Nayeon × Male!Reader

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Requested by Kymbow35

(Y/N) = Your Name
Italics = Thoughts
Bold = Text

In which a stiff boss is told to relax by a secretary.

3rd POV

It was a peaceful day today. Everyone was on break... Besides two people.

"Nayeon! Please come here!"

The girl named Nayeon had rushed to her boss.


"Could you please file these documents for me? I apologize for making you work on break."

"Of course, sir. There's no need to apologize. You are also working on break."

"Once again, thank you for coming." (Y/N) said as he watched Nayeon walk away.

As said, Nayeon filed the documents and (Y/N) was thinking... But about what?

Nayeon POV

I sighed.

(Y/N) is making me work over break? This isn't the first time either... He's always so stiff and never shows his emotions... I never saw him smile either.

I dismissed the thoughts in my head and put the rest of the documents into the file.


I sighed...

What should I get Nayeon? She's always been there... Maybe I should loosen up near her... No... We're nothing but CEO and assistant... Maybe an airplane back to her family? Is that what she wants? After all, they do live quite far away.

I kept thinking, not focusing on my work, and tapping my pen.

"Are you alright, sir?"

I got startled but didn't show it. I simply ignored her question and asked her,

"Is there anything you like? Or perhaps anything you need?"

"No. There isn't."

"A-ah... I-is that so?"

Why did I stutter?

"Please finish your work soon, sir. And don't overwork yourself."

"Yes Nayeon. You make sure to eat properly, okay? You look so beau- skinny these days. Alright?"

"I have been eating well these days. Thank you for looking after me."

"Before you leave, I have one request. Please smile more. I've never seen you smile nor laugh."

"Then may I have one request as well," Nayeon asked.

I nodded.

"You should smile more too. I have also never seen you smile."

I chuckled at her cleverness.

"Well of course then. It's quite a fair bargain."

Nayeon smiled. Seeing her happy was all I wanted... But that proved to be difficult. I stretched.

"I finished work. Are you hungry?"

"What are you implying here," Nayeon asked with a sly smirk.

"Let's go to a cafe! Come on, let's go!"

I carried my bag and went through the door.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!"

We arrived at the cafe and took a seat. Nayeon ordered a cake and coffee while I had a tea.

She looks so happy.

I looked out the window and saw that it was raining. My eyes unconsciously went to Nayeon.

She's going to catch a cold... Oh! My hoodie.

Once it was time to leave, I heard Nayeon gasp.

"It's raining so much..."

I reached into my bag and gave her my hoodie.

"Make sure to get home safe and not catch a cold. Once you get home, lock all your doors and eat dinner," I said.

"You're stiff again," she said with a smile.

Realizing this, I quickly smiled as she put the hoodie on.

I waved a goodbye and ran through the rain. Once I got home, I changed and texted Nayeon.

Keep the hoodie. It looks good on you.

She texted back with a smiley face and a thank you. I guess it was a good day today...


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