Chapter 18

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This chapter will be suspenseful. How?? Well, just read it.

Chapter 18

Ariana's POV

What is wrong with the teacher, I thought. She skipped out the classroom. And told us to talk amongst ourselves. Without adult supervision. Well, it gives me time to catch up with Zayn. I turn around to find him, but he's talking to Perrie, something he never does. I can't hide my disappointment.

"Not gonna talk to your new best friend?" Liz asked. I completely forgot about her.

"Will you stop? You know YOU are my best friend." Liz started to laugh.

"Right, I'M your best friend," Wow, she REALLY knows how to push someones buttons, "So, why aren't you with Zayn?"

"He's with Perrie." Liz turned to see. Her eyes widened.

"So, you and Zayn both don't like her, but you're spending more time with her lately. Why?" Liz was right.

"I HAVE a reason." I told her. But what is Zayn's? Liz shrugged her shoulders, and went to talk to Vic, leaving me sitting there alone.

What was Zayn's reason for talking to Perrie? He HATES her, and she knows it. They may be "dating", but they don't like each other. This is making me suspicious. And I'm not liking it one bit.

Zayn's POV

"Perrie, can I talk to you?" I asked her as Mrs. I skipped out the room. Perrie gave me a confused look. I wouldn't blame her.I don't like her. But in order for her to talk to me, I had to talk to her first.

"About what?" she finally asked after sitting there, doing nothing. I took a deep breath. I couldn't just ask her straight up, Hey, are you trying to ruin Ariana? I had to slowly get there.

"I heard you had dinner with Ariana last night." She nodded her head.

"AND?" she asked, a little bit to harsh.

"Well, earlier that day, you dumped spaghetti on her, and then, you acted as if you two have been friends forever. Why?" Perrie looked at me, frozen. She did and said nothing. She gulped.

"I just thought that...well I...we are in the same group, so we need to work together and have teamwork. Me treating her badly would ruin the teamwork, so I decided to...forgive her."

"Forgive HER? You're the one that started everything, dropping my books on her head on the first day. I'm surprised SHE forgave YOU." Perrie froze again. I just told her. She didn't seem to like that. She knows I'm right. SHE started it.

"True, but...people change." was her response.

"What made YOU change?" I asked her. But before Perrie could answer, the bell rang.

"Time to get to dance class!" Perrie yelled. She grabbed her stuff, and caught up with the rest of Little Mix, minus Ariana, who already left with Liz.

"This talk isn't over!" I yelled at her.

"I think it is!" Perrie yelled, already out the door. She is SO wrong.

What a cliffhanging chapter, huh??? I know one of you will probably yell at me, but as I said, I do it because I love you! I know this is completely random, but who's like the Believe CD??? I like it, that's fro sure. Well, OK, see you next chapter!!!

xox, Lizzie

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