all.

James and Ali spent the entire time making love, talking, and then making love again. That was pretty much the routine throughout the whole night.

"How did you get so many condoms in your wallet?" Ali laughed.

"I have tricks." James grinned and kissed her forehead. There were a couple of minutes of silence until Ali spoke up.

"You're not gonna leave me are you?" she asked out of the blue.


"When I leave, promise me you won't forget about me and find someone else." Ali whispered and kissed his chest.

"Never, Ali. I'm yours. You have nothing to worry about. But can you promise me the same the thing?"

"Of course. I promise, I promise." she said in between all the kisses that she was planting on his face.

"Round number four?" James opened up another condom and put it on.

Ali straddled his lap in response and quickly went down as James' hard cock entered her for the fourth time that night. "Oh...I so much James..." Ali said in between moans. Her pussy was getting wet again quickly.

"Fuck! I love you too..dammit Ali." James growled and they cummed after a few more thrusts.

James pulled out and Ali hopped of his lap and sat on her knees next to James. She had to regain her composure because she felt light-headed from the intense and quick orgasm she just had. James got up and went to go dispose of the condom. When he entered the room again he saw that Ali was looking at her phone with wide eyes.

"What's wrong?" James asked concerned.


"What about Kate?"

"She...she says that my sister is here!" Ali was panicking now. She quickly got off the bed and picked up her bra, panties and dress, then put them on quickly. In the back of her mind, she was wondering why the hell her sister was there.

"Calm down, just say you were in the bathroom." James said as he started to get dressed as well.

"You're right, I need to calm down." Ali took a deep breath. "I better get down there.''

"Ok, well since I made an excuse to leave, I can't go back so we'll just talk later."

"Ok bye!" Ali kissed him quickly and left.

James sighed and went to the nightstand. He took something out and opened it up.

I'll give it to her at a better time. James thought before placing it inside his pocket.

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