Chapter 17

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"You want me to tour with you?" I sat up, not sure if he was just psyching me out or if he was for real. "Yeah, actually I asked Simon as well. I don't want to leave you again, I can't do that."

"I-I would love to!" He pulled me over onto him and hugged me. "Okay, and also we need an opening act and Simon said it would be good if you could be it."

"Opening act? I've never even performed in front of more than about seventy people." He looked shocked as soon as I said that. "Seriously?" I nodded, "We need to get you a performance. So you never even played in front of your school?" I laughed at how shocked he was, "Nope. My friends tried to get me to but I was too nervous." He grabbed his phone and called someone straight away. A minute later he hung up. "Okay, tomorrow after we've met with Simon you are going to be performing in that mall you go to all the time."

"But... Everyone will see me..." He laughed, "Yeah, love. That's kinda the point. And I'm gonna tweet about it so that you will get lots more people." He pulled out his phone and started typing at it. "Hey... how-come when I try and tag you your name doesn't come up?" Shit, I was hoping I wouldn't have to tell him about this for a while. "Um... I kinda deleted my profile..."

"What? Why?" I looked away. "Um.." He pushed my chin so that I was facing him again, his big blue eyes staring into mine. "I was uh... getting hate and I thought rather than going back I would just delete it." He immediately grabbed his laptop from beside the bed and went onto twitter. 'New Tweet: Hi everyone. My beautiful girlfriend deleted her twitter cuz of hate. :( can we get 200 fav's to get her back. #Don'tHateHerCuzShe'sBeautiful ♥' He pulled me closer to him and pointer at the screen. "Look how many favourites, a hundred people want you to come back and it has only been like, thirty seconds. And Liam just retweeted it. You know how many people he has following him, everyone is going to favourite it and get you to come back."

"Fine." I laughed at how badly he was trying to get me back onto twitter. He logged out and put in my details, except for my password. I reached forward and quickly typed in my password. He pushed enter and started editing my profile for me, he got a photo of me I didn't even know he had and made it my display picture. "It's my favourite picture of you by the way." He said quietly in my ear. I looked up at him and he handed me his phone. I pushed a button and saw that it was his background picture, I never really touched his phone so I didn't know that he even had it. He did whatever it was celebrities do when they want to verify their accounts and logged back in to his. 'New Tweet: Thanks to everyone who favourited my last tweet. Aly has made a new account, follow her. @AlyOfficial ♥' I lent up and kissed his cheek. "Can you text Liam for me?" He asked as he clicked away at the computer. I felt myself smiling, but how could I not? He was the perfect boyfriend, "Yeah. What do you want me to say?"

"Ask him if he can tweet saying for anyone in Auckland to head to Glenfield mall if they can at about twelve-thirty tomorrow. Tell him that you're performing, I got Lisa to set it up for us and I'm gonna get the boys to come and introduce you." My heart pounded at the thought of it. With the boys introducing me any fan in the North Island would try and come. I nodded and typed the message. Niall looked so cute, he was so proud of himself. I felt myself sigh, "I love you. You're just... you're amazing." I slipped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He pulled me closer and I could feel him smiling as he kissed me, "I love you too babe."

"Okay, first you are just going to be playing the piano for the backing track of the song and then you're going to be singing okay?" I nodded, running my fingers over the keys. We ran through the song a few times, just to make sure it was absolutely perfect. Then we moved onto the vocals. Niall was watching me as I sang, I had thought having him watch me would have just made me nervous but it actually eased me. I felt way more comfortable singing in front of people now. Although I still had to in front of god knows how many in the mall. We finished about an hour later, I was socked at how fast it was. "And that's it. Well done, now all we have to do is prepare it a bit more and send it to iTunes."

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