Chapter 32 - HSM reunion

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Vanessa's POV

I woke up pretty early these two woke me up. They kept on kicking. I looked at my clock and it's still 5 o'clock in the morning. I yawned before getting up. 2 more days and these two will already be 4 months.

I opened the TV and decided to watch some movies and stuff. Just then, the stomach pain appeared again. Crap.

Deep breath. Deep breath. Deep breath.

"Ness?" I turn around to see Zac already awake. "Are you okay?"

Obviously not.

"My stomach."

Zac ran up to me, "Deep breath okay? I'm going to bring you to the hospital."

"Don't worry it's no biggie. I can handle this." Instead, the pain grew and it sucks.

"Ness." Zac stared at my legs and look down then there was blood. Oh my gosh. "I'm waking up Valerie." Then he raced down to the hallway towards the bedroom.

Zac's POV

"Honey wake up!!" I really feel bad for waking Valerie up but there is no way I'm leaving her here. "What's wrong?" She groaned.

"Mommy's having a bleeding again." I told her and she immediately got up and then followed me.

When we arrived at the living room, Vanessa was already pale.

I didn't waste no more time, I carried her.

I wonder what's taking the elevator so long when in fact, it's early in the morning.

"Damn it!!" I shouted angrily and then I raced towards the fire exit while Valerie followed me.

Upon arriving at the car, I became a fast and furious driver. It's like I didn't stop for a single stop sign. Worse, I realized that the hospital is quite far away and to my luck, Vanessa already passed out.

"It's going to be okay Ness. Don't worry." I told her as if she's listening.

After ages of looking for a hospital, we finally found one.

If you're wondering, I'm only wearing my pajamas and so was Valerie.

"My girlfriend's having a bleeding." I told the nurse in the counter and she pointed the room.


"So doc. How is she?" I asked Dr. Porter, Vanessa's new obe gyne.

He sighed, "Sad to say that she's becoming a little too weak to carry your twins."

My face dropped. "But how are the babies?"

"They're good. They're getting along with the mother very well. But she might go in a premature birth."

"Is there anything to keep Vanessa safe or something to stop the bleeding?"

"She has to be bedridden for the next few months." He answered then the doctor left the room.

Since Vanessa's having complications, I can't go to the HSM reunion. I do feel bad for not coming but it's for the sake Vanessa's life and the babies.

I decided to call Monique.

"Monique? We need to talk."

"Yes Zac?"

"Vanessa and I can't go to the reunion. We're in the hospital right now because she's had a bleeding."

"Okay then." Monique's voice was low.

"I'm so sorry Mo. I can't leave Vanessa and Valerie alone. I'm a dad now. My priorities have changed."

"It's okay Zac. I understand." The Monique hung up.

I really feel bad for not attending the reunion but if it's for the better, I'd be happy. I also have the feeling that I'm going to lose my job again.

Ashley's POV

"So Zac said that he and Vanessa can't come?!" Lucas asked in shock and Monique sighed. "Yes. He said that Vanessa's had a bleeding." Monique explained.

"If Zac and Ness can't come, then we'll have to plan something. We can't just have the reunion without them." I explained and whispers started. "Hey people! Ashley's right! Without Zac and Ness, High School Musical wouldn't have happened." Lucas said and I smiled at him.

"I have a plan." We all look at Monique, "How about we'll have the reunion on a new location?"

Zac's POV

"Are you willing to keep them?" I asked Vanessa.

"Of course." She replied and I nodded. "You look pale." I commented and she nodded. "But you're still beautiful though." She smiled and then laughed. "I'm serious. You're beautiful Ness." She smiled with her brown eyes twinkling at my blue ones.

"Thanks Zac. By the way what time is time?"

"Summer time." I joked and she laughed, "I was just joking. It's currently 3 o'clock in the afternoon already."

"Are you sure about your decision of not going?"

"Yeah I'm fine with it." I replied.

"Dad?" Valerie poked me. "Yes?" I turn around to look at her. "Is this you?" Then Valerie showed me her phone and it was a photo of me during High School Musical 1. I laughed, "Yep!! That's your dad." Valerie laughed before walking away.

"She looks like you." Vanessa smiled and I laughed.

"We're all in this together once we know that we are, we're all stars and see that. We're all in this together and it shows when we stand hand in hand make our dreams come true....."

"Who's that?" Vanessa asked. "I have no idea. It sounds like someone's having a party outside with the high school musical track on." I joked and Vanessa laughed.

I got up and opened the door. When I opened it, "HAPPY HSM REUNION!!" I was surprised to see the whole HSM cast right in front of our hospital door. I was genuinely brought to tears.

"We knew that you guys won't be able to make it. So we decided to go here and have the reunion here." Monique said.

"Of course. We can't let Troy and Gabriella down." Corbin smirked and I smiled.

"Thank you so much guys. Come in." Then all of them came in with balloons, cakes, food and many other party stuffs in their hands.

"Oh and....who's that little replica of yours?" Lucas pointed at Valerie.

"Lucas, meet my daughter Valerie and Valerie, meet your uncle Lucas."

Valerie nervously shakes Lucas' hands, "Nice to meet you." She said with a smile.

Lucas looked at Valerie for a minute before turning his gaze back at me. "She got your eyes." I smiled at him at the compliment.

Vanessa's POV

"Valerie really looks like Zac. She has his light brown hair and as well as his blue eyes." Monique smiled.

"Yep!! Proud godmother over here!" Ashley raised her right hand and we laughed. "By the way guys, I'm engaged." I showed them my engagement ring and their mouths were shaped O. "Congrats!!" They all exclaimed. "So when's the date?" Monique laughed.

"Maybe after these two will come." I replied and they nodded.

"I never really thought you guys would do this." Oleysa laughed, "No problem."

Zac's POV

I was hanging out with Corbin and the other wild cats when we heard someone knocking on the door.

I opened it and.......


[a/n: Any name suggestions for the twins? :)]

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