Chapter 28

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Sarah paced back and forth in the back stage lounge. "I swear I'm going to kill those boys! I am going to rip their heads off and fed it to them!" I decided it best not to point out the problem with her plan as the remaining boys and I all bit back laughter. Granted, we were annoyed that they were late for their own concert but it was hard to focus on that when Sarah was like this. Harry and I both looked at each other, trying to contain our laughter from erupting. That probably wasn't the best idea we had. As soon as we saw the look on the other's face we burst out laughing in unison. This setting off the other two boys. Sarah turned to face us all and scowled.

"I don't know what you lot are laughing about, you can't go on without Niall and Liam." I bit my lips together as she glared.

"What are you getting pissed at us for? We're not the ones going MIA with fifteen minutes to the show." Louis giggled, trying to hold his laughter in.

"Really? I never would have guessed." She retorted. "Look," She sighed in defeat, "I know it's not your fault but really? You're not actually helping by laughing at this, as surprising as it may seem."

"Okay, we're sor--" Before Zayn could finish his sentence the door flew open with two, very worried looking, boys racing through them.

"Well boys, how nice of you to join us." Sarah smiled at them.

"Shit." I heard them both mutter. Niall smiled at me, sliping his left hand into his pocket making him wince slightly. Liam grinned at Sarah, walking towards her. "Sarah, have I told you lately how much I love you?" He smirked, putting his arms out to hug her as he continued walking forward.

"Don't you try to suck up now, Payne!" She warned. Before she could start on her rant Liam quickly hugged her, lifting her up off of the ground. "Liam put me down and get ready!!!" She demanded.

He put her onto the ground, trying not to laugh. She quickly shot a glare at Niall. "Both of you. Now!"

The two of them saluted her with a grin.

"Ay Ay Captain!" They chorused before turning and running down the hall to the boys' dressing room.

Ten minutes later they were all standing ready to go under the stage. "What took you guys so long? Sarah was ready to put you on a plate." I whispered to Niall as they double checked we were all wired up.

"Er... We were busy."

"I hope it was important, you guys are in for the biggest lecture in the history of ever." I giggled at him. Sarah is super nice but it's not exactly the best of ideas to freak her out like they did.

"Don't worry, it was." He looked down at me smirking. "I like your dress by the way."

"Shut up." I tried my best to glare at him. This show it was not my choice, or Lou's choice as to what I would be wearing. No, tonight's outfit was up to the idiot I call my boyfriend. "It's not my fault, seriously, who can actually eat two foot long subs without needing to stop!" I protested. Note to self, Never EVER bet on Niall not being able to eat something. You will lose. You will always lose.

"Whatever, it looks good." He smiled moving to get a better look at me.

"I return to my previous statement. Shut up."

What bugged me was that he was actually right, it did look good. It just wasn't what I was hoping for. Usually I get high waist mini shorts and a singlet or something along those lines. But Niall loves getting me to wear dresses.

So of course, tonight was no exception.

He laughed at my response and kissed me on the cheek. "Babe, stop. You look stunning. Deal with it." Before I could even try to say anything back I was being pushed back to my place so that I could get on stage.

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