Chapter 10

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Ali took her cellphone out and dialed James' number. He answered the phone after a couple of rings.

"Hey babe, you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's just that I left my books at your house and I have homework."

"I'll go take them to you. How are we gonna do this?"

"There's a gate on the side of the house. Open it carefully, and come into the backyard, then you're going to see a balcony I have in my room. There's a built-in ladder next to it, so just climb it. I'll be waiting."

"Alright, I'll be there soon."

"Oh James, be careful because there's a tight space since there's a wall separating my house from the park."

"OK, I will."

James looked around until he spotted her books. He picked them up then left the house. He drove and parked in the same spot he did earlier. He got out and walked into the front yard carefully and soon found the gate. He opened it and walked to the back. Just like Ali told him, he climbed up the ladder and saw Ali standing in the balcony.

"Special delivery." He joked as he stepped onto the balcony.

Ali giggled and hugged him. "Thank you."

"Like I said, anything for you." He started laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"I feel like a teenager sneaking around like this."

Ali frowned. "Is that a bad thing?"

"No." He said sternly and kissed her lips. Ali dropped her books and wrapped her arms around his neck as the kiss deepened then James pulled away. "Are you gonna show me your room?" He whispered in her ear which caused Ali to gasp.

Ali grabbed his hands and pull him inside. As soon as James was inside, Ali jumped on him, wrapped her legs around his waist, while her hands were wrapped around his neck for support, and captured his lips. James cupped her ass and squeezed it lightly while walking over to the bed and setting her down on it. He climbed on top of her, then lifted her shirt just under her breasts and started kissing her abdomen. Ali moaned quietly and spread her legs which caused James to land in between them while kissing all over her body.

"James." Ali whispered as she grabbed him and pulled him up to kiss him passionately on the lips. She used her hands to lift up his shirt and rubbed them all over his bare back. Sending electricity through James's body.

It was something that he had never felt with anybody else. His body arched for her and craved for her. She had a huge effect on him and he liked it. It wasn't just sexual tention even though it sounded like it. He valued everything about her. Her personality was just like his. They had the same interest and they fit well together. Her bubbly laugh could cheer him up when he could have a bad day. He loved everything about this girl. He couldn't definitely get used to this.

Ali could feel James' erection rubbing against her wet, lower region. She had never been with a guy that made her that wet and that turned on before. She needed more of him. It was as if her body was asking for him to take her all the way. With each others tongues rolling against each other. Ali was to reach for the waistband of his jeans until a knock on the door startled them.

They quickly got off the bed and adjusted themselves.

"Yeah?" Ali said in a high voice.

"Can I borrow your blow dryer? Mine broke" It was Veronica.

" Yeah, I'll take it to you right now!" Ali yelled. She turned to James and laughed.

"You know, it's kinda fun sneaking around. It's very Romeo and Juliet." James whispered as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I agree." She blushed and kissed his jaw line.

"I better go, I'll see you tomorrow."

"OK." They walked back out of the balcony. He gave her one last kiss before stepping out onto the ladder.

"Better get started on that homework or else, I'll have to punish you." He winked. Ali laughed and rolled her eyes.

She walked back into her room as soon as he disappeared from her vision. She smiled at herself. I can get used to this.


At the beginning of lunch, Ali got the strength to make things official with Tommy. He was happy of course and so where their friends and Jonathan and Veronica. Kate, however didn't seem as happy as the others.

Ali, Tommy, Jon and Kate were having lunch while Veronica and Layla were nowhere to be found.

"Do you know where they are?" Ali asked Kate. She got no answer. She noticed Kate was spaced out.

"Kate, did you hear me?" She touched her shoulder.

Kate jumped a little and snapped out of her thoughts. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I asked if you knew where Veronica and Layla are?"

"Umm, no sorry."

"Are you okay?" Jonathan asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive Ali." She said.

"Guys, guys, guys, guess what?" Veronica and Layla approached them.

"What's up?" Ali asked. "Where have you to been?"

"Talking to Ms. Tomasi. She said that Mr. Hetfield made it official." Veronica clapped her hands once. Kate looked up with a confused look.

"Oh really?" Ali said with a straight face.

"That's freaking awesome. Now, Ms. Tomasi will lay back on the homework. Right babe?"

"Yeah I guess." Ali shrugged as Tommy kissed her cheek.

"C'mon, lets go congratulate Mr. Hetfield."

"I'm down." Tommy stood up. "You guys coming?" He looked at Ali and Kate.

"No, I'll stay" Kate said.

"Yeah, me too. We'll wait for you guys here." Jonathan, Veronica, Layla, and Tommy nodded and walked away.

Ali phone vibrated and she pulled it out of her pocket. It was a text from James.

James 💙: I asked her already. I miss you. Can't wait to see you during 6th.

Ali sighed and put her phone back inside her pocket then turned to Kate.

"Alright Kate, don't give me that bullshit that your fine because I know you're lying. What's up with you?" Ali crossed her arms.

Kate sighed deeply. "I saw you guys."

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