Chapter 6

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So, many people want to know what happens next. That is amazing, I love you!!! Well, won't keep you waiting, her is chapter 6.

Chapter 6

Ariana's POV

   I opened the door to the locker room since we have to wear our dance uniforms for this class.

   I layed down my gym bag, and took out my tank top and shorts. I grabbed hair scrunchy from the front pocket, and put my hair in a ponytail.

   I changed into my clothes, and in walked Perrie and her crew, Jade, Jesy, and Leigh-Anne. Of course, Perrie was walking at front. There was something different about her. Has that bow been on her head this entire time? It was cute, that's for sure. I had a bow just like that. I'm wearing right now, actually.

   Wait a minute. I reached to pat the top of my head. The bow wasn't there. It must've fallen off when Perrie dropped Zayn's books on my head. It must be the one Perrie was wearing. How did she get it? I ran up to her.

   "Where did you get my bow from?" I asked her. Perrie gave me a look of confusion.

   "I have no idea what you're talking about." She answered. 

   "You know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. That is MY bow.



   Back." I demanded.

   "Listen, Mariana, we have to get to class, so go away." answered Jade.

   "You tell her, Jade. Let's go." Perrie said, and they walked out the locker room door. I chased after them. I followed them all the way to the dance studio.

   "Perrie, quit lying, you know perfectly well that's mine." I said. Perrie looked at her friends. Nobody in the studio seemed to care about us.

   "Ariana, is it? This bow, Ariana, is NOT yours. You can ask any of the girls; they saw my boyfriend give it to me." Boyfriend? How did she get a boyfriend on the first day of school? Well, she is pretty, and any guy would like her. But, who was it?

   "Boyfriend? Who is it?" I asked.

   "Well, somebody is a bit nosy.But if you must know who it is, it's- oh look, here he comes!" Perrie ran to him, and...started to kiss him.

   Oh my gosh, I thought. HE is Perrie's boyfriend?

Zayn's POV

   "Oh look, here he comes!" I heard Perrie yell, wearing Ariana's bow. She was running to me. Why? She didn't stop, and I didn't get to stop her, because before I knew it, her lips were on mine, and her tongue was in my mouth.

   Let me tell you a secret. I've never had my first kiss. THIS was it. I never thought my first kiss would be like this, or that it would include tongue action. I wasn't sure on what to do. Why was she even kissing me? Her tongue was still in my tongue, and it was VERY awkward. She wouldn't stop kissing me, or rolling her tongue. There was only one thing to do. Very slowly, I inserted my tongue in her mouth, She seemed satisfied, so she stopped.

   "Ariana, this is my boyfriend, Zayn. You know him."

   Boyfriend? Since when have been Perrie Edwards' boyfriend? I looked Perrie's friends. They looked confused. I turned to Ariana. She also looked confused, but mostly disappointed and betrayed. Nobody said anything.

   "So, did you give Perrie my bow?" Ariana finally asked. How should I respond to this? I DID give Perrie the bow. But she promised to give it back.

   "Well...yeah." I responded. I looked down at the ground. I didn't want Ariana, Perrie, or anyone. Why can't I ever say what's on my mind? I HATE myself.

   "Let's go somewhere else, Zayn. Come on girls." Perrie said. She wrapped her arm around me, and said in voice loud enough that everyone in the studio, especially Ariana, could hear, "And by the way, Zayn, you're a WONDERFUL kisser."

   Everyone turned to us. It was hard not to look at anyone, but I was looking at one person.

   It was Ariana. She was looking straight at me. There were tears on her face. There were tears on mine too.

Alright everyone, that was chapter 6. PLEASE give me your feedback on it, and follow me on Twitter @LuvCodyAndNiall. Alright, luv ya!!

xox, Lizzie


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