Chapter 3

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All those girls weren't kidding. This man was smoking hot. Tattooes are one of Ali's turn ons and this teacher had tons of them. Ali quickly hid her phone while looking at the teacher dead in the eye. He had the most adorable blue eyes. Ali found herself lost in them. She didn't know what was happening but it was making her nervous; especially because he just stood there in front of her and smirked looking into her brown eyes. Ali snapped out of the gaze realizing where she was and who this guy was.

"I-I'm sorry." she stuttered on her words. This teacher made her nervous and not in a bad way. She could hear Kate chuckling.

"Apology accepted but you still have to give up the phone. You can get it back after class." he said sternly. Obviously, this teacher was taking no bullshit. Ali grabbed her phone and handed it to the teacher. Their fingers brushed against each other slightly and they both feel the electricity. They locked eyes once again. This was easily one most gorgeus girls he had ever seen. He couldn't deny it. She WAS actually the most gorgeus girls he really had ever seen.

You're such a pervert James, stop it. She's your student for crying out loud. You can't be thinking like this. If she was eighteen that would be a seven year difference; not too bad; but still doesn't change anything. She's still your student. Stop it James. Stop! This is not the way you wanna spend your first day as a teacher. Drooling all over your student. The teacher cleared his throat and turned his attention to the class.

"This is what will happen if you use your phone in my class so I wouldn't even go there in the first place. The rules are real simple. You respect me. I respect you. You guys are seniors; I'm sure you know how it works. You guys are old enough to be respectful and I expect nothing less. You guys are how old?" He turned to Ali and she quickly turned red. Brilliant James. Fucking brilliant. Now you can find out her age without sounding like a perv. Wait, why did I do that? Mr. Hetfield thought as he noticed she turned red in embarrassment.

"Eighteen." Ali noticed that Mr.Hetfield let out a sigh. She was pretty sure she was just imagining things but she could have swore that sigh was a sign of relief.

What the hell, Ali! He's a teacher. He doesn't look old but still, he's still your fucking teacher dammit. Like you would have a chance with him. This shouldn't even be under consideration. Stop it Ali. He's VERY attractive but still. Ali thought to herself. As the teacher introduced himself as Mr. Hetfield. Ali couldn't help but check him out. She had no control of her eyeballs at that point.

He didn't look like a typical teacher that wore suits and fancy shoes. He wore a t-shirt that had Motörhead on it, faded blue jeans, and sneakers. Ali couldn't help but think he was so hot. She was so lost in her thoughts again, looking at him up and down. She put her right hand on the right side of her face so her classmates wouldn't notice. She snapped out of her thoughts when he passed by her desk and knocked on with his knuckles.

"And one more thing. I am incharge of the new comic book club so if you guys are interested, our first meeting is tomorrow after school."

I think I got interested. Ali thought.

Mr. Hetfield walked to his desk and grabbed a stack of worksheets. The class sighed.

"Relax. This isn't homework or anything. I just want you guys to fill this out so I can get to know you guys a little better. It's just a survey of questions. Tomorrow though, we get right into it." Mr. Hetfield placed a worksheet on everybody's desk and left Ali for last. He place the paper on her desk and smiled at her before returning to his desk. He sat down and look straight forward. Great, she's sitting right infront of you. Contain yourself James. She's your student remember. He rested his back on his chair as he continued to smile at her.

Ali bit her lip. His smile was a killer. She shook her head and looked down at the worksheet. All questions were so simple. Favorite, food, color, hobbies, interest, etc.

Through out the whole period Ali and James couldn't stop glancing at each other they both knew the attraction and sexual tension they had was so wrong but they couldn't control themselves. This is wrong. They both thought.

Before they knew it, the class was over and everybody stood up and placed their worksheets on the teacher's desk and walked out. Ali was the last one since she had to get her phone back. She slowly got up and walked forward standing infront of the desk. She placed her worksheet on top of the others and sighed.

"Can I have my phone back?" She asked, avoiding eye contact. If she looked at him. She was sure her ovaries would explode, or would have a problem with her lower region. He turned her on. This is wrong. Ali thought.

Mr. Hetfield smiled and grabbed her phone out of the drawer and stood up. He walked around his desk and stood infront of her. "Yeah, but next time, tell your boyfriend you're in class." he said. A flash of jealousy going through his body. A girl only texts her boyfriend in class. Or so he thought. Dammit! Stop James. Why the fuck do you care who she was texting?

Ali chuckled. "Boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend. Who would want me? I'm a nerd, I like heavy metal music. I'm short, no tits and doesn't talk much." Did I just say tits in a conversation with a teacher? Fuck, I need to control myself. She turned red again.

James laughed and bent down to her eye level. "On the contrary Ms. Cade, any guy would be lucky to have you." He studied her face. Did I just say that? Oh man, I need to cool it. He stood up straight and went to go sit back down. "Just make sure it doesn't happen again." He said making no eye contact. There was even a little anger in his tone of voice. Ali noticed this as she furrowed her eyebrows looking confused. She walked to the door and looked at him one more time before turning the knob and leaving. James grabbed her worksheet and started scanning it with his eyes.

I'm in trouble.

Ali walked out and let out a huge sigh. She noticed her heart was beating fast and her palms were sweaty. When he bent down to her eye level, it took all of the energy in her to not lean forward to kiss him. She thought. She shook her head and went to go find Jonathan and Veronica. She finally spotted them at the same bench where they had lunch. This was obviously their spot from now on.

"What took you so long?" Jon asked standing up.

"I had to get my phone from Mr. Hetfield. He caught me texting Roni."

"Oh, that's why you didn't text back" Veronica said. "Anyway, is he hot like the girls are saying or no?"

"Err, he's cool. I guess." Ali lied right through her teeth. She was dangerously attracted to Mr. Hetfield and wanted to do things to him but she would never admit it to anybody. Not even her siblings. You have a fucking dirty mind Ali. She thought.

"Let's just go home and relax shall we?" Jon said.

The sibling arrived home and told their parents about their first day before heading upstairs to shower. They ate dinner, watched TV besides Ali who was in her room practicing the guitar. She loved those things. They all went to bed throught this whole progress, Ali thought Mr. Hetfield in every instant. She tried to stop thinking about him but couldn't. He was hovering her thoughts and she fucking hated it. She stopped playing the guitar and walked to the balcony. Ali looked at the sky and sighed. "Ugh, Dammit!" she said out loud.

James was sitting on a chair in his porch looking up at the sky. He had been thinking about Ali Cade ever since she left the classroom earlier today. "This is wrong. This just can't happen."

✓ | Mr. Hetfield, My Teacher. [Metallica: James Hetfield]Where stories live. Discover now