Chapter 29

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-I would just like to say in advance that I'm sorry if you find it awkward to read some of this. But I have been reading dark and I got really bad Niall feels while I was writing. I'm sorry. Especially to the people I know personally that read this. Evelyn if you make fun of me about this I'm going to throw something at you. BTW IF YOU HAVEN'T READ DARK GO READ IT IMMEDIATELY!!!!-

After what Niall had said that night everything seemed perfect. He refused to let me leave the stage so I went and stood beside Josh and the others while him and the boys sang.

I nearly burst into tears when they sang little things and Niall got me to stay with him so that he could sing his solo to me. That song is literally perfection.

When we finally left the stage Niall's arms stayed around my waist, not even allowing me to sit in my own seat but rather on his lap. I knew he was tired though because as soon as he sat in the plush chair his face nuzzled into my neck and he closed his eyes. I absentmindedly played with his golden locks that glistened with sweat. "So did you like your surprise?" Zayn asked me making Niall smile against into the crook of my neck.

"Definitely." I answered grinning at him. Niall's grip around my waist tightened, pulling me closer to him as his lips made contact with my shoulder. I sighed lightly at his touch.

He smirked as he continued to leave warm kisses on my skin. He knew what he was doing to me and took great pleasure in doing so. I tugged lightly at his hair in attempt make him stop, although all it did was cause him to let out a light chuckle before softly pressing his teeth into my skin.

The door opened slightly as one of the girls working for the boys, I think her name was Ruby, stuck her head into the room. "Your guns are here boys." She said and my eyes widened.

"Calm down, Aly, nerf guns. Unless of course the look of shock on you face wasn't because of what she said." Louis said with a wink. A pillow was immediately flung at him, hitting him right in the face.

"Oh I'm sorry. It just... Slipped." I smirked at him as he flipped me off.

Harry quickly got up, shoving Lou to the door and yanking the other two, quite viciously, to their feet. "Whatever. We are going go to attack Paul, payback for last night." He informed me before running hastily out the door with the others following closely behind. I laughed at the memory of hearing Harry's scream at two in the morning as he was 'shot in the face' by Paul. Apparently Paul had got every one of them, which includes Sandy and Josh and the rest. I however was happily snuggled in bed, alone seeing as Niall had gotten up to see why Harry had screamed.

The feeling of Niall's hot breath against my skin caught my attention back. "Aren't you going to go join in the attack?" I asked. An amused look on my face.

"Nope." Niall laughed. "I have much better things to do here." He said before placing a kiss to my lips. "Besides, they can handle themselves."

I have him a strange look before letting out a small laugh.

"Okay so maybe they can't handle themselves." He moved closer to me. "But I honestly," he kissed my neck. "Don't." A kiss to my cheek. "Care." He said before returning back to my lips.

He gripped my thigh, moving my leg so that one was either side of his waist. He didn't break the kiss once as he lifted me so that he was standing, moving from the small, plush chair to the couch. Slowly he sat, his back leaning down so the he was lying on the soft material of the sofa.

My teeth lightly but down on his bottom lip making him groan quietly. My breath began to quicken as his fingers traced various patterns on the backs of my thighs. My hair dangled loosely over us as my head dipped into his neck, leaving a small trail of love bites down the skin. My hands pressed into his chest as I attempted to hold myself up, though I was beginning to struggle.

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