Chapter 7

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"I hope this isn't too fancy. It's just that my dad works here, I don't have to pay and we can order whatever we want." Tommy said while helping Ali out of the car.

"No worries. I'm sure it'll be fine." Ali didn't like the 'don't have to pay' part but she brushed it off. Tommy grabbed her hand again as they walked into the restaurant. Tommy greeted the host with a hug. Being the owners son, he knew all the employees there. They where soon seated at their table and gave the waitress their drink orders. They grabbed their menus in search of what to order.

"So, how do you like school so far?" Tommy asked.

"Umm it's good. Different from back in Chicago but I like it." Ali answered.

"That's good. It must've sucked leaving your old school and your friends right before senior year huh?"

"Yeah it was hard but I'm managing." Ali looked up from her menu and her jaw literally dropped.

It was Mr. Hetfield with Ms. Tomasi. Great. What a damn coincidence that we came to the same place. GET YOUR HANDS OFF HIM! Ali yelled in her head when she saw Ms. Tomasi put her arm around his lower back. Mr. Hetfield put his arm around her shoulder as they were being guided to their table. Ali noticed that they were going and eventually pass by their table so she quickly looked back down at the menu, making it seem like she hadn't seen them.

"Oh my gosh, look who's here James." Ms. Tomasi said in excitement. Mr. Hetfield looked down and there she was. Damn, she looks beautiful. He let go of Francesca's shoulder and she frowned noticing that he was tensed up.

"Hey Ms. Tomasi, Mr. Hetfield, what a coincidence." Tommy smiled.

"That's what I said." Mr. Hetfield said sternly. He noticed that Ali had yet to make eye contact with him.

"Well, I hope you guys are having a great time. We should head to our table." Ms. Tomasi said.

"Yeah, I hope you have a great time." Ali said so suddenly as she lifed her head and looked directly at Mr. Hetfield, then back at the menu as she rolled her eyes.

Without another word, James and Francesca walked away and sat at a table nearby. James sat on the side facing Tommy and Ali.

"Why did you get so tense back there?" Francesca asked.

"What?" He was taken back. He wouldn't think he was taking it that obvious.

"Yeah, you got kind of tense when we saw Ali and Tommy."

"Oh umm you know, it's weird seeing students outside of the classroom; at least for me" Especially a student who i'm falling for. He thought. Francesca nodded and picked up her menu.

James glanced over Tommy and Ali. He saw that Ali got up and was headed towards the restroom, which was all the way on the back of the restaurant. He knew he shouldn't do it but it was as if he had no control of his body.

"Umm, will you excuse me a minute? I'm gonna run to the restroom real quick."

"OK, hurry back." Francesca held on to his hand and squeezed it firmly.

James nodded and walked away, being unnoticed by Tommy.

Ali walked into the restroom and turned on the water in the sink and washed her face. She grabbed a paper towel and dried herself. She sighed looking at the mirror. I don't think I can do this.

She shook her head and went to go open the door. As soon as she did, someone grabbed her and pulled her back into the restroom. It was Mr. Hetfield. He closed the door and locked it. Pinning Ali to the wall.

✓ | Mr. Hetfield, My Teacher. [Metallica: James Hetfield]Where stories live. Discover now