Chapter 29

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"Kate, what's going on?'' Seth looked at her curiously. He right away noticed that she was nervous.

"Yeah, you look kind of freaked out." Phillip added.

"Me? No...I'm umm fine." Kate stuttered on her words. She was nervous and she didn't want Phillip to see James or James to see Phillip; that wouldn't be good. "Umm, why don't we go out to eat? Yeah..let' umm...let's go." Kate was about to drag them out of there until they heard screams from inside the apartment.

"What's going on? Where's Ali?" Phillip asked. He was about to open the door but someone from inside opened it first. It was James; he had never been so pissed off before.

"Who's this guy?" Seth asked Phillip with a tone of jealousy in his voice. Kate just rolled her eyes and slapped him on the arm lightly.

"Which one of you is Phillip?!" James asked with a scowl on his face.

"That would be me." Phillip's deep voice spoke up and stepped closer to James. They were face to face.

"You kissed my girlfriend eh?"

"I did. And I stopped it before it went too far so you should be thankful for that."

"I don't have to be thankful for shit!" James yelled and then Ali stepped in between them.

"Guys stop! You're not so innocent yourself James. You had your ex-girlfriend naked in your bed!" Ali wiped the tears from her face and glared at James.

"Yeah and I told you why! And I didn't kiss her! You kissed THIS ASSHOLE!" James yelled even louder and pointed at Phillip. He was going to lunge at James but Ali stopped him.

"Seriously it was nothing dude. You can't blame her; she was miserable without you and was bummed she couldn't be seen with you in public back in San Francisco because of you being her teacher and all. Think what you want but the kiss meant nothing!" Phillip explained truthfully.

"You told him I was your teacher in high school?" James asked Ali in disbelief. "Wow, you sure trust him easily after knowing him for like a day."

"Teacher and student relationship?! That really happens huh?" Seth laughed and earned another slap to the arm by Kate.

"You know what dude, you're lucky to have someone like Ali that loves you as much as she does. I'm out of here; see you around Ali. I'll see you at home Seth." Phillip walked down the stairs and Ali went after him.

"Phillip wait." she grabbed his arm to stop him.

"You should go back up there. Fix things with him. I can tell he loves you just as much as he loves." Phillip smiled down at her.

"I just wanted to say thanks. I've only known you for two days but I already consider you a friend." Ali hugged him.

Phillip closed his eyes. "Don't mention it. You can always call me if you need anything." He opened his eyes again as they pulled away. "See you around." he added and Ali nodded. Phillip got in the car and left.

"Hey..we're going for a walk. Are you gonna be ok with James up there?" Kate asked as she walked down the stairs with Seth.

"Yeah I'll be fine. Go ahead." Ali walked up the stairs and entered the apartment and saw James sitting on the couch. Ali sat down next to him and there was silence for a couple of minutes until James spoke up.

"I'm sorry."

"What are you apologizing for? Being a jerk to Phillip or allowing your ex in your house?" Ali played with her hands as she spoke.

"Both. I guess Phillip does care for you and respects you enough. I should have never let Kristen in my house in the first place."

"You didn't do anything with her though?"

✓ | Mr. Hetfield, My Teacher. [Metallica: James Hetfield]Where stories live. Discover now