Chapter 28

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Ali woke up the next morning and groaned. She was about to do something stupid last night and she was glad that Phillip put a stop to it. Ali looked at the ring and felt guilty. She didn't go all they way with Phillip of course but she still kissed him. She kind of felt like she failed James in a way. She knew that the next time she talked to him, she had to tell him what had happened. She got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower. While she was showering, she began to wonder how she was basically in a trance last night when she was kissing Phillip. His eyes were very mysterious and they could trap any girl really. She was fortunate that Phillip cared enough about her and her relationship to stop themselves before it went too far.

"Kristen get the hell up!." James yelled as he started to put his clothes on.

"No" Kristen whined.

"Kristen, last night you threatned me to let you stay. You swore you would leave early in the morning. Well, its morning. Get up and leave."

"Thanks for getting naked for me James." Kristen laughed as she got up to get dressed in the clothes that still had chocolate stains on them.

"Yeah whatever. Let this be the last time that you come here and let it be the last time you threaten to kill yourself if I don't do what you say." Kristen requested for him to let her stay the night. She also told him to sleep naked because when they were together, they would always sleep like that; even when they didn't have sex.

"Seriously James, you're lucky I didn't request for you to sleep with me." Kristen smiled at him. "That will come later though. This is just the beginning." James grabbed her by the arm and took her out the room and out the front door.

"Stay the hell away from me." James slammed the door and sighed in frustration. He knew he had to tell Ali immediately of what happened. He grabbed his phone to call her but then put it back down. He walked over to his laptop and started typing away at a certain site.

Ali and Kate got home from shopping and they were exhausted. They went clothes shopping and grocery shopping. They had spent most of the day out on the streets. Once they got home, they made multiple trips in and out of the apartment, bringing in all the bags. By the time they finished, they both collapsed on the couch to relax for a while. It was already 7 p.m. and Ali hadn't talked to James all day. She was worried about that and she was nervous to tell him.

"When are you going to tell James what happened?" Kate asked kicking off her shoes. She was upset with Ali for even coming close to anything happening with Phillip.

"I'm going to call him right now." Ali was about to grab her phone but then she heard a knock on the door. Ali got up to get it and when she opened the door, she couldn't believe it. Was she imagining things? "J-James?! Is that you?!" Ali said shocked. She rubbed her eyes multiple times to make sure she wasn't going crazy.

"It's me baby." James smiled and almost fell to the floor when Ali jumped on him and gave him a big hug.

"W-what are you doing here?! How?!" Ali couldn't complete a single sentence because she was so happy he was there.

"I couldn't be away from you babe. I know it's only been a day since you left but it felt like years to me. I couldn't handle it. I had to come see you." James hugged her tightly and placed kisses all over her neck.

"I missed you too! So so much!" Ali kissed him on the lips. It was refreshing to feel his lips on hers again. She finally felt complete again.

James groaned into the kiss. He had missed her pink, plump, soft lips on his and it was a relief to feel them again and capture them with his own.

"A-hem!" they heard someone say and turned to see Kate standing there with her arms crossed. James and Ali laughed before Ali got off of James and stood on her feet.

"Kate, nice to see you again."

"Same here...James. I think I'll call you James from now on." Kate laughed.

"You are allowed. I'm not your teacher anymore." James smiled and kissed Ali on the forehead.

"Babe, come in. What are we still doing out here?!" Ali chuckled and helped James with his bags.

Once they went inside they all sat down on the couch to talk.

"Babe, I was about to call you when you rang the doorbell. I hadn't talked to you since yesterday when I landed; I got worried." Ali said as she glanced over to Kate who had that 'are you kidding me' look.

"Yeah, I was um busy with some stuff and I didn't have time to call you. I'm so sorry about that." James sighed. He knew the time was approaching when he had to tell Ali about Kristen. That was one of the reason why he decided to go there ever since he kicked Kristen out of the house. He got the plane ticket over the internet and made sure that it was the earliest flight so he could get there before midnight. "It was hard for me to concentrate on anything because I was missing you and I couldn't take it so that's why I took the earliest flight to get here soon." James said sincerely. He had also left to obviously get away from Kristen and prevent any problems.

Ali smiled and pecked him on the lips. She was lucky to have a boyfriend that needed her that much. Her smile faded a little when she remembered what happened with Phillip on the very couch that they were currently sitting on right now. She knew she had to tell him and it had to be right now.

"Babe, I have to tell you something." Ali said and bit her lip.

James immediately noticed her bite her lip; which meant she was nervous. "So do I but I want to go first." James said looking to the ground. His heart was pounding and he was nervous. He hoped that Ali didn't jump to conclusion and think he had sex with Kristen. Ali was nervous as hell and her palms began to sweat. She hoped that James didn't assume anything before she told the whole story.

When Kate heard that, she saw it as her cue to leave. She got up and was about to walk to her room but the doorbell rang. She suddenly gasped as she remembered she invited Seth and Phillip over for dinner. She mentally kicked herself. She looked over to Ali who widened her eyes at Kate insinuating that they were screwed.

"You guys expecting company?" Kate asked looking at Ali.

Neither Ali or Kate responded. Kate just went to the door, opened it a little and stepped out before closing the door behind her. "Seth...Phillip." she said as she looked at the boys with a nervous smile on her face. This was going to be a looong night.

A/N: Sorry this is hella short...But, on the next chapter, it'll be longer. Thanks for reading and voting this story though ;) :D I love you hella much duuuuuuuuuudes!

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