Chapter 18

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I stood next to Niall playing with my hair between my fingers. I loved what it looked like, "I'm bored." I said turning to Niall. He grinned and grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the room and into his. He ran to his room and got his grey hoddie, chucking it at me. "Put that on, you gotta try and hide your hairstyle from the fans. We gotta make it more dramatic when everyone sees it." I pulled the jacket and put the hood up. "Where are we going?" He looked at me and smiled, "Exploring." He said and ran out the door with me following closely behind him. We ran around the floor and went through a door we hadn't seen before. "What if it's like one of those scenes from the movies where the door hasn't been opened for years and us opening it could lead to a curse being let out and everyone being killed off." He took a step closer, "One." Closer, "By." Closer again, "One..." He smirked and I shoved him back flinging the door open and running through it. I ran up a flight of stairs and ran through another door. Niall quickly followed, "How did we not know this was here?"
"Did you not think this building would have a roof?" I answered laughing and walking closer to the edge. It had a barrier type thing so I wasn't going to fall or anything, "Shut-up." His accent sailed through the air and dissappeared into the distance, I felt his breath against my neck and turned to face him. His lips touched mine and I immediately smiled, kissing back. His kiss moved to my jaw line and the side of my neck, making me smile more.

"Where have you lot been?" Minnie asked as we walked into Harry's room where they said they would be. "We were on th..." Minnie cut me off as I sat down next to her. "IS THAT A HICKEY!?" She yelled and Nicki sprinted into the room from the kitchen. "A what?!" She jumped onto the couch and I went bright red. "Uh, no..." I rubbed furiously at where Niall had been kissing me but they swatted my hand away. "Whoa Niall." Nicola looked over at Niall who was covering his face with his hand, "And I thought you were the innocent one!" She laughed at him, Minnie agreeing. "And what do you mean by that? Zayn isn't the innocent little boy you thought he was?" Zayn threw up his hands, "Hey hey hey, don't bring me into this. It's not my fault Niall was sucking face with you." He laughed looking over to Niall who was still trying to hide himself. I slipped my hood down and Nicola and Minnie's eyes became huge. "When the hell did you do this?!" Minnie demanded to know. "Oh, shit. Uh. I got El to do it for me a few hours ago... Where is Eleanor anyways?" Minnie looked at Harry then back at me, "Hold up! Eleanor is here?" She looked completely shocked. Me and my friends all idolised El, she was amazing and totally gorgeous! "Her and Lou went out to grab some pizza." Harry told us laughing. I got up and sat with Niall, just on the edge of the couch and lent over to him so I could say to him without anyone hearing. "Uh.. I have to tell them about the tour." He looked at me and laughed, "Shit, you do aye." He looked at me and pulled me closer to him, half sitting on him so that I wouldn't fall off. "You do what?" Nicki asked seeing the way I was looking at them. "Umm, where's Eve?" Minnie laughed as soon as I said it, "With Blake."
"Who's Blake?" Niall asked wrapping his arms around my waist. "Oh, that's her boyfriend. They've been on and off for a few years but apparently this time it's going to last." I laughed, her and Blake always ended up back together. Everyone knew that they had always been into each other, it was excruciatingly obvious. "Oh, okay. I'll have to talk to you lot later then." I laughed knowing that Nicki was going to get annoyed, she hated t when I said that I had to tell her something but then I didn't tell her all of it. She glared at me and went back to the hair topic. "So, the hair? Why?" I looked down at my blue tips. "Is it bad?" I asked looking back at her, both her and Minnie shook their heads quickly before Nicki continued. "No, I just thought you would have mentioned changing it so much. I know you wanted that a while ago but I mean I thought you would have mentioned it before you actually did do it." I shrugged my shoulders and El and Lou swung the door open. "We have pizza!" Lou yelled incredibly enthusiastically. I got up and grabbed a few of the pizzas from El who was struggling to balance them. I looked over Minnie who looked like she had frozen. Harry lent forward and whispered something into her ear that sent her giggling like a little girl. We all got some pizza and attacked the couches, as I was walking back into the lounge to sit down I felt El poke my neck. "Nice lovebite." She muttered and went to sit down with Louis. "Wha... oh, yeah." I rubbed at where she had poked me in the neck and a few moments later Danielle and Liam walked in. I swear Minnie must've been so happy. "Eating pizza? Without us???" Liam acted like he was extremely hurt and grabbed him and Dani some plates. They sat down and we all started talking. "Whoa Niall, what have you been doing? Eating the girl?" Dani asked making it blatantly obvious what she was referring to. "And changing the subject." I said trying to think of something to say, luckily my phone started ringing, saving me from the pain of them going on about it. "Hi Simon." I said looking at the caller I.D. I clicked speaker phone so that I wouldn't have to explain what he had called about. "Hello Aly, did you get your hair dye ready?" He asked. "Actually I've already dyed it. Eleanor did it for me." I looked over at her and she was smugly brushing off her shoulders. "Good, now that you have that done you will be having a photo shoot so that when your single comes out on iTunes there is a photo to go with it." Nicola and Minnie both mouthed, 'single?' at me and a waved my hand at them telling them to shut-up. "Okay, what time should I come?"
"Probably around about eleven." He answered and then said he had to go. We both said good-bye and I ended the call. "You have a single?" They asked completely shocked. "Nicki, I'm sure I told you Simon said he wanted to sing me." She nodded, "But you didn't tell me you had recorded a song." Minnie waved her arms about making me focus on her, "Hello? Why wasn't I told about the whole, oh yeah and by the way I'M GONNA BE FREAKING FAMOUS!?" She demanded dramatically to know why I had failed to mention to her about Simon. "Um, dramatic effect? Taadaa! See, it worked." Minnie scowled at me and bit into her pizza, "Hey uh, just wondering... How are you gonna cover up that love bite for your photo shoot? One like that I doubt can be covered by make-up... Unless you want it to be painfully obvious you're hiding something." I put my plate onto the coffee table and went to the bathroom to see how bad it was, it couldn't be as obvious as they were making it out to be. I went into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. I was right, it wasn't as bad as they said... It was worse. "Niall? How the hell did you manage to get it like that?" I asked walking back into the living room. "Maaagic." He said waving his fingers around. "Well can you un-magic it please? The whole world is gonna see my picture of my hickeys..." He shrugged and I sat back down next to him. And yes I did mean hickeys. Plural, there was one on my neck and one on the side of my jaw. Great.

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