Chapter 9

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  • Dedicated to My friend that just had his heart broken. :( <3

As we sat in front of the enormous TV my heart raced. Niall's arms were back in that same position I had become accustom to over the past two weeks, hand on my hip, arm around my waist. I lay my head on his shoulder as Lisa pressed play, Lisa is a part of management. A shot of the boys standing under a tree it faded and showed Liam. "I keep playing it inside my head, All that you said to me." Liam looked shattered, even though I knew that when we were filming he had to try really hard not to laugh. He was such a happy guy and even though he could go from laughing hysterically to looking completely serious in about 0.6 seconds, when he actually had to do that... It just took a while and even then as soon as they said cut he would burst out laughing. 

"Is your heart taken. Is there somebody else on your mind.

I'm so sorry I'm so confused just tell me, Am I out of time?" A shot of Niall and I came onto the screen and I could feel my cheeks flushing red. This was the first time that anybody other than the director would be seeing the tape so it was a surprise to everybody what it would be like. The video continued on and every part of it was amazing, to be honest I am a bit biased (by-ist) cuz I absolutely love the boys. But it was actually a really good video. Then, the part I was dreading.

"Oh when you stood there." A picture of me and Niall, his arms around me.

"Just a heartbeat away, when we were dancing." His eyes looked on mine as he took a step, under the stars. I remembered that feeling, I'd never felt it before. "When we were dancing, and you looked up at me." His beautiful blue eyes shone, it felt like everything was gone. Nothing there but me and him. As the video entranced me I felt him kiss me on the forehead and he whispered in my ear. "You know, I really wanted to kiss you then. When we were dancing, I wanted to more than ever. But the name of the song is 'I should've kissed you', I have a feeling it would have kind of defeated the purpose." It made me giggle as I turned and gazed up at him. I still couldn't believe this was happening. Suddenly everyone knew who I was, at school I couldn't go anywhere without people talking to me. Especially the year nines, it was actually kind of cute how they always wanted me to say hi to the boys for them. Once Niall had come to pick me up during 5th period and as soon as one of them saw him she fainted, like actually, dropped to the floor, fainted. God, that girl must have been so happy cuz when she woke up Niall was carrying her to the school nurse. But in a week he would be gone. He had become my world, and now he had to go to the other side of the Earth.

"You okay beautiful?" He could see that I was sad. I really didn't want him to leave, but he had to. He knew me so well now, he could tell when I was pissed, or when I was sad without even looking at my face. I didn't know ho, but he did.

"Yeah Ni, I'm okay. I just.. never mind." The music stopped and I reached over to my laptop, I opened up twitter to see the usual massive loads of tweets. 'My bestest friend @NiallOfficial is leaving in a week. I'm gonna miss him so much, please take care of him America. :'( ♥♥'

Immediately it got favourites. 'Suzie_LOVES_1d replied to your tweet: OMG! You are so cute together. #Naly All the way!!! We will take care of him! </3' It was so cute how much the fans cared. And we had a ship name, they had seen that Niall calls me Aly, and so Naly was made. It was weird though, I wasn't even part of the band and they were always tweeting me. 'NiallForever replied to your tweet: Ew, when he comes he's gonna meet me and ditch you. He is supposed to be with me, not you!' I heard Niall's laugh from beside me. He pulled out his phone and started tapping away.

'NiallOfficail replied to your tweet: @NiallForever good luck with that, you obviously don't know how much this girl means to me. ♥♥@Aleisha_Parkinson. #Naly #Naly #Naly #Naly ♥♥' I had changed my name to Aleisha_Parkinson so that people wouldn't think I'm just some freaky kid that is getting too far ahead of herself.

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