Chapter 36 - labor

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Zac's POV

"How was school baby?" I asked Valerie who was sitting at the back. "Well I met a guy." I froze, "A guy?"

"Yep! He was kind of cute?" Really?

"Oh yeah? Was he flirting with you?" Vanessa glared at me and I rolled my eyes. "Kinda but I didn't flirt back. He was obviously one of the coolest guys at school."

"What's his name?"


Oh okay.

"Valerie......focus on your studies not love life. Okay?"

"Yes sir!" Valerie replied like a military making me smile.

Now I'm kind of worried actually. I just hope that this guy won't flirt with my daughter. You know, the new generation.

When we arrived at home, Valerie went to her bedroom. Curious, I tried following her but Vanessa pulled me back. "Don't worry. Learn to trust her besides she's a teenager."

"I'm scared okay? What if she'll end up getting pregnant. What if she'll run away with that guy she just mentioned. What if-"

"Calm down. I understand that you're just trying to be protective but that doesn't mean that you'll prevent her from doing anything else she is capable of doing." I sighed, "Okay then. But I'm still going to fetch her from school no matter what."

Vanessa laughed, "You're a cool dad Zac." Then I winked at her and Vanessa started laughing hard.

Vanessa's POV

Now I can actually see how protective Zac is. For whatever reason, his over protectiveness makes me laugh.

"What do you want for dinner?" Zac asked. "Anything you want."

"Are you sure?"

"I bet these two would love-" that was when I felt weird. You're kidding me.


I leaned unto the wall trying to maintain balance. Damn it. This thing won't go.

"Ness are you okay?"

I wasn't able to reply since this pain in my stomach is way too painful.

"Zac.....I think I'm going to labor." His eyes widened and then he immediately grabbed a pillow. "Hold on." Then he ran to our bedroom to grab the car keys as well as to get Valerie.

"Come on." Zac managed to carry me. Zac immediately put me in the car as he turns the engine on. "Hold on mum." Valerie told me.

Zac's POV

My heart was beating like a galloping horse. I'm nervous as hell. Worse, the hospital is quite far from the house that Stella's friend or whatever gave to us.

After about 20 minutes, we finally arrived at the hospital. I immediately carried Ness out of the car.

"My girlfriend's giving birth." I told the nurse at the counter and she immediately called the doctor. A few minutes later, the doctor came out and signaled me to follow him.


It's already midnight and I'm about to throw up. I wonder why they're still not pulling the babies out. I let Valerie sleep on my lap since she has school tomorrow. I also called Stella and Dylan for some helping hands.

"You okay?" I asked Vanessa who's sweating as hell. "I can't take it anymore." She replied. I grabbed a tissue and wiped it on her face.

"Deep breaths Ness." I told her and she did so.

"Hello there." We both turn around to see the doctor already there. "Since these two are only 7 months old, it is required that she should be in C-section." What?!

"Can't she have a natural birth?"

The doctor nodded no. "They're very little Mr. Efron."

I have no choice and I looked over to Vanessa and she's already weak. "I'll do it." She replied in a weak tone.

I took a deep breath, "Okay. Go ahead."


Dylan and Stella has just arrived and I'm nervous as hell.

"Would you just calm down bro?" Dylan laughed, "I'm scared okay?"

"Don't worry. I'm sure Ness is going to be okay besides, she's a brave girl. She has done that with Valerie." Stella said but I'm still not convinced.

"What if-"

"Mr. Efron!" I was interrupted by a nurse whose outfit is covered with blood. "What?"

"Come here." Please don't.

What happened? I didn't was time, I immediately followed the nurse to the operating room.

Upon arriving at the operating room.......ohmygod.

[a/n: Cliff hanger!! guess what Zac saw? ;)]

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