Chapter 42

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Hello people of Wattpad, I am back. So, lots of you have been screaming, or so you’re saying, over last chapter. That’s good, keep on screaming, I like that. How about I let you scream some more cuz here’s the next chapter!! J

Chapter 42

Ariana’s POV

“Should I call him now?” I asked. It was 7 pm, and I was sitting with the rest of my friends at our usually table for dinner. It hasn’t been long since my amazing performance and when the DJ had given me his friend’s number, yet it felt like it happened months ago or at least to me. 

“Maybe you should wait.” Avan said.

“What if the guy hasn’t even told him about you yet?” Matt added.

“Good point. I’ll call him and tell him.” I replied. I reached for my phone, but Liz pulled it out of my hand.

“No Ari! Yes, this is amazing, and a once in a lifetime chance, but you should wait. For now keep your mind on what’s going on right now. Like Perrie’s face after your performance.” Liz said. We laughed.

She was very right. I began to think back on what happened earlier today. Perrie’s reaction was pretty funny. Finally, somebody had stood her up, and that someone was me. Now if only Zayn would do the same.

“What do you think Perrie do today?” Vic asked.

“She probably wiped her tears on a five dollar bill.” Daniella said.

“Or maybe she tried to feel better by stepping on puppies.” Leon added. 

“Guys, guys, sure Perrie is a mean, cruel, heartless person, but would she really try to step on a puppy to feel better?” I asked. 

“Oh Ari, since when do you care what Perrie does?” Matt asked.

“Perrie is a bad person, don’t get me wrong, but even bad people deserve a happy ending.” I said.

“She’s got a point.” said Avan.

We changed the subject after that. We began talking about the wonderful things that might happen to me if this music producer guy gave me a chance. 

“You’ll probably own a golden toilet.” Victoria said.

“And she’ll bathe in hundred dollar bills.” Liz added. We were all laughing.

“I don’t think I’ll be THAT successful.” I told them.

“Sure you will, maybe more.” A voice said. Everyone froze, including me. The voice was coming from behind me. I didn’t dare turn. My friends’ eyes were saucers. I know who it was. Liz’s mouth began to say something when the person’s hand touched my right shoulder. 

I shuddered. I felt electricity running through my body, butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I closed my eyes, refusing to turn around. 

“I need to talk to you.” He whispered in my ears. I can fell his breath on my neck, I could smell his cologne. I slowly turned around, and my eyes met his. He had that smile on his face that made me melt. Behind him was the rest of Little Mix, without Perrie. I quickly turned back to my friends.  

Go, their eyes said. I got up from my seat, and followed Zayn and the girls. 

“So, what did you want?” I asked Zayn. He and the girls led me to a floor I didn’t even know existed. Apparently, there is a secret staircase under the carpet of the first floor girl dorms that leads to the basement of the school. We lifted the carpet, and there was a trap door. We opened and, and carefully made our way down. It was dark, but we used the light from Zayn’s phone to guide us. The sight of his phone made Jade cry, who knows why. I decided not to ask, there would be time for talking when we get to the basement. 

“We need to talk. All of us.” Leigh said.

“I have nothing to talk to you about.” I told them.

“Yes you do.” Jesy said.

“Like what?” I snapped.

“Like the fact that Perrie is no longer a problem.” Zayn said. He said it slow and suspiciously, it made me shudder. I turned to look at him, and there was a smile on his face.

“Oh my god, did you guys kill Perrie? I have to rat you guys out, if they ask, I have nothing to do with this homicide.” I quickly defended myself, raising my hands up. 

Jade giggled. “Nope silly, we didn’t kill Perrie.”

“What Zayn meant is that Perrie finally got a taste of her medicine.” Jesy said.

“What does that mean?” I asked.

“Perrie can longer boss us around. We are no longer friends.” Leigh began to say.

“And me and Perrie aren’t dating.” added Zayn. He said it in a happy tone, with bright eyes and a smile. He was smiling because he knows, I know, we all know. Now that Perrie is gone we can finally be together.


Or at least that’s what you think. Short chapter, I know, but the next few chapters will be a bit longer. I still can’t believe this story is coming to an end. Until next chapter!!! J

xox, Lizzie

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