Chapter 11

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I REALLY need to remember to update this, but I just have no time, Twitter and Tumblr and making my first Facebook account take up my time. But I'll always find a way to please the readers. So, here goes.

Chapter 11

Ariana's POV

Lunch was amazing that day. As soon as I walked in the cafeteria, cheering arose. The same chant from homeroom was being made, "Ariana! Ariana! Ariana!"

"Wow, Ari, looks like you're famous now." said Vic, who was with me and Liz in the cafeteria.

"Looks like Perrie's attempt to make you unpopular just made you more popular." added Liz. People were still clapping and chanting.

Two girls who were actresses came up to me with notebooks and pens. One of the girls had big, brown, curly hair, and was probably mixed, and the other girl had blue eyes, and blonde hair, and looked like that Cody Simpson guy in my class.

"Oh my god, Ariana, you are AMAZING! Can I have your autograph? Oh, sign it to Madison, please." said the girl with the curly hair. I took Madison's notebook. This is the first autograph I have ever given, I thought.

Hey Madison

Thanks for the support

I love you!!

♥ ariana

Madison screamed as soon as she got her book back. The other girl gave me her book.

"You're in my brother, Cody's, class." she said. So, he was her brother. She handed me her book.

"Sign it to Alli." I began to write.

Hey Alli

Keep on supporting

I love you!!

♥ ariana

Alli screamed, then was joined by Madison. They pointed at my autographs, then ran to show their friends. Liz and Vic were with me the entire time.

"So, you have fans now." A voice said. I turned around. It was Zayn.

"Did you see all that?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Hey, it's Avan and Daniella! Let's go talk to them." said Liz.

"Good idea. Why don't we, and you can stay here and talk." added Vic, and they ran off.

"So, I was thinking, we should get together. You know, get together, for the project, not for any other thing." He said when they left. I nodded. For a second, I thought he was going to ask me out. Apperently not.

"I was thinking we should meet in my room, and prcatice." Oh my god, the two of us, in his room? ALONE? I nearly died on the spot.

"Sure. Hey, wanna sit with us?" I asked him casually, not trying to make a big deal about what he just told me.

"That would be cool. Catch you in a bit." He replied, and went to go get his food. I ran to the table to where the others were at.

"Guys, Zayn is coming to sit here! Now, nobody tell him, I love, I mean like him! Keep quiet!" I yelled at them.

"Well, you yelling isn't going to help." said Avan. We laughed. I sat down.

 "He's coming!" Vic said, turning around.

"ACT NATURAL!" I yelled.

"Hey, Zayn!" I greeted him as he walked up to our table.

"Hi, Ari! Hi everyone!" He said. Everyone waved to him. He sat down next to me. I almost fell out of my seat.

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