Chapter 2

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 "So... um, sorry. I had no idea who I was going to be interviewing so I didn't really think too much about the questions." I said a bit embarrassed as I continued to take photos.

"No worries. Do you know anything about us already? It might help." Louis tried to help, I started laughing at the question.. Do i know anything about them? Really? 

"Sorry, I didn' mean that to sound rude but... nobody has ever asked me if i know anything about 'One Direction'"

"Oh, don't you like the band very much?" Niall looked a bit sad as he asked.

"No no no! It's not that, like. Did you hear my ring-tone at all? It's just that any of my friends that want to know something about you guys come check with me to make sure they're right.. I totally love you guys. Sorry if I'm fangirling..." I kind of freaked when he said that, did he really think that I didn't like them?

"So, is there anything you would personally like to know then?" Louis jumped back into the conversation Niall so rudely interrupted.

"Umm, how are Eleanor and Danielle?" My mind went blank. Now, of all times, Now. But it made Liam start to grin like a little school kid. "Dani's great!" He said eagerly. I looked over to Lou, he looked down at the ground and I could see that he missed her a lot."Sorry, you don't have to answer that if you don't want. I don't mind."

"No, it's fine.. I just miss her." Niall lent over and grabbed his cheek like he was a baby. Harry quickly joined in. I lifted up my camera just in time to get a picture before he shoved them both off making Niall just about fall off the couch that had been pulled out on the set for them.

"Actually, I do remember one thing my friend wanted to ask.." Before I could say anything Harry had to point something out.

"But.. I thought you said you didn't know it would be us?" He looked really confused so I had to confess to the game me and my friend had played the other day.

"Yeah but uhh... me and my friend Evelyn, she loves you guys too by the way," the boys laughed at how I tried to slip that into it, "we play this game sometimes where we act like we got to interview our favourite celebrities. It always ends up being you though so we just go straight to the questions, and the other day we were playing it and she said 'If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?' " They all looked at each other.

"Ummmm, I don't know actually.." Liam stared off into the distance looking really confused.

"I would get Eleanor to come with us traveling." Louis said poking his tongue at the camera. "I would get lots of cats...." Harry giggled as he said it.

"I would... I would... be superman!" Zayn yelled putting his arm up like he was flying. The interview was actually getting me some pretty good photos.

"Niall? What would you do?" I asked as he sat silently on the edge of the couch.

"I  KNOW WHAT HE'D DO!!!" Louis screeched. Niall Immediately threw his hands toward Lou's mouth trying to make him shut-up. It stayed there for a second before very quickly flinging off of his face. "Uggh. What the fuck Lou. You licked me..." I couldn't help but crack up laughing.

"Then say what you'd do!"

Niall glared at him for a while, then turned back to me, grinned and said, "No comment."

"Okay..  that's fine. I could barely answer that myself so I don't blame you."

"Ohhh,  what was yours???" Harry barely let me finish before jumping in.

"Haha, oh. umm... It's a bit embarrassing..."

"I don't care. What was it?" He insisted I answered.

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