Chapter 30 - friend to lean on

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Vanessa's POV

"May I take your order please?" The stewardess asked. "An orange juice please." I smiled. She looked at me then Zac. "Hey. You guys are from High School Musical right?" She smiled. Zac and I looked at each other before answering something, "Yeah." Zac and I replied in unison. "Oh my gosh!!" She exclaimed catching the other passengers' attention. "Please try to act like we're normal people okay?" Zac told her and she nodded. "Anything else?" The girl asked again. "That's all." Zac said and the girl walked away.

"Here." Then Zac handed me the orange juice. "You still mad at me?"' I asked him and he sighed. "I don't know Ness. I'm still pissed by the fact that I got fired." He replied and I nodded. "Then why are you treating Valerie and I like outsiders?" Zac didn't bothered to answer. "It's my fault. Okay I get it." I shrugged. "Good thing you know." I looked at him with anger in my eyes and I looked over to Valerie and she slowly held my hands.

"I'm fine." I mouthed at her and she nodded.

~3 days later~

It's been 3 days since Zac and I arrived here in America. Valerie has been trying to adopt the new culture.

Also, Zac's been struggling to find a new management as well as to look for casting calls. Suddenly, our relationship became rocky. Zac still blames me. Oh well.

"Zac.....I'm seeing Ashley today. Is it okay?" I asked him. "Okay." He replied as if he doesn't care. "So I was wondering if you could take me there." I told him and he rolled his eyes. "I bet you can handle yourself." I was shocked at what he said.

"Zac I'm pregnant-"

"There are many buses around and I bet you can catch one that will lead you to Ashley's house." He said before slamming the door shut. I couldn't help but fall on my knees and cry. Valerie ran up to me and hugged me. "Mummy it's okay. You got me." I love the fact the my girl is always there every time when I need someone to lean on.

"Wait here." Valerie ran to the door.

Zac's POV

I wonder what's taking the elevator so long and It's pissing me off.

"Dad!" I turn around to see Valerie coming right up to me with a mad face. "Oh hey baby." She rolled her eyes, "It's Valerie. Why are you treating mum like an outsider?" I didn't even bothered to answer. "Geez! It wasn't her choice that you got fired, blame your old boss." Valerie cleared before walking back to our apartment.

Vanessa's POV

A few minutes later, Valerie finally came back. "Where were you?" I asked her. "I taught dad a lesson." She replied. I smiled, "That's my girl."

"By the way, wanna come with me to Auntie Ashley's house?" I asked her. "Sure. I would love to." She replied with a smile. I have a feeling that the reason why Valerie wants to go with me to Ashley's house is that because she doesn't want to be left alone with Zac. I'm afraid by the fact that one day, Valerie might end up hating her own father.

I grabbed my shoulder bag and put in the stuffs that I needed for the trip.

"Let's go." I told Valerie.

"We're going now?"

"Yup! We have to hurry before your dad gets home and will get angry again for not preparing him his food."

Valerie laughed, "I got your back mum." I smiled at her and I hugged her.

Luckily, Los Angeles is a hot place unlike London. The bus stop was not that far from our apartment though and if you're asking, Zac and I still lives in an apartment. Besides, we just came here. Plus Zac sold his old house since he decided to move to London.

Anyways, Valerie and I rode a bus to Ashley's house since Zac refused to bring us there. As usual, Valerie stayed at the window side.

I sighed. I just realized that it's been almost a century since I last saw this place and how my life has changed. From Valerie to the twins. Next week, these two are going to be 4 months old already. I'm a little nervous yet excited for the arrival of these two. Thanks to these two, I started gaining fats again. But it's okay. I don't really care though.

"Valerie.....we have to go." I told her and she nodded.

I rang the doorbell and Ashley opened it. "Hi Ness!" She exclaimed and then hugged me. She stared at me, down and up. "You became bigger."

"Yeah. I'm having twin boys." I smiled.

"Anyways, come in." She told us and we did so. "So where's Zac?" Ashley asked and I nodded.

"Would you mind playing with Sam for a while sweetheart?" I told Valerie and she nodded.

"Ash we need to talk." I told Ashley and she gave me a questioned face. "Is it about Zac?"

"That's why I came here and's about him." Ashley sighed and then she brought me to her private room. For short, her bedroom.

"So tell me."

"There was one time when I had to be rushed to the hospital because I had bleeding. Zac had to miss two tapings just because of my bleeding and he ended up getting fired. Ever since, he started treating Valerie and I like outsiders. I don't know Ash. It feels like our relationship is starting to fall apart again. I'm also scared that maybe one day, Valerie might end up hating Zac." Ashley gave me pitiful eyes, "Did he say anything or any other stuffs that he did?"

"He started saying bad things to me. It's just.....I don't want to go back to the past. I raised Valerie by my own and now.....I don't want to raise these two by myself." After finishing my last word, I started crying.

"Hey. You're not the only single mother here. Look at me. I raised Sam by myself. Chris didn't even bothered to keep in touch with his own daughter. At least you're lucky that Zac still keeps in touch with Valerie. Don't give up Ness! Just remember, I'm with you. Okay?" Then Ashley hugged me. Ashley's such a good friend. She's like a comforter.

Ashley got up and grabbed a bottle of water. "Here. Stop crying. I bet the babies are sad too because they hate seeing their mommy cry." Ashley pointed at my belly and I smiled. "Yes!! There you go!!"


"You're smiling. Now that's more like it!" Ashley then started jumping up and down.

"By the way, who brought you here?" Ashley asked.

"Valerie and I rode a bus."

"How about Zac didn't he-"

"Zac didn't even bothered to bring us here."

Then Ashley nodded.

[a/n: so.....pretty long chapter right? Anyways, I'm starting to accept name suggestions for the twins. :)]

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