TWICE × Male!Reader (NAYEON)

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Requested by ironic__mp4_

In which (Y/N) chooses Nayeon.

3rd POV

"Nayeon is my choice. Since she's the oldest-"

Before (Y/N) could talk more, Nayeon smacked his shoulder.

"What was that for?"

"Are you calling me old," Nayeon yelled playfully.

"No. Anyways," (Y/N) brushed off.

"Nayeon seems reliable to me in a way. I just feel drawn to her."

"Then, shall we start?"


Without warning, all the girls disappeared. After looking around, (Y/N) saw Nayeon throwing a kick from above.

He quickly blocked making Nayeon fly into the air. She seemed to be stable until she felt her leg weaken, losing balance.

(Y/N) ran as fast as he could, pinpointing where Nayeon would tumble. He wasn't going to make it in time so he dove with his arms in front of him, hoping that it would lessen the impact of Nayeon's fall.

"You're not hurt, are you," he asked, panicking.

"Is this how you would treat your targets?"

"Eh," (Y/N) questioned, looking with a clueless face.

A foot was launched towards the left side of his face. His reactions were quick, allowing him to catch Nayeon's foot.

"Look Nayeon, I don't wanna hurt you," (Y/N) spoke, trying to negotiate.

"I'm finished," Nayeon simply stated.

Confused, (Y/N) tilted his head and let out a little "eh?"

"I was testing you. Just to see where we can start."


From there on, Nayeon taught (Y/N), who was paying close attention. His gaze pierced into Nayeon, making her go quiet and look back.

"Are you okay," Nayeon asked.

"Hm? Why?"

"You were staring pretty intensely."

"Sorry if that bothered you... It's sort of a habit, you know? I can try to stop if you want me to," (Y/N) quickly said.

"No. It's fine. I think it's kinda cute!"

(Y/N) quietly fumbled around his words.

"I- um. That- uh..."

"You have puppy dog eyes when you stare. Like me!"

"It's a good thing," he asked quietly.

"Of course," Nayeon raised her voice, acting offended.

"I have puppy dog eyes too and I'm gorgeous," she continued.

"O-oh... I've just been told that they don't match my image... Tall man with puppy eyes... Sounds strange, don't you think?"

Nayeon frowned and put her hands on (Y/N)'s shoulders.

"Lower yourself a bit," Nayeon commanded.

(Y/N) obeyed, looking curious. Unconsciously, he stared once more. Noticing this, Nayeon smirked.

"Sit down," she commanded and (Y/N) did.

"Go to the wall and put your back against it."

He obeyed once more and looked confused. Nayeon followed him and continued ordering (Y/N) around.

She slammed her hands beside (Y/N)'s torso and leaned in.

"Be my boyfriend," Nayeon whispered.

Flustered, (Y/N) shifted around and stuttered.

"I- this- but..."

Nayeon cut him off before he could embarrass himself even more.

"Be a good boy. Listen to me."

Nayeon's eyes started from innocent to alluring and dangerous. (Y/N), not knowing what to do in this situation, slowly nodded.

"Listen to me and only me from now on. Everything will be fine then. Look at me and only me," Nayeon whispered the last sentence before walking away.

"W-wait! Nayeon! What was the last part?" (Y/N) followed after her, confused.

Nayeon continued walking away, ignoring the male who had come to a stop.

"Nayeon," he called out once more before chasing after her.

Route 1/9 complete.

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