Chapter 18

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Mr. Ulrich dragged everyone that was involved outside the hall

"Ok, so let me get this straight Ms. Cade. You saw Ms. Tomasi over here pouring something on Mr. Hetfield's drink?"

"Yes" Ali said confidently. "I know what I saw. I'm not lying."

"Ali, I don't know what you saw but I'm sure you saw wrong. I didn't do anything" Francesca lied. There was no way Mr. Ulrich was going to believe a student over a teacher.

"You're lying!" I saw you! Ja-... Mr. Hetfield, I saw her I swear" Ali almost called him James but saved herself. She snapped and was shocked that Ms. Tomasi had the guts to lie infront of everybody. "Mr. Hetfield, I'm not lying." She gave him a sad face.

"I honestly don't think that Ms. Cade is capable of lying." James said as he looked directly to Ali's watery and puffy eyes.

"Look, this is too much for one night. Let's just enjoy the dance for now and we'll talk clear this out Monday." Mr. Ulrich said as he sighed.

"Are you kidding me? A teacher was poisoning another teacher and you wanna wait until Monday to get to the bottom of it?!" Ali yelled.

"Look Ali, even if this was true, it's none of your business. They are teachers and students aren't suppose to interfere in teachers lives. Quite frankly, I don't know why this affects you so much. Mr. Hetfield and Ms. Tomasi, I will have a talk with the two of you on Monday. Excuse me. Oh, and Cade, stop getting into trouble, please." Mr. Ulrich left and walked back into the hall, leaving James, Ali, and Francesca.

"C'mon James, let's get back inside." Francesca grabbed his hand but he snatched it away.

"You really think I would go anywhere with you after you tried to poison me?!" James snapped on her as Ali was relieved that he believed her.

"James, I-I didn't do anything!" Francesca lied again.

"Yeah and I should believe you why? You used to follow me, stalk me, and I know you're vulnerable because I broke up with you. Vulnerable women will go to any extent. I'm sorry Francesca but I don't believe you. I actually find it very believable that you would do this" James crossed his arms.

"Whatever James...and Ali Cade. I actually thought you were a good student. My fault for actually trusting that." Francesca said trying to convince everyone that she was the victim. She walked away faking that she was sad when on the inside, she was pissed of that Ali saw her. Nothing ever went her way and she was getting sick of it.

"You believe me?" Ali asked rubbing her eyes. James didn't respond. He just took her hand and led her to his car. They got in and James drove them to the beach. James parked the car and helped Ali get off.

James pinned her against the car and kissed her deeply. Tongues immediately touching and entwining. After a few minutes, James pulled away and cupped her face. "Thank you" he whispered and kissed her forehead.

"I'm so glad you believe me" she whispered and cuddled up to his chest. "And, I would do anything for you James. You know that. I care so much about you. I love you"

"I love you too. If it wasn't for you, I don't even want to imagine what would have happened if I took the drink. I should have never defend her either"

"We have to make Mr. Ulrich believe us."

"There's no getting through to that man Ali. Unless there was another witness which there wasn't right?"

"I guess not. No one else said anything" Ali shrugged her shoulder.

"Let's not talk about that right now. This is just you and me now. C'mon let's walk" he held her hand as they walked along the beach. They enjoyed the breeze and the sound of the waves clashing against each other. It was cold but neither of them cared. They were together and nothing else mattered.

They walked and walked until they just randomly stopped. They looked at each other and saw lust, desire, and love in each other. James leaned in and kissed her softly. It started out slow but then intensified as their tongues got involved. Ali moaned as James kissed her neck and sucked on it. He gently put his hands behind her back and layed her down in the sand.

"You wanna do this here?" Ali asked trembling from the cold weather.

"Yup. You don't want to?" James pulled away and removed the hair strands from her face.

"Well, if i've never done a public place" she bit her lip.

"Don't worry baby. No one is here and it's pretty dark. No one will see us. But if you don't want to, it's okay. I won't pressure you too" he kissed her cheek.

"No. I trust you and willing to do long as I'm doing it with you" they smiled at each other and shared a kiss. Not a regular kiss. A kiss that send shivers down their spines and made them never want to break the kiss again. Ali reached for James' shirt and it took it off of him. She spreads her legs and James landed in between them. He lifted her dress up while caressing her thigh. With his other hand, he took the straps of her dress down all the way to reveal her bare breasts then took the dress completely off. "Ohh baby.." she moaned as he took one of her breasts in her mouth. He licked and sucked on her nipple causing it to harden. He went over the other one and did the same. "I need you now James..." she whispered in his ear as she licked it reached for the waistband of his pants.

They both could feel sand in places there shouldn't be sand but they didn't car once again. Ali managed to pull James' pants and boxer briefs down to mid-thigh. She took his hard cock in her hand and she began to stroke it. "Fuck baby." James groaned and he started to rub her wet pussy. Their moans filled the air and they overshowed the sound of the waves.

"Dammit! No more teasing James" she was starting to get frustrated. James chuckled and reached between her legs. He positioned himself in between her, right on her pussy. Just like the last time they were together, he rubbed the head on his cock on her pussy folds before finally thrusting inside slowly.

"Oh fuck James!" Ali held onto James' biceps as he thrusted in and out of her.

"You feel so good baby. So tight" he reached down and kissed her on the lips as he continued to thrust herself inside him. The pace increased when they felt they both felt they were closed. James reached down and pinched her pink harden nipples. All of a sudden, he stopped and pulled out. Ali looked down and saw James cumming. His warm cum landing on her stomach.

"We have to be careful babe. We can't afford know what..."

James layed beside her. "Sorry, I had to pull out babe" he kissed her cheek.

"No. You're right. Thank you" she kissed his lips.

"Now, how are we gonna get you cleaned up?" he asked pointing at the liquid he landed on her flat stomach.

Ali giggled then traced her finger on the cum left on her body and licked it off her finger. She continued the process until there was nothing left. "Problem solved." she smiled. She leaned in and kissed him. He could taste himself against her lips and tongue.

"Let's go back to the dance" they got up, got dressed and headed back to the car. They still felt sand everywhere but they needed to get back there.

( Unknown Person)

"First things first, on Monday; I have to talk to Mr. Ulrich. Francesca Tomasi will not get away with this.

✓ | Mr. Hetfield, My Teacher. [Metallica: James Hetfield]Where stories live. Discover now