Chapter 20 - you're my baby

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Zac's POV

Basically, we just arrived in London. For whatever reason, it took more than 20 minutes for the pilots to dismiss the passengers. There was an extreme boredom that happened. As you can see, Ashley went with us and so as her lil girl Sam.

"I'm bored!" Sam complained to Ashley. She's cute to be honest. She looks exactly like Chris but with dimples. "I don't know honey. But don't worry, Val-val will be there." Ashley smiled at her.

I poked Ashley to catch her attention, "She calls Valerie Val-val?" To be honest, I find it quite weird. Ashley laughed, "Yes she does." Ashley answered. "She met Valerie?" I asked.

"She did."


"We often visit them here." She replied.

"Oh." I nodded. Seeing Ashley and Sam together makes me kind of feel jealous by the fact that Ashley saw Sam grew up but me, no. I guess it was all my fault.

"Uhh Zac? I have something to show you and I think that you might like it." Ashley smiled at me as she gets a piece of paper and a photo album from her bag.

Ashley showed me first the paper and I was immediately brought to tears when I saw it. It was written during Father's day.

Dear daddy,

I know I don't really know you but I just want you to know. Happy daddy's day!!! love Valerie

My heart melted. "You're crying." Obviously I am. DUHH!! Ashley grabbed a tissue paper and wiped my tears.

"Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen. We'd love to announce that you may now depart this plane. Thank you and have a great day." The announcer said. I quickly jumped off my seat and grabbed my bags. Dylan was seated a few seats away from us and he was still sleeping.

"Can I bring this? I'll return it to you I promise." I asked Ashley and she nodded 'yes'.

I got up and went over Dylan's seat. I poked him but he did not woke up. I tried many ways but nothing would wake him up. But not until when I finally slapped him. Dylan groaned before finally getting up.

Upon leaving the airport, we were swarmed by the paps and some fans. Well mostly paps. Luckily we were able to get in the car that Dylan rented.

"Did you tell Vanessa that we're coming?" I asked Dylan who was driving. "Yeah I did." He replied. While on our way, I was reading the local newspaper when the dizziness spells began to attack me again. I tried to stay calm and not make any reactions about it. But the more I try to hide it, the more the dizziness became worse and later on, my eye sight already became blurry.

"Zac are you okay?" Dylan asked. "I feel dizzy again." Dylan's eyes grew wide and I could feel the car speeding. "Don't worry we're almost there." He said. "Here." Ashley said as she gives me a bottle of water. I drank it but the dizziness stayed. "I...still...feel...dizzy..."

"Hold on okay? Keep your eyes open Zac." Dylan said. This time, I'm already in the brink of closing my eyes. "Keep your eyes open Zac." Ashley said one more time.

"Okay we're here." Dylan immediately got out of the car and rang he doorbell.

"Mommy what's happening?" Sam asked. "Uncle Zac's not feeling well." Ashley said.

"Zac?!" I looked at my window and saw an image of a woman. I could no longer recognize who she was because my sight was now completely blurry until I finally closed my eyes since I could no longer take it.

"By the way, we met your daughter." My dad smiled at me. What?! Vanessa introduced to my parents our daughter? "Yes. She looks exactly like you." My mom smiled and I also smiled. "We could never be more proud that my son has a very beautiful daughter." My dad smiled. "What's her name?" I asked. "Valerie."

"Daddy?" I woke up after a voice called me daddy. I later realized that it was Valerie. "What happened?" I asked. "Mum said that you became dizzy or whatever that might have put you unconscious." Valerie explained.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's still 6 o'clock in the evening." Valerie answered. How long have I been asleep? "Where's Vanessa?" I asked while rubbing my eyes. "They went somewhere to get some food and to buy some medicines." Valerie answered. Then an awkward moment of silence followed.

"Dad?" Valerie smiled at me.

"Yes baby?"

She gave off a big smile and her eyes were kind of teary. "Are you okay?" I asked her.

"It's the way you call me kind of makes me blush." She said shyly and I laughed.

"It's because you're my daughter. Hashtag my baby girl." I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"But what about Halston and her baby with you?"

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