Chapter 45

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Hey guys, I would’ve been back sooner but sadly I’ve had stuff to do. But since I’m on spring break right now, I might, I said might upload a chapter a day, and finally end this story!!!! Boo L

If you fan me, you know I have another story, but I’ve only uploaded that story once, so hopefully I can start that story back up, and I have another idea for another story, but it’s still too early for that. OK, enough of me taking, I’ll just enlighten your minds with my story.

Chapter 45

Ariana’s POV

Everything had happened so fast. I don’t know for how long I had been on the floor. Maybe 5 seconds. It doesn’t seem like to long, but to me it felt like an eternity. 

Damn, I thought. Why did this have to happen? I guess I jinxed it. If I hadn’t kept wishing for this moment to be so perfect, this wouldn’t have happened. 

Liz and some random people from the nearby tables were helping me and the person I had hit get up. Some people and a lunch lady were cleaning up the mess I had made. I still didn’t know who I had it. It was a girl because her heel from her shoe had gotten in a container of chocolate pudding.

“Oh my goodness, I am SO sorry! I didn’t mean to-“ I stopped mid-sentence when I saw who the girl I hit was. 

It was Perrie.

Zayn’s POV

“Mate, maybe you should go help her.” Niall said, seeing how Ariana had fallen less than 10 seconds ago.

“I was gonna go do that.” I said. I stood up and ran towards the accident. I hadn’t seen who she had hit, but I’m sure the person would understand it was an accident. Ariana wouldn’t hurt someone like that on purpose.

“Ari, are you alright?” I asked her, giving her my hand.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” She said. Some kid had helped the person, who I know knew was a girl, get up.

“Oh my goodness, I am SO sorry! I didn’t mean to-“ Ariana stopped. She had just realized who the person she hit was. I gasped. Shit was gonna go down.

It was Perrie.

Ariana’s POV

“OH MY GOD, PERRIE, I AM SO-“ I started to say.

“LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID! YOU PILLOCK!” Perrie screamed. Some people began to laugh. Is that British slang for something? I think I don’t wanna know.

“I don’t know what that means, but I really am-“ I began to say.

“You’re sorry, I know. Sorry, sorry, sorry, that’s all you have to say for yourself?” Perrie screamed at me.

“Look, Perrie, it was an accident.” Zayn spoke up.

“Of course you of all people would take up for her.” Perrie snapped at him.

“What is that supposed to mean; I don’t understand.” He said.

“You don’t understand. No one understands. No one knows what I go through. You know what….just forget it.” Perrie picked up her shoe, and ran out the cafeteria.

There was a silence. It was a very long, awkward silence. 

You don’t understand. No one understands. No one knows what I go through. Perrie’s words kept playing over and over in my mind. I think that was the only thing everyone kept thinking about. 

No one would think that Perrie is an insecure person. She has always acted like a confident person, and everyone knew she acted like a bitch. No one would ever suspect that Perrie would have problems with herself.

“Ariana, are you alright?” Zayn asked. I nodded.

“Yeah, I’m alright, but I don’t think Perrie is. What do you think that was about?” I asked him.

“Oh nothing, probably just another of her fits.” He responded.

“So you really think nothing is wrong with her? What she said was a lie?” I said.

“It probably was. Everyone knows about Perrie. Her dad is a multi-millionaire, she has had everything she has wanted, and is a secure, confident person. She probably said we don’t understand her because we don’t know what it’s like being born into money, and she’s probably wiping her tears on 5 dollar bills. Because you know, she has dollars and pounds.” Zayn said.

I can’t believe this. He says Perrie is lying. Why would anyone lie about something like that?

“If that’s true, why would she lie about that?” I asked.

“Perrie is a sick person. What wouldn’t she lie about?” 

“Well, I believe her. And I wanna know what’s wrong.” I said.

I was just walking out the door, when someone stopped me.

“Don’t go.” I turned around. It was Liz.

“I have to.” I told her, pulling her hand off my shoulder.

“You really believe her? Remember last time you believed something she said? You ended up with glue and feathers all over you. You and Perrie are two different people, it’s better if you don’t talk to her.” She reminded me.

“I know, I remember. But she’s just misunderstood, and needs a friend.” I said.

“Alright, go. But if you end up looking like a chicken again, don’t say no one told you so.” Liz said. And with that, I left to look for Perrie.

And that is the end of chapter 45. So, this story is coming to a close. The moment I was typing this chapter, it was 10:47 pm, on April 2, 2013. The very next day, Niall would get his braces taken off. You may not know this, but I am a Niall girl, which is why my username is LizzieSimpsonHoran. I honestly remember when he got his braces and how sad I was. I loved his crooked teeth, and I can say I was there since then. #RIPNiallsBraces

Anyway, you should comment and vote. And I will also be updating my other story Never Say Forever, so you should check that out too, and fan me if you haven’t. Alright, happy reading!!

xox, Lizzie

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