Chapter 22

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The familiar song that I heard from Aly's room echoed through to the other side of the door. I slowly turned the door handle to see the back of the girl I had been spending nearly all of my time with recently. I stepped inside the small room without her noticing and listened to her play.

"I know I'll never hold you like I used to.

But our house gets cold when you cut the heating

Without you to hold I'll be freezing

Can't rely on my heart to beat it

'Cause you take part of it every evening"

Her voice made me smile with all of her emotions pouring into the lyrics. I moved closer to her, now being able to see the detail of her guitar, the bleach white figure of it decorated with words and a few pictures. She looked up at me, not stopping the song. Her eyes burning into mine. She looked upset, I could now tell her emotions from looking at her, unlike when I first met her... again, she was one of the hardest people to tell what she was thinking.

"Though I know you'll never love me like you used to."

Her eyes welled up showing how sad she really was. With that one line, she let go. She continued the song though, even with the tears pushing to fall she carried on, not taking her eyes off of mine. The green of them became blurry as she finished the song, she quickly wiped her eyes and smiled at me.

"Who were you singing that for?" I asked, still staring at her although she had broken her gaze. "It was obvious it was for somebody... Somebody in the band?" Her eyes widened as I said it.

"What do you mean? Somebody in the band?" Her voice was shaky though when she sang it was perfect. Like music was the one place where nothing could touch her.

"On that interview you did a while ago, the lady said you had a boyfriend in the band. Was it Zayn?" I asked and she quickly shook her head. The boys had told me about how big One Direction had gotten, actually they were forced to 'cause the fans had found out which hotel we were at.

"I need to talk to the boys about something..." She said slowly moving her guitar. I held her wrist, stopping her from leaving.

"Can you play something else? Please? I really love when you play." She sat back down and shrugged. "Maybe that song you're famous for?" I smiled and she laughed.

"Just so we're clear, I'm not famous, but..." She gulped at the thought of her song. "Do you mean Paper Planes?" I nodded happily and she moved to face the piano. She took in a deep breath and started to push down the keys. The lyrics of the song obviously meant a lot to her, it was easy to tell just from her voice. She ran through the song, delicately pressing down the last note and looking up at me. 

"Are you ever gonna tell me who you are always singing about?" I asked and she tilted her head like she was unsure of what I meant. "You always seem like there is something you're not telling me, someone you're not mentioning. There is someone you obviously really love and you haven't even told me anything about them." I said and she looked down.


I couldn't look him in the eyes, I knew if I did, I would break. "I will tell you about him later okay? Now can I please go and talk to Zayn about something?" I asked getting up from the seat and grabbing my guitar.

"I thought it was all of them..?" He asked standing up. I nodded.

"Yeah, but Zayn is helping me with something else as well." I said, hoping he couldn't tell I was hiding something. Even from the first day I met him he knew when I was lying, which was weird because over the years I have become I great liar. But he could see right through all of it. He nodded, I felt terrible. I knew he could tell I wasn't telling him something but really, how could I? Just go up to him, 'Oh hey, by the way, you don't remember me but we're kind of in love. I've told you I don't know what I'd do if I lost you, and now I have. Yeah, just thought you might wanna know that you kinda saved my life and everything. Okay, bye boyfriend that doesn't remember anything about me.' I walked quickly into the lift but when I turned around Niall wasn't there. Before the doors close I saw him shutting the door to the music room. Crap. He knew I wasn't telling him stuff. Anytime he needed to think he would do that, put himself in a room with no one but himself and play music. I swallowed hard, pushing down the lump in the back of my throat. It killed me to know that I was the reason he was unhappy. The doors opened again and I quickly ran into the hall and into Harry's room, his was closest. He was sitting on the couch eating a packet of chips, he must have seen that I was holding back tears because he got up quickly and wrapped his arms around me.

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