Chapter 1

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Working as a photographer for a magazine you get to take photos of a lot of stuff, including people and my boss said that I had a photo shoot later one day with this new band. I asked which one and he said he wasn't sure except they were really popular lately and he wanted me to ask them some questions. I didn't know who it would be so I just didn't think too much about it. He said that they wouldn't get to the studio until about 1 o'clock so I went to Nando's for some lunch at 12 and I came back with my food and drink. I was putting my skateboard in the back room when I thought I heard something. It was this beautiful English accent.. It sounded just like Liam Payne's voice but I dismissed it to me spending too much time on youtube. I was singing save you tonight to myself pretty quietly and then I the voice say, "Niall, you should go and find her, I can hear her singing."

An amazing Irish voice argued with him. It made my heart jolt and I started to panic, but I was already walking out the door. I saw them standing there, my five, beautiful idols standing in the studio talking. "Why should I go? I'm not the best at this kind of stuff."

Liam pointed at my laptop that was still turned on sitting on my desk. He lent over and looked at the wallpaper which was a picture of him playing the guitar. He started to laugh and he turned around and went to walk toward the back room but he saw me before I could do anything.

He suddenly started grinning. "Hi, I'm Niall." He walked closer to me and my drink slipped out of my hand.

"Fuck. I mean, oh sorry. I swear alot. I'll be right back, I'll just get something to clean that up." I put the bag of Nando's down and went into the back room again. I didn't know what was happening, the five most beautiful beings on this earth. The things I had been obsessing over for the last two years.. just standing in my work, talking. There was a roll of cloth to clean up after my un-co fails on the top shelf that I couldn't reach. I didn't realize he was standing at the doorway watching me struggle. I heard him laughing at me, "You need a hand?" he said grinning at me. I went really awkward. "Oh, uhh. I can get it. Just give me a second."

"If you say so."

"I can, okay? I'm short, but I can climb."

"No. Don't do that. Why don't you let me get it for you then you won't have to climb up there?" he said walking closer to me. He looked up at the highest point of the shelves and found the roll. He immediately grabbed it and walked out the door.

"You didn't have to do that," I ran to him out to the hall, "I could have..." before I could finish he turned and I plumited into his chest making him take a step back from the force.

"Holy shit. I can't believe I did that. I'm so sorry, are you okay?" I moved quickly back, tripping over my feet. He put his arm out and just caught me, stopping me from falling.

"It seems like I should be asking you that..." His beautiful laugh lit up his whole face, I couldn't help but smile at him.

"Uhh, we should probably go and umm... yeah.."

We walked into the studio and I quickly cleaned up my mess. We got straight to work but I couldn't help but notice that the boys were all trying to whisper to Niall secretly though they were not very good at it...

"Ummm, is everything okay guys?" I hesitated to ask. I didn't want to sound rude but it was getting hard to get good shots with them all whispering between themselves. Admittedly though the grin the boys left across Niall's face was too cute to not take photos of.

"Yeah, everything's fine. but..." Louis didn't finish his sentence. Just looked over at Niall and all of the boys started to laugh, except for the little Irish snowflake.

"You know, you guys aren't funny." He said glaring at them all. No-one said anything, just laughed more. I was completely confused and I was getting pretty hungry. I turned back and looked at my desk. My bag of Nando's was still there but I didn't want to go and grab it, it seemed rude.

"Oh no. We've stopped you from having your lunch haven't we? Ohh, I feel so bad now. Go eat." Liam burst out. All of the boys looked up and realised that I had only just got back when they arrived.

"Yeah, go. We don't mind having a break either. If that's okay..?" Harry asked.

"As long as you guys don't mind? I don't wanna be rude or anything.." I wasn't sure if I should or not but the boys were already pushing Niall along to the doorway.

"Sorry about them, you go eat. And I'm sorry for interrupting your meal." Liam said before running over to the others like a little kid. I could hear them talking but I couldn't make out what they were saying, I didn't want eavesdrop so I blocked it out. I sat down at my desk and as soon as I opened the bag I could tell that they were all suddenly aware of their hunger. I took one piece of chicken and held up the bag. "You guys want some?!?" I yelled across the studio to them.

"If your su..." Liam couldn't finish his sentence before the others were next to me.

"I'll take that as a yes then." I handed over the bag and started to eat my piece. My phone gave me a mini heart attack when it started to ring. It was on full volume, blasting the More Than This chorus. I shot up trying to reach it in my back pocket. When i managed to fish it out i slammed on all of the buttons trying to make it shut-up. "Uh, yes. Um, hello?" I asked feeling my face getting hot. I knew I was going red which made me turn away from the guys. Trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Aleisha, have they arrived yet?" My boss' voice echoed through the speaker that was pressed up against my ear.

"Yes, they were here a bit early. But it's fine, I was here."

"Good, now I hope you are being very good to them. They are a very popular band and you need to do whatever they ask of you."

"Yes sir. Of course, and don't worry. I know them and how popular they are."

"Good, please. This is a very important job, you need to do your very best."

"Yes I know. Oh uh, did you have any specific questions you wanted me to ask them?"

"No, I don't know. I have no idea what teenagers want to know. You'll think of something. Now I really have to be going, Bye." before I could say anything the call was disconnected. I turned around to get back to the photo shoot to see Niall with a chicken bone sticking out of his mouth. "I love your ring-tone." he said smiling at me. I suddenly remembered my phone going off and started to laugh. I could see they found me laughing so much a bit strange.

"Sorry," I tried to explain "I laugh when I'm embarassed.. or when I'm nervous.. or when I hurt myself.. I just laugh alot, and that isn't really helping." I pointed at Niall, still chewing on the chicken that was sticking out of his mouth.


"Okay, I actually need to interview you guys soo..." we went back to the camera and continues the shoot, but not before a managed to snap a picture of Niall's ridiculous way of eating.

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