Chapter 35

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For the past two days, James and Ali decided to stayed at Ali's parents house. Ali's parents wanted to get to know James and vice versa. They actually had a great time and Ali was glad to see her boyfriend and family getting along so well. There were times where Veronica would be extremely quiet but Ali didn't blame her. Ali knew that it was going to take time for her to get over James. At times, Veronica would talk but at others, she wouldn't say anything at all.

Out of respect for her, Ali and James kept the PDA non-existent.

It was the last night that James and Ali were going to be there and they had dinner with Veronica and their parents. It went very well and now, Ali and James were in bed in each others arms talking. Ali's parents had decided to go out and get dessert with Veronica and Jonathan.

"Things went better than we thought huh?" James said as traced his index finger up and down Ali's arm.

"Yeah, I told you. My family is very understanding." Ali responded and ran her hand through James' stomach

"Well yeah but your dad at first..." he trailed off and flexed his jaw that was still sore from the connection of John's fist.

"It still hurts?" Ali sat up and rubbed her thumb across his jaw.

"A little. I'll be fine though. Your dad has a mean ol fist." James joked.

Ali rolled her eyes playfully and settled herself back down, resting her head on James' chest.

James looked down at Ali's left hand and stared at the promise ring he had given her a while ago. He smiled at himself when he remembered how he poured his heart out to Ali while he placed it on her finger. He had meant every word of it and he would always remind her how much he loved her and how important she was to him.

"I love you." James said and kissed the top of Ali's head. Ali looked up at him and smiled.

"I love you too." she reached up and kissed him with everything she had. She had heard James tell her that he loved many times but every time he told her, she would get butterflies. She would never get tired of hearing him say that. The kiss intensified and Ali sat up to straddle James' hips. Ali held onto James' chin and poked her tongue out to brush it against his bottom lip. She settled her lips on James' lip and started to suck on it before pulling back and tugging it lightly. "I want you." Ali whispered as she breathed hard.

James smirked and sat up to capture her lips in another heated kiss. They took pauses to take off their clothes. The articles of clothing flew everywhere around Ali's old bedroom. They were both so anxious to feel each other connected again that it only took a couple of seconds for them to be fully naked. Ali was still straddling James' lap and she trailed kisses down his chest, abdomen, and stomach. She stopped at his already hard cock and licked her lips. She smiled up at him and took his cock in her mouth. James growled and closed his eyes as he felt Ali's pouty lips around his hard shaft.

Ali went up and down his shaft as she licked and sucked it. She moaned when she felt the head hit the back of her throat. The vibration of Ali's moans made James even more turned on and he felt close. "Ali...stop. I-I'm going to cum if you don't stop." James groaned. Ali giggled and let his cock out her mouth with a loud pop. James reached for one of his bags near the bed and took a condom out. He ripped it off with his teeth and put the condom on. He sat up and grabbed Ali placing her on the bed. Before entering her, he surprised Ali by inserting two fingers in her.

"Of fuck! Oh James..." Ali gasped and held onto the bed sheets tightly. "Mmm..." Ali panted. Her body was on fire quick and she felt extremely wet already. She knew her sweet nectar was probably slipping down James' fingers by now.

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