Chapter 19

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(Monday Before School)

James sat in his chair waiting for Mrs. Hammet to call him and let him know that Mr. Ulrich was ready to speak to him about the incident that happened on Friday. To say he was nervous, was an understatement. The fact that Mr. Ulrich didn't believe Ali was nerve-racking. He knew he wouldn't be able to change his mind. No one could ever change Mr. Ulrich's mind. Truth be told, James was hoping for a miracle. Considering what happened in the past with the Tommy incident, Ali was not on the principal's good side. That frustrated him because he 100% believed Ali knew it was the truth. He didn't know how to prove she was telling the truth and he knew Ali didn't either. Apparently to say she saw it with her own eyes, wasn't enough. His thoughts got interrupted by the classroom phone ringing. He picked it up and answered it.


"Mr. Hetfield? Umm, Mr. Ulrich says he's ready to talk to you" Mrs. Hammet said.

"Ok thank you. I'll be right over" he hung up and left the classroom. He rubbed his hands against his pants because they were sweating. He was actually nervous.......nervous for Ali.

He finally made it to the principal's office and walked in. He was Mrs. Hammet in her seat, rubbing her temples.

"Mrs. Hammet? Are you alright?" James asked concerned.

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine. Just a headache. Go on ahead. He's ready to see you" Mrs. Hammet smiled weakly.

"Thanks" James said then went to Mr. Ulrich's office. He walked in through the open door and saw that Francesca was already in there.

"Mr. Hetfield, come in" Mr. Ulrich motioned for him to sit down. James sighed and did as he was told.

"Alright Mr. Hetfield and Ms. Tomasi, I understand that you guys are together right?" Mr. Ulrich asked writing something down on his notepad.

"No sir. We were, but not anymore" James crossed his arms.

"I see. Well that's none of my business anyways so I'll just get to the point. Ms. Tomasi, did you ever pour something into Hetfield's drink during the dance on Friday?"

"No" Francesca lied so easily. "I would never do that"

"That's bullshit and you know it!" James yelled. "You have stalked me, followed me, flirted with me after the fact that I broke up with you. Why wouldn't I believe you would do something like this?"

"Wow. What do you mean she's been stalking you?" Mr. Ulrich wondered.

"After I broke up with her, I noticed she started following me whenever I left my house. She stopped once I told her we could only be friends. I thought she had gotten the message but apparently not" he glared at her and Francesca started to fake cry.

"No sir. That's not true" Francesca rubbed her eyes, again making herself look like the victim.

"Don't deny it Franesca! You even told me why you did it. You wanted to see if I left you for someone else, which...which was not the case" James hesitated at the last part but said it anyways.

"Alright, both of you calm-" the principal got interrupted by a knock at the door. "I'm busy here!" he yelled.

The door opened anyways and Mrs. Hammet opened the door to step inside. "I'm sorry sir, but this is important. And it has to do with with them" she pointed at James and Francesca.

"What is it Mrs. Hammet?" the principal asked curiously.

"I'm sort of a witness to the whole thing" Mrs. Hammet looked over to Francesca who started to look nervous. James and Mr. Ulrich furrowed their eyebrows.

"Care to elaborate on that?" Mr. Ulrich asked and picked up his pen and prepared himself to write everything down.

"Ms. Tomasi told me to convince Mr. Hetfield to volunteer as a chaperone for the dance and-"

"Shut the fuck up Lani!" Francesca got up and shouted.

James grabbed her and sat her back down roughly.

"Continue Mrs. Hammet." the principal said looking down at his notepad. "Ms. Tomasi, stay quiet."

"She also told me to partner her up with him if he had said yes. I thought that was a bit suspicious so I kept my eye on them during the dance. Just like Ali Cade, I also saw her pour something on Mr. Hetfield's drink. I saw it with my own eyes as well. Ali Cade wasn't lying. When I saw it happening I was making my way over there as well but thank goodness that Ms. Cade got there first. Otherwise, he would have taken a sip out of the cup" as Mrs. Hammet was telling the whole story, James and Mr. Ulrich looked at Francesca with disappointment and shock. Francesca knew she couldn't get herself out of it this time. She slouched on her chair in defeat.

"That's quite a story Mrs. Hammet. Is that all true Ms. Tomasi?" Francesca didn't answer. She didn't need to.

James huffled and shook his head. "Thank you Mrs. Hammet for cleaning things up. I owe you one"

"It's not necessary. The one you should be thanking is Ali Cade. She basically saved you from a dangerous situation" Mrs. Hammet glared at Ms. Tomasi who just rolled her eyes.

James smiled knowing that was the truth. He didn't know what he would do without Ali. He felt very lucky indeed. They weren't on the best terms and she still went out of her way to protect him, just like he would always protect her from anything. This incident was one of those that just proved to him just how much she truly loved him. Not that he needed proof but it was still a great feeling.

"Alright, thank you Mrs. Hammet. You can go back to work. Thank you." Lani nodded and left.

"Ms. Tomasi, you stay put. We have to get together your termination papers" Mr. Ulrich said while Francesca's jaw dropped. "Mr. Hetfield, come with me" James got up and made no eye contact with Francesca. He was too relived that she was getting fired. She deserved it. He walked out with the principal who closed the door of his office.

"Mr. Hetfield, if you can do me a favor, when you see Ms. Cade in your sixth period please ask her to come to my office. I would like to apologize to her" James smiled and nodded. "And also, if a can make a suggestion?" he nodded again. "I suggest you get a restraining order against Ms. Tomasi. I think you need it and since we have two witnesses saying she tried to poison you somehow, the city will grant it easily."

"I think I'll actually take that suggestion Mr. Ulrich, thank you" he shook Mr. Ulrich's hand and he nodded.

James walked out and made his way to the classroom. He went in and was surprised to see Ali there. "Babe? What are you doing here so early?" he whispered and closed the door.

"I wanted to know what happened. What did happen?" Ali asked nervously.

James approached and kissed her. "She got fired. Mrs. Hammet went in and said that she saw the whole thing as well. Then, she said Francesca convinced her to get me chaperone for the dance and to partner me up with her."

"Wow" Ali was shocked but relived at the same time. "I'm so glad everything worked out" she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly.

"Me too" he pulled away and kissed her. "Oh, by the way, Mr. Ulrich wants you to go in his office so he can apologize to you"

"He better apologize to me. He was a dick" Ali rolled her eyes.

James laughed and tapped Ali's nose with his index finger. "You look hot when you're annoyed" he kissed her neck. Ali giggled and held onto James' biceps. The kiss got deeper all of a sudden, he grabbed Ali by her ass and lifted her up and placed her on top of his desk causing some of his items to fall to the ground. Ali sat on the very edge of the desk and leaned back slightly. She placed one her hands on the desk behind her for support while the other one held onto James' neck. She lifted her hips slightly and rubbed them against James'. They both moaned in the sensation.

"I love you" James grunted as he felt his erection grow.

"" Ali said in between kisses. They both felt their bodies getting hot and sweaty quickly...until they got startled by a voice.

"Excuse me..."

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