Chapter 35

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Hey, what’s up my peeps!!! I’m BAAACK, and back with a new chapter. Alright, here you guys go!!!

Chapter 35

Zayn’s POV

“Zayn wait!” yelled Ariana. I didn’t turn around, even though I should’ve. My mind was made; I walked out the detention classroom.

I really didn’t just do that, I thought. Days ago, just looking at Ari was enough to make my day, and I wouldn’t pass of a chance to talk to her, and yelling at her was an unthinkable thought. Just a few hours, I told her I wouldn’t stop thinking about her. But that was until she said she didn’t want me.

OK, maybe she didn’t say she didn’t want me, but she implied it. And the way she said it, “but yeah, I kinda do.” She didn’t even hesitate to say that, and she didn’t say it and the sorriest tone either.

Maybe she does regret meeting me. If she could say it in a tone like that, no, it can’t be true. I know that she likes me back. Maybe she said that because of Perrie. She doesn’t want to mess with her anymore. She likes me back. But maybe, she doesn’t, and she meant what she said.

Well, I meant what I said too. I did love Ari. I still do, but I’m not gonna love a person if I know they won’t love me back. Imagine, living in a world where your one true love doesn’t notice your existence, you sit there, loving them, and they don’t notice. Maybe they do know you’re alive, but they will never feel the same for you as you feel for them. That’s seems like a waste of time to me. I want a person that loves me, without us worrying about anything. I can’t do that with Ariana. Perrie will end up coming between us.

Perrie. Perrie is very beautiful. She has these blue eyes that sparkle, and the cutest cheekbones. Her blonde hair is brighter than the sun and the night stars put together. I did mean what I said to Ari that if I’ve never met her, I would’ve fallen for Perrie. She would’ve never had to this to Ari, because she would already have me, and I would have her, and I would be extremely happy to have a pretty, talented girl like her.

But no, that didn’t happen. I met Ari; fell for her, and all this happened. But maybe it was a sign. Yeah, it was a sign of bad luck. It means I wasn’t meant to be with her. Also, I should be happy to have a girl like Perrie crushing on me. And the fact that she would fight for my love, that’s impressive, even though she is trying to kill a girl and her friend. Nobody has ever done something like that for me.  Maybe I was meant to be with Perrie.

All these thoughts were running through my mind as I walked to my room. Jay was there, surprisingly none of his friends were. Good, cuz I don’t like them, except that Nathan lad. He’s alright, except he looks like that sloth off Ice Age.

“Hi roomie, detention let out early?” he asked.

“Shut up, I’m thinking!” I snapped at him.

“I just want to you if it let out early.” Jay said.

“No, I left. We all left.”

“And the teacher didn’t care? Looks like I know where I’ll be every afternoon.” Jay playfully, said, or so I hoped it was playful.

Sometimes, Jay is just like a part of the room; I know it’s there, I just choose to ignore it. I sat in my bed, still thinking.

“Nathan did my homework. That lad is actually pretty smart, at least when he isn’t getting high. Nah, just playing, he just chooses to act high, or that’s what I think he said. Roomie, are you eve listening?” I was, because I remember he said that, I was just too involved in my thoughts to respond.

“Roomie. Zayn, what’s going on?” He sat on the floor, looking at me, knowing something was up.

“Why would something be wrong?” I asked him.

“You’re acting serious, more than usual. Now, tell me what’s happening.” Well, if he wants to know. I started from the whole incident from the auditorium, even though he already knew, everyone knows about that. I told him about lunch with the lads, and what happened in detention. I told him what happened between Liz and Perrie (Jay said Liz had some balls to talk to Perrie like that), and me and Ari.

“Damn, man, you’re all screwed.” Jay said after I was done.

“I know, what should I do?” I asked him. I should know better than to ask him, I bet he’s never been through anything like this before.

“Well, don’t fall in love with Perrie. From what you’re telling me, it seems like you’re falling for her.  Don’t. That can result in terrible consequences.”

I wish that could happen. But I don’t know anymore. I know Ariana didn’t mean what she said. But she is right, it’s best if we both forget about each other, and fall in love with different people. Perrie will never leave me alone; I know that, Ariana knows that, we all know that. The answer to everything is to love Perrie just like she loves me. She’s not ugly, and I’ve seen the way she acts with the rest of Little Mix, sorta bossy, but very nice. Maybe if I just act nice to her, she’ll do the same, and all her evilness will leave. I told all this to Jay.

“Lad, I don’t know what to say to you. Do you know what you’re doing?” he asked.

“I mean, nothing can go wrong, right?” I responded.

This chapter is shorter than all the ones I have written these past days, and I can’t believe people actually commented their fave song from Take Me Home. Thanks!! As we know, Little Mix’s CD, DNA came out, and my fave songs are DNA, Wings, and Madhouse.  OK, I’ll be back soon. And yes, Zayn is falling in love with Perrie.

xox, Lizzie

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