Chapter 23

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While Ali was in the elevator, she was biting her nails in nervousness. She was hoping her sister would believe her when she said she was in the restroom and was hoping the reason she was there, was not for a bad reason. It was weird to her that her sister showed up. Ali got out of the elevator and quickly made her way into the hall. She looked for Kate and her sister. After a few moments, she finally spotted them. She walked over and grabbed her sister hand and walked them out of the hall so they could talk in peace.

"Sorry I took a while, I was in the restroom. Now, what are you doing here?" Ali crossed her arms.

Veronica shrugged. "Don't know. I was just curious to see how the prom was set up."

"What the hell? That's why you came here? Seriously Veronica?" Ali rolled her eyes and couldn't believe she left panicked over nothing. But then she looked at her sister suspiciously. "Veronica, why are you really here?"

Veronica sighed and laughed. "Ok fine, I came to see if my suspicions were true."

"W-What suspicions?" Ali started to get nervous again.

"That you have a boyfriend." Veronica winked at her.

"Veronica really? I don't have a boyfriend." Ali tried to sell it as much as she could.

"I know that now I guess. You're behavior says different though. Your always smiling when you get a text and your gone almost all the time from home. All the signs were there. You always say you're with Kate. Unless...your lesbian and you're with Kate! Are you a lesbian?"

"Oh my fucking gosh! Roni, shut the hell up. No I'm not lesbian and I don't have a boyfriend. Why would I have a boyfriend when I'm going to leave for Chicago in the middle of Summer..which is pretty soon?" Ali mentally patted herself on the back. She knew that would convince her all of a sudden nosey sister.

"You're right. I'm sorry I came here. It's just that, you're gonna leave and then I'm not gonna have anyone to bug anymore." Veronica frowned.

"Aww, I'm gonna miss you too sis. I really am." Ali hugged her sister. She was super glad that Veronica didn't follow them all the way from home. She would have been close to finding out that she was with James.

"Hey look. It's Mr. Hetfield." Veronica said pulling away.

"What?" Ali shrieked.

"Mr. Hetfield. He just left the elevator. He was probably getting it on with a teacher."

"After what happened with Ms. Tomasi, I doubt it."

Ali rolled her eyes but then smiled at herself as she started to think about the night she just had with James. It was full of nothing but love, passionate sex and quality time. Others would probably freak out about not being able to go out in public but it was a big deal for them. All they needed was each other. That was enough for them. Ali never stopped reminding herself that she was lucky to have someone like James. The idea of telling her family was something she wouldn't even consider until she was in college for at least a year and a half. There wasn't much they could do. She would practically be an adult. One thing was for sure. She was going to miss him so much and she hoped that they would see each other whenever they had free time.

(After Summer Break)

Kate eventually made it into UC as well and she was going there with Ali. Their parents bought them a 2 year lease on an apartment that was nearby campus and they had already paid for the first year. Both their parents would be helping them out in that department. As far as college goes, they both got scholarships that would cover the expenses, except for their books. They were both set to leave in a couple of hours.

✓ | Mr. Hetfield, My Teacher. [Metallica: James Hetfield]Where stories live. Discover now