Chapter 8

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"So Roni tells me your date with Tommy went well." Layla told Ali while taking a bite of her sandwich. Veronica was currently with Jonathan, Tommy and Kate getting their food.

"Yeah it was." I was necking with my teacher in the bathroom but other than that, it went well. Ali smiled to herself.

Ali replayed that moment in her head ever since it happened. She couldn't sleep. She was thinking about him 24/7 and she couldn't help it anymore. She could still feel his tongue licking every inch of her neck, and her doing the same to him. In that moment, she was puddy in his hands. He, without a doubt was driving her crazy and now she was even more attracted to him that before. Her feelings got stronger and eventually, it was hard to deny them any longer. She was hoping he felt the same and he didn't just to get into her pants. She had to talk to him.

"Oh, and she said you guys ran into Ms. Tomasi and Mr. Hetfield there? That must have been awkward"

"It really was." she replied.

Ali glanced around the black top looking at all the students. She then spotted James talking to a couple of other teachers with a big smile on his face. Her smile grew wider. He looked so hot. He was wearing black jeans and a black t-shirt that was tight enough to make out his pecs. She bit her lip as she felt herself getting aroused. As soon as she noticed she shook her head and looked away. The last thing she needed was for her juices to leak through her jeans.

"Are you ok?" Tommy asked approaching her.

"Huh? Yeah, i'm fine."

"So! When are you guys going out again?" Kate asked.

"I don't know." Tommy answered smiling at Ali.

"Soon." Ali said. She didn't know why she said that. She just did.

Ali noticed throughout fifth period that Ms. Tomasi was all smiles. She even had a dreamy look on her face. She was being extra nice in terms of classwork and homework. She spent most of classtime texting on her phone while the class just talked.

"Looks like Mr. Hetfield did wonders to Ms. Tomasi ehh?" Ali glared at Tommy for that comment. Luckily, he didn't notice. "I can get use to this. I hope they continue to go out."

Oh fuck no! Ali replied in her mind. She had no doubt that James was the reason for Ms. Tomasi current state.

She began to get paranoid. Did he make out with her? Did they have sex? She shook her head after thinking such thoughts. He has feelings for me. He admitted it. Why would he have sex with her or make out with her? Nahh, you're thinking bullshit Ali. Relax. Her thoughts got interrupted by the bell. It was the end of of fifth. She shook her head once more of her thoughts. She couldn't wait to get to sixth period to see James.

She skipped all her way to the classroom. As soon as she stepped in, James looked at her and smiled. She returned it then went to go to her seat. She cupped her cheeks and she place her elbows on her desk as she watched him write something on the board. Her eyes narrowed to his butt. His jeans were baggy, but she could still make it out anyways. She tried her best not to make it obvious that she was checking him out, but she failed.

"Are you alright?" Kate asked sitting on her seat.

"Umm, yeah, I'm perfect." Ali laughed.

"Ok." Kate raised an eyebrow. She noticed the way Ali looking at Mr. Hetfield, but thought nothing of it. Most girls looked at him that way and she didn't blame them. He surely was attractive and drove all the girls crazy. Ali was just another one of the girls. Or so, Kate thought. She snapped out of her thoughts when the bell rang for the start of class.

✓ | Mr. Hetfield, My Teacher. [Metallica: James Hetfield]Where stories live. Discover now