Chapter 38

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Summer quickly approached and both James and Ali decided to fly to San Francisco. James wanted to see his brother and friends. Ali obviously wanted to see her family. James and Ali were going to tell Ali's family about their engagement and they both hoped it would go well. After that, they were going to tell James' brother as well. It was friday and they were planning on leaving the next day. They had invited Kate and Phillip to go with them and they immediately accepted. Both Kate and Ali were currently in class and Phillip and James were working.

James arrived at his own apartment for lunch. He was going to take that time, to finish packing up the rest of his things. While he was doing that, he was thinking about his future with Ali. He imagined them, owning their own house, children playing in the yard. Basically the whole nine yards. A while ago he was question about when they were going to be able to have kids but he talked himself into not rushing anything. The right time would come when they would have kids. Really thinking about it, right now was not the best time. He was working everyday and Ali was busy going to school and teaching how to play guitars on the side. There was no time for children right now but James did see them having them in the future.

He imagined both a boy and girl that shared both of their features. He could see himself feeding them, playing them, and even changing their diapers. He laughed to himself because guys normally wouldn't want to be an inch near a baby when they needed a change. James was different though. He would do ANYTHING for his children. Growing up, James didn't have that kind of love and support from his parents and he would not allow his children to go through the same thing. They were going to have two parents that loved them and would do anything for them. He definitely saw himself and Ali being the best parents in the world. He couldn't wait for that day, whenever it would come.

Once he finished packing up the last of it, he dragged his luggage to the living room and settled it to the side. He went to the kitchen to fix himself something to eat. 10 minutes into this lunch, there was a knock on the door. He finished the last of his sandwich and went to go open the door. It was Phillip.

"What's up man?" James greeted him and let him in.

"Glad I caught you before you headed back to work."

"Nah, I still have 25 minutes to go. What's up? You look weird. You're not sick are you?" James was hoping that wasn't the case. They were leaving for San Francisco tomorrow and it would suck if he was ill.

"Nah dude I'm nervous." Phillip sat on the couch and sighed.

"You? Nervous? About what?" James was amused a little. Phillip was a pretty intimidating guy and he never saw him as someone who got nervous.

"Kate is going to introduce me to her parents and I'm shitting bricks." Phillip chuckled at himself. "I may be huge and hard-headed but meeting the parents are a huge deal. If they don't like me, everything gets fucked up you know?"

"Yeah I get you. Even though Ali's parents had a reason to hate me, it worked out. I'm sure Kate's parents will like you. It's not like you're a bum who doesn't work anything. You got your own business, you helped Kate out with the Seth situation and I'm sure her parents will be happy about that. You helped her out a lot and they will take that into consideration. I'm sure of it."

"I guess you're right. They have no reason to hate me so they shouldn't. I just sure hope I don't get socked liked you did." Phillip joked.

James laughed as he thought back to when Ali's dad popped him right on the jaw. "Yeah, believe me I was expecting that though. Our situation was complicated but you guys have it easy, believe me."

Phillip nodded when he realized James was right. He couldn't even imagine how it would feel to be in their place. Him and Kate really did have it easy. "Thanks for the talk man. It really helped me out." he stood up and thank James with a manly hug.

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