Chapter 12

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As the light cracked through the blinds I opened my eyes and absorbed my surroundings. I lay on my bed, covered in blankets, I had stayed up most of the night trying to get my head around the fact that in just a few hours, the person that had become my life would have to be leaving. Mum was out of Auckland for a week for a work conference and told me to get Eve to stay over. I opened my door and walked out to the lounge, the cold air hit me wanting to go back and curl up under my blankets. But I couldn't, today was the last day I had to spend with Niall before he left and I wasn't going to waste it. He had told me to bring my guitar with me and he would teach me a song.

I went into the kitchen and wrote on a piece of paper that I would be gone for the day with Niall and that Eve could get what ever from the fridge. I  got dressed into a light khaki coloured dress, which is quite unusual for me to wear a dress, but it was really hot. I slipped on my janadals (America calls them flip flops if you're not sure what they are) and grabbed my guitar and decided it would be a good idea to take the bus. I slipped my aviators on and walked down to the bus stop, my necklace bouncing against my collar bone with each step. My steep driveway making me speed up.

My headphones were in and I had Ed Sheeran blasting. I had on my play-list for when I had this kind of mood. Actually, I have a play-list for every mood I have, no matter if it's angry, happy, or sad. I stood at the bus stop, guitar in hand with all of my thoughts flowing through my mind. It probably wasn't the best of ideas to just be letting all of my thoughts roam my mind but I couldn't help it. I knew that I was being stupid, that so many girls would be over the moon if they knew the boys, and don't get me wrong, I was. But I just couldn't shake that he might realise that he could do better. I mean, he was going to America, there are models and girls that are perfect everywhere, then there is me. Just sitting here, waiting for him to return, I knew he would. He's a really nice guy and I knew that he would come back, even if it were it let me go. "Love, are you getting on?" The bus driver asked looking at me, I had completely zoned out, "Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry." I managed to choke out. The driver gave me a kind smile as I handed him my money. I carried my guitar with me to the back of the bus, sitting in my usual spot. Next to the window, on the right in the seat second to the back. My eyes watched as trees flickered past, one by one. Kiss Me came onto my depressing play-list. I sat, staring out the window, taking in the lyrics.

"Settle down with me

Cover me up

Cuddle me in

Lie down with me

Hold me in your arms

Your heart's against my chest 

Lips pressed to my neck 

I've fallen for your eyes 

But they don't know me yet 

And the feeling I forget 

I'm in love now 

Kiss me like you wanna be loved 

Wanna be loved 

Wanna be loved 

This feels like I've fallen in love 

Fallen in love 

Fallen in love 

Settle down with me 

And I'll be your safety 

You'll be my lady 

I was made to keep your body warm 

But I'm cold as, the wind blows 

So hold me in your arms 

My heart's against your chest 

Your lips pressed to my neck 

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