Chapter 7

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Hey guys, sorry for my lack of updating. I really am, and I apologize, and hopefully, you will like chapter 7.

Chapter 7

Ariana's POV

   I couldn't get this whole Zayn and Perrie thing outta my head. Had they known each other before? Did they ask each other out when I left first period? Or was Perrie completely lying and they weren't dating at all? I learned that she can act like a major bitch, and she's a HUGE liar. But the way Zayn kissed her, it seemed real. i tried hard not to think about it. But I couldn't do it. Zayn and Perrie were also in my chemistry and algebra classes.

   When the teacher asked, "Does anybody know anything about chemistry?" Perrie raised her hand and said, "Only that me and Zayn have it", and kissed him. In front of the class, AND the teacher.

   In algebra, when the teacher asked somebody to go up to the board and write an equation, Perrie raised her hand, and wrote


   I was so glad to go to lunch after that. Food can help solve any problem, and so can friends.

   I got my lunch, and found Liz sitting with some people, some of them were actors.

   "Hey Ariana, join us! Come meet these people I met!" I sat down, and she introduced everyone. 

   "This is Victoria, Victoria Justice from our homeroom. And they're Matt Bennett and Leon Thomas the thrid, also musicians in another homeroom. And that's Daniella Monet and Avan Jogia, both actors." We all smiled and said hello. I was sighed. I was too sad.

   "What's wrong?" asked Daniella.

   "Oh, nothing." I was answered, sighing again.

   "I bet it's about Zayn dating that prissy, British chick, Perrie." said Liz. Liz has been in all my classes, but I just haven't had a chance to talk to her.

   "I heard about that. Apperently, the whole school knows." Victoria added. She's only been in my dance class.

   'It's true. Heard some girls talking about them in drama class. They said that guy looked like me." added Avan. I looked at him. They had the same skin color, but different hair and faces. 

   "Anyway, why would you be upset about that?" asked Leon.

   "Cuz Ari has a crush on him." blurted out Liz. I gave her a death glare. Everyone else in the table gasped, and started talking.

   "When did you meet him?" asked Matt.

   "Does he know you like him?" asked Avan.

   "Are you jealous of Perrie?" asked Daniella. 

   "Guys, chill out with the questions! She probably doesn't want to talk about it." said Liz.

   "That's right," added Victoria, then faced me, "But be honest, do you REALLY like him?" Everyone turned to me for an answer. I HAD to confess.

   "OK, yes, i do." Everyone got excited.

   "Why?" asked Leon.

   "Zayn, he's different than any guy I've ever met. He's not loud, annoying, or obnoxious, like most guys. He's the complete opposite, and opposite from me too. Not also is he good looking, he has a beautiful voice." Everyone gushed.

   "You guys belong together." said Matt.

   "Too bad he'll never know." I said.

   "Wait, isn't he your partner for that project in mrs. Ivankovich's class?" asked Victoria.

   "Yes." I replied.

   "Then you'll be forced to talk to him." Daniella replied.

   "And you can tell him how you feel." added Avan.

   I thought about everything they have just said. I should follow their advice.

   "Thanks guys, and thanks Liz for introducing them to me." I said.

   "Hey, together, we can be victorious." Liz said.

   Mrs. Ivankovich said if you wanted to submit a song for the project, you had to turn the vocals and lyrics before midnight, so after classes ended at 3:00 pm, everyone got straight to work.

   "Are you going to turn in a song?" I asked Liz when we arrieved in our room.

   "Nah, I've never written a song." she said.

   "Well, I have. Feel free to stay and listen." I told her. I found the beat I had made on my computer, plugged in the microphone, pressed record, and began to sing.

Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah

Let me see you put your hearts up, yeah

If we give a little love, maybe we can change the world.

   It took one take, but I added background vocals, so it took longer. It took two hours, and around 5 pm, everything was finished. 

   "Liz, I'm done! Did you-" I turned to find Liz sleeping on the ground. I smiled. I hoped she realized we had homework on the first day of classes she needed to do.

   I decided not to wake her. I did mine and her homework (just this once), turned in my song, showered, went to dinner with a just awoken Liz, and it was time for bed.

   I layed down on my bed, and stared at the ceiling, thinking about everything that happened on my first day.

   I met new friends, cool teachers, did two sets of homework, met a mean girl, and got my heart broken.

   It hasn't been a bad day, if you don't count that last two things. The rest of the year can't be this bad, can it? I was wrong.

This chapter was SO long, sorry. It took my two hours, but I hope you liked it.

xox, Lizzie

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