Chapter 19 - Brothers reunion

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Zac's POV

It was already 10 in the evening when I finally arrived at Ashley's house. I noticed that there was a new car at her driveway so I'm pretty sure she's not alone.

If you're wondering, Ashley moved to a new house and that she's no longer living in a condominium.

I rang the doorbell and Ashley opened the door.

"Zac? What are you doing here? I thought you were still in the hospital."

"Well I got dismissed already. And....can I stay at your house?"

"Why?" Ashley's tone was kind of reluctant. As if she's hiding something. "I'll explain later."

"No. No. Tell me now." She demanded.

I sighed.

"I broke up with Halston." Her face lightened up when I finished my sentence. Both her and Dylan never got along with Halston.

"Are you sure?"

"So....will you let me in?"

"Of course you may!"

Then Ashley let me in. To my surprise, Dylan was there.

"Dylan?! What are you-"

But before I could continue, Dylan walked away.

"Dylan told me that you guys had a fight." Ashley said. "Yeah. I feel like a bastard right now."

"You better be!" I heard Dylan reply. "Where is he?" I asked Ashley.

"Maybe in the bathroom." She replied.

Dylan's POV

I can't believe that Ashley actually let Zac in. I thought we had a deal. I was actually in the bathroom crying. I never had the nerves to go out. Plus I'm not ready to see Zac's face. Hashtag my traitor. I thought I was alone in the bathroom but not until when I heard some footsteps that were coming. I knew that those footsteps belongs to Zac. "Dylan? I know you're there." I knew it. It's Zac. "Bro can we talk? I know I made a mistake." But still. I didn't even bothered to reply. I'm still pissed at him. "I have a surprise for you." I still did not reply. I heard Zac sighed, "Okay. Look, I broke up with Halston."

REALLY?! I thought you love her. Smell the sarcasm.

I opened the door and stared at him. "You broke up with Halston?"

"Yes. Happy?" I gave off a big grin before hugging him tight as I can. Zac laughed and so did I. "Yippee!!" I shouted. "You're not kidding right?" I asked him one more time. "No I'm not. Plus I knew that she was faking her pregnancy." He said. "She did?" Ashley suddenly appeared out of the blue. "Yes. I talked to her doctor and he was the one who stated that there was no embryo or bullcrap growing in her womb." Zac explained. I hugged Zac one more time and kissed him on his cheeks. Now, don't call it bromance. Obviously, Zac's my brother and I have the right to kiss him.

"Zac, umm.....I'm going to London tomorrow. Wanna come?" Zac thought for a while before answering. "Uhh sure. Why though?"

"I just want to visit Valerie. That's all." I lied. The main reason actually is that I just love going to London. I think that it's a great place for a vacation. As you can see, I'm not much of a beach man.

"Okay fine. You love her don't you?" Zac smirked. I gave Zac a shocked look. "Me?! Falling in love to his own niece?! Heck NO!!"

Zac laughed at my statement, "Dude. I was joking. What I mean is that, you love Valerie as an uncle."

"Of course I do! She has your looks plus she's nice deep inside." Even though she kind of pissed me off when we first met.

"Okay fine. My decision's clear. I'm going to London with you, tomorrow."

"Yippee!!" I shouted like an idiot before jumping unto Zac and hugged him as tight as I could. Hugging Zac makes me feel like 5 years old again.

[a/n: Hey Guys!!! So I was thinking about putting Austin Butler in the story. Should I? I need some of your opinions. He won't be a villain nor Vanessa's lover if he will appear though. So, what do you think?]

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