Chapter 9

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"You what?!" Ali dropped her hand on James'cheek. She waited for him to explain before she lost it.

"I kissed her ok. When I dropped her off at her place, she was just sitting there looking at me. Practically, she was waiting for me to kiss her, so I just got it over with. It was just a peck. I promise it didn't mean anything to me."

"Well it did to her. You should have seen her in class today. She was daydreaming throughout the whole period." Ali looked away. It bothered her that James kissed Ms. Tomasi on the lips before he kissed Ali. The girl he actually had feelings for.

James sighed and he place his hand under her chin, bringing her gaze back to his eyes. "I swear that it didn't mean anything to me but it probably won't be the last time we kissed." He said nervously.


"Look Ali, you know how I feel about you, and I know how you feel about me. In order for people not to get suspicious of us, because people always do in these types of situation, we have to date other people to cover us up. I have to date Francesca, and you have to date Tommy. No matter how badly I wanna kill Tommy, He's gonna kiss you just like Francesca will kiss me. You know we have to do this for us. We have to be careful. You know what the consequences we could face if anyone finds out."

"I know I would never want you to get in trouble but I-I just don't like this. I don't like that we have to hide what we feel for each other. I don't want you kissing her" She pouted.

"Look, let's make a deal. We always wait for them to kiss us. We never kiss them first." Ali nodded in agreement.

"And no making out or sex James!" She pointed a finger at him.

"Of course not! I'll behave, I promise. I know you will too." He laces his fingers in between hers.

"So are we like..." She tightened the grip on their linked fingers.

"We're together, just undercover." James smiled at her weakly.

"When are you gonna ask her to be your, you not what." She rolled her eyes.

James laughed. "Tomorrow, and what about that doofus?" he said annoyingly.

"James stop. He's actually a nice guy. I feel guilty that we're using two innocent people who truly like us." Ali said sighing.

"Me too, but it has to be done baby girl." He kissed her forehead then he looked at her. "You're so beautiful."

Ali blushed. "And you're hot." She leaned in and kisses his neck seductively. James groaned and placed his hands on Ali's hips and began to kiss her neck.

"Wait." James pulled away.


"AJ is your nickname right? Alissa Jane."

"Yeah, how'd you know that?"

"School records babe." He kissed her neck. "I viewed your profile."

"Stalker!" Ali said playfully.

"No. I just wanted to know every detail of you. Hopefully, you can tell me more. Like, I'll tell you anything you wanna know about me."

"Of course but can we have that conversation another time?"


"Because tonight, I just wanna do this..." She placed her hands behind his neck and brought his face closer to her slowly. Both of their hearts start beating fast and they can feel butterflies in their stomachs. Their faces came closer and soon enough, James captured Ali's lips with his. The kiss was electrifying, soft and sweet all at the same time. Both their lips brushing against each other at a comfortable rhythm. They continued kissing and James brought his tongue into action as he brushes it against Ali's bottom lip. Ali moaned and let enter his tongue in her mouth. He licked her tongue and they soon began exploring each others mouths with them for the first time. James placed his hands on Ali's lower back and layed her down on the couch, their lips never breaking. He climbed on top of her and attacked his favorite place, her neck.

"I like you so much, you drive me nuts." James groaned as Ali giggled.

"Same here baby." She tilted her head to the side to give him more access to her neck. She moaned in satisfaction a bit in her lip. She whimpered when she felt his hands rubbed against her breast. She was so turned on and just arched her head back as she felt a sensation rushing through her body. She looked to the side and glanced at the clock.

"Oh shit!" She jumped up and caused James to fall off the couch.

"What's the matter? Did I do something wrong?" James said getting up and adjusting his clothes.

"Sorry babe, but I gotta go. It's 8:45 and I told my parents I would get back my 9."


"I'm sorry. You must be thinking I'm such a child that still listens to her parents. If you wanna back out, I under-" She got cut off by James's lips. He kissed her passionately and held her tight. Ali immediately melted into the kiss and this time, she entered her tongue in first. They moaned and groaned as they continued the make-out session. Ali didn't want to pull away but she needed to get home.

"I should go." She said giving him one last kiss.

"Fine, but we'll finish this soon." He winked at her and linked his fingers with hers, walking her to the door. "Oh, and one more think babe, age is just a number. We are only 7 years apart. Some couples have a bigger gap than that" He laughed.

Ali smiled. She was glad that the age difference didn't matter to him, just like it didn't matter to her. "You're right." She kisses his lips then walked out.

"Babe, wait, it's too late. I don't want you walking. There's a lots of creeps and assholes around. Let me drive you."

"No baby, I don't think that's a good idea. My house isn't even that far. That's why I didn't drive here. Plus, what if someone sees us?"

"You walking alone isn't a great idea. Let me drive you. I'll just drive you around the corner. It's late and dark, no one will see us."

"Fine." Ali smiled appreciative. They got in the car and James turned the ignition and drove off.

Through the drive they talked lightly about their backgrounds. Their families and where they came from. They leaned a little bit about each other in that short amount of time.

"Alright, here we are." He parked the car on the curb right in the corner.

"Thank you babe." She leaned to kiss him.

"Anything for you baby. See you tomorrow." Ali nodded and got out, walking around the corner. James turned the car around and made his way back home.

"I'm back!" She shouted, entering the house.

"OK good." Her mom yelled from the kitchen. She went upstairs and entered her bedroom, and noticed she was missing something.

"Fuck, my books!"

✓ | Mr. Hetfield, My Teacher. [Metallica: James Hetfield]Where stories live. Discover now