Chapter 26

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"I can't believe your mum really doesn't mind us staying.. Are you sure they don't want me to sleep in the lounge, I don't mind. Really." She was so nervous, it was adorable. She was sitting on my bed, looking rater uncomfortable, I lent down to her, putting my lips softly against mine. I knew for sure that would calm her down, she kissed back for a few seconds then pushed my chest lightly. "We're in your mum's house. Not happening." She laughed, leaning back, resting her weight on her amrs.

"Come on, it's still my house too you know. Mum always says I can come back whenever I want." I said to her, the smile on my face growing as I moved back towards her. I pushed her shoulder lightly, making her fall onto her back as I lent over her, "It's not like we're even doing anything bad. Making out isn't the worst thing we could be doing." I laughed before kissing her again.

"Yeah, but you'll just have to wait for that too." She teased, pushing me off and walking to the door.

"You won't be able to handle it." I said as she stopped in the doorway.

"Trust me, babe, it'll be a lot harder on you than it will be on me." She giggled, her hair bouncing as she skipped out the door.

 "What's a promise ring?" Aly asked, looking up from a magizine that she was holding. "It says that this guy gave his girlfriend one... I don't know what that is though." She turned the book around, pointing to some famous person on the page. I sat down next to her and wrapped my arms around her small waist, she smelt like her Anarchy spray she always used. Not enough to make you suffocate in it but just a hint, so that it mixed nicely through the air. Causing me to smile any time I got near her. Though that smile always found it's way to my face, even when she wan't wearing it."It's something people get when they say that they will get married in the future but aren't quite ready for actually being engaged if that makes sense. That's why it's called a promise ring, cuz they promise to stay together." I said kissing her neck.

"People always break promises though." She said, staring forward absent mindedly. I looked up as she said it, this used to happen a lot. Not so much anymore though. She would just slip back into the memories of her past. Those memories were ones I wished she would forget, the ones where she was hurt but too afraid to tell anyone. Those memories were more like nightmares.

"I promise I will always love you, no matter what, you will always be my favourite girl. Do you think I'll break that promise?" I asked, looking at her perfect face. Her green eyes turned to me, she was drawn back from the memories and a smile falshed over her petite lips.

"No, I don't believe you would ever break that promise." 


My heart felt liked it had stopped. I had so believed that it would be like this forever, that I would have to learn to live without him knowing all of those amazing memories. That he would never know just how much he had really done for me. "You--" I couldn't say it. Who knew that two small words could change my life so much. I couldn't risk believing. What if he was just saying this to stop me from doing it, I don't think I could have though. Not after I had promised my friends I would stop cutting. I have had so many promises broken that I make sure to always keep my own. I took in a deep breath, preparing myself for the words. "You... remember?" I asked, seeing his face, it made me calm slightly. He nodded.

"You yelling at, letting everything just pour out of you, it brought it all back. Seeing your tears, tears that I caused just pushed the memories forward. I always hated to see you upset, but when I'm the reason for such a beautiful face to be covered in tears... I know why I was going to take you on that date. When I got hit, I was on my way from picking something up for you." He said running his hands through his hair nervously. I knew he wasn't lieing. He sucks at lieing. But something inside me didn't believe it, like it was too good to be true.

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