Chapter 20

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I pushed my fingers onto each of the keys delicately, allowing myself let go. I don't know why I was so nervous about the press finding out about the tour, but I was. The sound of the piano always made everything better, my song book was sat atop of the black wood and I started to write in it. I spent at least an hour in that room, trying things, scratching the paper with my pencil, writing, scribbling out then writing again. "Another world?" The Irish accent made me smiled as I sat on the piano stool. "Yup, but you're not allowed to ear it." I giggled getting up from the seat, making Niall glare at me. "Meanie. Simon called, he said it would be fine that people find out, Lisa agrees. You just have to confirm it, twitter would be easiest." I got up from my seat and started to walk out the door. We went into the lift and started to go to see the boys. "Why can't I see the song? You haven't even let me look at the book, what's one little song gonna do?" He asked trying to reach for my tattered book. "No," I moved the book before he could reach it and laughed, "Maybe I will let you see it on tour, maybe." I opened the door to Harry's room and walked inside. "Aren't you supposed to be packing?" I asked the four boys that were scattered around the room. They all shrugged. "You know you are leaving for Christmas tomorrow right?" They didn't really seem to care so much. "Especially Lou..." He glared at me when I mentioned his name. "Seriously, I'm messy but you... You take all the awards, you should be packing considering all the crap scattered about your room."

"Cheap shot." He complained, "Accurate though." I laughed as he got up and started towards his room, the others following in his lead. "Niall, you're lucky, you have Aly you help you pack." Zayn grimaced at him as we all walked out the door. Niall started laughing and ran down the hall to our room. "You're gonna miss me." He said loudly as we opened the door. "It's only for what, four days? Then your coming back." I giggled as he pulled me into his arms. "But you'll still miss me." He smiled as he pressed his lips against mine.

"I'll see you in a few days hun." His voice whisked through the air and the sound of screaming of fans. "Say hi to your family for me." I hadn't met them yet but Niall said they already loved me, even Shaun, that's his best friend. They used to be really close but he doesn't get to see him as much since X Factor. "Okay, are you sure I'm not allowed to give you your Christmas present now?" I nodded giggling at him. he hated that I refused to let him give it to me.

"Pretty pretty please with a cherry on top?" He pleaded.

"Niall, I don't like cherries." I smiled at him and he rolled his eyes. He stared at me with his big blue obs. "Cheater, you know I can't say no when you do that." I complained making a smile spread across his face as he reached into his backpack. When he turned back to me he had a box in his hand wrapped in my favourite colours; red and blue. "What is it?" I laughed as he handed me the box, it wasn't small, but it wasn't big. About half the size of a piece of paper. He shrugged and smiled evilly, I knew he had gotten something I would protest to just in the way he smiled. I slowly pulled at the wrapping paper. I moved to out of the way and looked at the box. "Niall, no, you can't do that." I tried to push the box into his hands but he wouldn't take it.

"No, I need a way to stay in touch with y girl and your phone is broken. It makes sense for you to have a new one." I shook my head.

"But you're not supposed to be the one buying it for me." I tried to argue but Lou came and tapped him on the shoulder. "We gotta go." He lent over and kissed my forehead. "I like buying the girl I lve stuff, now shut-up and take it." He said as he hugged me god-bye.

"You suck, Horan. Love you too." I pouted as I gave him another kiss.

"Merry Christmas, love." My mum said as she woke me up. I may be eighteen but I still love Christmas, that will never change. I grabbed my brand new iPhone and ran down the hall to the lounge where the Christmas tree was set. There were presents laid out underneath it and I attacked the ground to get to them. "And you're gonna be someone your little fans look up to... wow." My mum teased as I reached into my big red stocking. There were bars of chocolate, lollies and some stuff for my guitar. My mum sat watching as I shredded through the wrapping paper on my presents, only taking a few seconds to really look at each one. "You missed one." She pointed at the tree and there was a small box still sitting there, I had already ripped open every other gift. I reached over and pulled the box out. Inside of it there was an iPhone case with little pictures of me and my friends printed onto it. "Niall told me about the phone about two weeks ago. I managed to find that and get some photos of you and your friends printed on." She smiled proudly to herself and gave me a hug. I took a picture of all my presents bunched into a pile and put it onto twitter. 'New Tweet; Honestly must have the best family in the world. Mum gets me all this stuff + personalised iPhone case and @NiallOfficial gets me an actual iPhone. I love you people! x' There was a knock on the door at about twelve, "That'll be Eve!" I said sprinting to the door in my new clothes. Mum had said to Eve that she had to come over for christmas since she had moved in with Blake and he was going with his family she had to be with her's. Mum considers Evelyn part of the family, she is like my sister cuz we've been friends for so long. "Hey superstar." She yelled as I opened the door. She flung her arms around me and walked into the lounge. "Hi Evelyn!" My mum yelled out as we walked through to the kitchen where she was cutting up the ham. "Hello, yus! I love your ham!" We spent the rest of the day lying around, and eating. "So you haven't forgotten about us awesome regular people have you?" Eve teased as we lay on the floor in my room.

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