Chapter 17

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"Too revealing" James said sternly, crossing his arms across his bare chest. "Far too revealing"

"Aww babe, c'mon. Seriously? It's fine" Ali whined and pouted. "You're just like my dad. He said the same thing"

"That's because it's the truth. It's too short and your showing cleavage"

"Cleavage? Oh please James. I barely have boobs, let alone cleavage" Ali laughed.

"Still, it's too short"

"Why does it matter anyways? You're gonna be there to check up on me like if I'm a child" Ali rolled her eyes and sat on James's couch. "I thought you trusted me."

"Babe, I do trust you. It's the guys I don't trust. This is highschool you know. Nothing but a bunch of horny teenagers" he responded sarcastically. "Besides, all I can really do is keep an eye on you. It's not like I'll be able to pound on someone, unfortunately" he pulled her onto his lap so she straddled him.

"I know you just wanna take care of me but I'm just gonna be with Layla, Veronica, and Kate" she started tracing James's chest tattoo with her index finger.

"Yeah but guys will walk over to you. You're gonna be the hottest one there. Seriously. You come to me if you feel uncomfortable ok?" he held onto Ali's hips.

"Yes daddy." Ali joked and rolled her eyes. "Honestly, I just want to have a good time with my friends"

"You will." he smiled at her then kissed her forehead.

"So, Francesca hasn't followed you anymore has she?" Ali looked at him suspiciously.

"Nah baby. I think she got the message about just being friends. Don't worry about it."

(With Francesca)

"This dress is going to make James drool over the place" Francesca looked at herself in the mirror. She was proud of herself for being able to convince Mrs. Hammet to ask him to volunteer; and to pair him up with her. She was sure James was going to fall into her trap easily. She was going to be attached to him throughout the whole dance and she had her 'girls' out in the open. She looked rather, tempting. She finished applying her makeup, putting her shoes on and applying some perfume. She walked to her kitchen and grabbed the little bottle that contained what would help her get James back her place at the end of the dance. She smiled and walked out.


Ali, Kate, Layla, and Veronica walked inside of the hall where the dance was being held at. The decorations were awesome, the music was bumping, and the dance floor was flooded with students dancing. They were all smiles as they chose which table to sit at. They all sat down and started to look around.

"Everything looks awesome doesn't it?" Kate whispered in Ali's ear so that she could hear her over the loud music.

"Yeah it does" this was the kind of stuff that Ali always enjoy. Sure, it was for seniors and it was just a normal dance, but for her, it meant a lot. She knew this would be the memories she would want to remember when she was old.

"Do you wanna go get some drinks?" Kate asked.

"Yeah let's go. Do you guys want anything to drink?" Layla and Veronica shook her heads.

Kate and Ali made their way over to the tables that contained food, drinks, and snacks. They got their drinks while talking and were looking over the snacks. Ali glanced up and saw James at one of the other tables....with Francesca. They were standing pretty close. Too close for Ali's liking. She studied them closely and her eyes widened when she saw Francesca stick her chest out at him. She was flirting with him and she wasn't hiding it. James of course, being a guy, was completely delusional, or mesmerized but her twins. Ali crossed her arms and pouted.

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