Chapter 3

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Hey guys, this is chapter 3. If you're a fan of me, you know about my Zouis stories. If you don't fan me, feel free to do so, I would LOVE for you to read them. Alright, here goes!!

Chapter 3

Ariana's POV

   We carried our suitcases inside. Liz checked her paper to see what room we will be having.

   "Room 119, on the third floor." she announced. The third floor? We have to carry these suitcases up 3 flights of stairs?   

   It seemed as if Liz could read my thoughts. "Oh don't worry, according to the map, it says this place has an elevator." She then pointed to the most obvious set of doors ever. They were tall, and freakishly silver. It sparkled. I giggled. I love sparkles!!

   We walked as fast as we could to the elevator, then I pushed the button to open the doors. We got inside, just barely making it through the closed doors, and Liz clicked the button with the "3" on it. The elevator started to move. I've been on elevators before, but I never felt as sick as this. It must've been because I was excited yet scared to be here. Liz looked at me.

   "Don't worry, I'm scared too. Now, we better hurry up and unpack, there's an assemly in about an hour." An assembly? Everyone will be there, so I'll get a chance to socialize with strangers, which will be our classmates. Who knows, there might even be a couple of cute guys there.

   The elevator stopped, and the doors opened. The hall was so long, and there were doors on every inch of wall. The carpet was green, and the walls were a dark red, darker than my hair, WAY darker. We walked until we spotted room 119.  I twisted the doorknob, and opened the door.

   The room was a horrible shade of yellow, and there were two beds, one on every opposite side of the room. There were two closets, and two dressers, and two tables, and like the beds, one on every opposite side. 

   "Ew, this color is hideous!!" I yelled. My room back home is pink, and so is everything in it. 

   "Says here we can't paint the walls. Which is a shame because I would love this room to be blue." Liz said, still reading that paper.

   "Is everything about this school written on that paper?" I asked.

   "No, just the relevent stuff. I memorized almost everything." 

   I put my suitcases down. I looked around the room, and sighed.

   "Well, this room isn't gonna unpack itself. Come on, the assembly will start in half an hour." Liz put her suitcase on a bed that she chose for herself, opened her suitcase, and started to unpack.

Zayn's POV

   "C'mon dude, let's go!" yelled Jay, and ran out the door. The assembly would be starting in 5 minutes, and the auditorium was halfway across the school. With my help, Jay had organized all his stuff, and had time to make a mess, again. I hoped that every guy in this school wasn't like Jay, because if so, I would have no friends.

   I followed Jay out the door. I didn't really want to go, but it was mandatory. I ran to catch up with him. Sure, I may not really like him, but he's my roommate, and I'm gonna have to be with him for the next four years. He was inside in the elevator, and I got inside just as about the doors were about to close.

   We stood there in silence. Jay started to make conversation.

   "So, why are you here?" he asked.

   "I'm here to sing." I replied.

   "So am I." He said. This guy was a singer? I didn't believe him. He didn't looked like aperson that would be singing.

   It seemed like he knew I didn't believe him, so he started to sing. He was singing "Firework" by Katy Perry. He was pretty good. He stopped singing and stared at me. He must've wanted to hear me sing. 

   Now, I don't sing in front of people, I've actually never sang in front of anyone, unless you count my parents and sisters. I breathed in. I started singing the first song that came to my head.

Can't you see that I'm the one who understands you

Been here all along so why can't you see,

You belong with me.

  I didn't want to sing anymore. He seemed pleased. We were out of the elevator, and walked down a flight of stairs. The auditorium was down there. We opened the door, and we heard the noise of people talking. 

   A room full of people talking, my biggest nightmare. Jay ran to a group of guys, and started talking to them. I wish I was like him, I can go up to anyone, and talk. Jay saw me standing, and motioned me to join them. I sat next to them, but said nothing.

   A few minutes later, two girls sat behind us. One had black hair, and green highlights, and the other one was shorter, had bright red hair, and was much prettier. I couldn't help but stare at her. She smiled, then waved.

   "Hi, my name is Ariana." she said. She leaned over to me, and touched my hair.

   "Oh my gosh, your hair is SO soft, I love it!" she started to laugh, and the girl next to her sighed and said, "You get used to her." Ariana was still laughing. I loved her laugh. I couldn't help but smile.

   A man, who must've been the principal, got up on stage. He tapped the microphone. It made a screechy sound. He cleared his throat.

   "Good afternoon everyone, and welcome! I'm so pleased to see all these new faces, and there is so much you need to know." He kept talking, but I didn't hear what he said. I was thinking about the girl behind me, Ariana. She was whispering to the girl next to her, Liz.

   "Do you think the guy in front of us is cute?" Ariana asked her. No response from Liz.

   "Do you like his hair?" Again, no response from Liz.

   "You know you do. I sure do." As soon as she said that, I smiled. A pretty girl likes me. Not a lot of girls have ever said the liked me, and this girl does. I didn't hear anything the principal said, because the only thing I could think of was of the pretty, bubbly girl behind me, with the red velvet hair.

Sorry guys I haven't updated in a while, I've just been so busy. But the story is getting better, and all you need to do is read, vote, and comment.

xox, Lizzie.

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