Chapter 12

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"Break it off with him!" James yelled on the phone, talking to Ali.

"James, don't yell." Ali already felt the tears forming.

"Don't yell?! Ali you let him shove his tongue down your throat! He's lucky he's still alive right now!"

"You're overreacting James! Just stop! If Francesca would have done the same thing to you, I highly doubt you would pull away. Am I right?!" He didn't say anything. "Exactly! Don't get mad at me when you're the one who suggested we date other people to hide our relationship! Obviously, there's gonna be kissing involve! Don't tell me that you haven't kissed her once!"

"I have but no tongue involve!" He said sarcastically.

"Whatever, I gotta go." Ali said wiping her tears away from her cheeks.

"Don't hang up on me Ali! Don't you dare."

"Seriously, where the fuck is the guy I had feelings for? 'Cause it sure was hell isn't the same guy I'm talking to right know. You're overreacting, being an asshole, and having a jealous rage over nothing!"

"Nothing? So if I were to go shove my tongue into Francesca's mouth right in front of you, you wouldn't get jealous?!"

"Yes I would but I wouldn't be overreacting like you are. And I didn't know you were watching us! We are technically in relationships with them and we have to act like it!"

"Fine. We have to act like it, I'll go have sex with Francesca then!"

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah, I'll go have sex with her. Sex is part of a relationship too, so you should have no problem with that!" James hung up the phone and threw it across the living room, breaking when it hit the wall. This was a side of him that he was hoping it wouldn't come out. His jealous side. He knew that he was the one that suggested the idea but he didn't think it would bother him that much. Boy, he was wrong. Seeing Ali kiss Tommy made him cringe with disgust. He wanted to run over there and punch Tommy light's out. He obviously couldn't do that. He had to keep his anger inside, which eventually came out when he dialed Ali. He knocked over something from the coffee table in front of him and groaned in frustration. He picked up his car keys and left him house and drove and drove until he approached Francesca's house. He got out and knocked on the door. As soon as she opened the door, he stepped inside slamming the door shut, and attacking her lips. He was so frustrated he didn't know what he was doing.

Ali couldn't believe what James had just said to her. He was gonna have sex with Francesca. She dug her face into her pillow and let out a loud scream while sobbing. She didn't understand why he was acting that way. This was the side of him that she had never seen and it scared her to death. Of course, she hadn't witness him kiss Francesca so far to know how it feels but she still thought he was overreacting and went to far with what he said he was going to do.

How could he say that to me?! Will he actually do it? Stupid question Ali! He's a guy. Of course he is. He's just like other guys out there. How could I be so fuckin' stupid?!

Ali grabbed her phone and dialed Kate. She was the only one that she could talk about this. It rung three times and she finally answered.


"Kate, it's Ali." She choked out while crying.

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you crying?"

"Yeah. C-can you come over my house? I'll explain everything. Please come. I need my best friend."

"Calm down Ali. Sit tight. I'll be right there" Kate hung up the phone and left.

If James was the one that made her cry, Janah was gonna make sure he'd pay for it. Nobody messes with her best friend. This what was she was afraid of this whole time. She didn't want Ali to get hurt and by way she sounded on the phone, it sounded that's the case. Janah felt herself getting upset as well, she held her composure. She wanted to hear Ali out first.

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